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GSEM working from home: Nada Sayarh, President of the GSEM Alumni Chapter

How do GSEM members experience lockdown and telework? Today, Nada Sayarh, President of the GSEM Alumni Chapter, shares her experience:


How is your work going, remotely?

I am very busy, being a mother of three children, my work load has significantly increased as a result of confinement.


What has the situation changed for you?

This situation allowed me to refocus on the essential and identify all the tasks that I thought were necessary but that were overloading my activity system. I also had to accept my limits and that I could not be "super woman". The confinement has pushed me to perform several jobs at the same time, in addition to my own. In order to cope, I had to create a space for my mental and physical health


What has been your biggest challenge during the lockdown?

Managing my anxiety in relation to the uncertainty of the times to come and striving to live the present moment. I avoid as much as possible the consumption of media in relation to Covid-19. Every day, I take a moment to walk in our beautiful city and to recharge my batteries in the midst of its beautiful nature. I am attentive to having quality moments of empathy with my colleagues, family members but also with myself in the rare moments when I am alone.


What are the unforeseen benefits?

This situation has allowed me to question several things in my life and to review my priorities. It has also allowed me to develop new skills in terms of teleworking, resilience and acceptance of uncertainty. I was also able to spend quality time and got closer to members of my family.


What do you miss the most?

Social contact with friends and family, my routines, and especially my summer holidays by the sea.


What do you like best?

The opportunity to go for walks in nature.


An advice to cope with confinement?

  • Establish a schedule including all the essential activities and stick to it
  • Separate the work and rest areas, even if they are only half a meter apart; this allows you to change your state of mind and not feel as if you are working 24 hours a day
  • Don't forget to set up moments of rest and physical activity for yourself


What are the 3 words that describe your state of mind during this period

Perseverance, community, gratitude.


What will you retain after the lockdown

Empathy towards others and the desire to help and support each other. 


Thank you Nada!

Nada received her PhD in Management from the GSEM. She is President of the GSEM Alumni Chapter.

May 14, 2020
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