News & Events

FAQ: evaluation Spring 2021

Here you'll find specific FAQs concerning the evaluation methods for the spring 2021 semester. For more general questions about exam sessions and evaluations, please go to the main FAQs.



1. How will the exams take place ?


All exams in the May/June 2021 exam session will be conducted online.

You can find more information about evaluation methods on the GSEM website.


2. Do I have to take all exams I've signed up for ?


Yes, if you sign up for a class, you are automatically signed up for the exam for that semester.


3. When will the exams take place ?


The dates for the May/June 2021 exam session haven't changed. The session will run from 31 May to 19 June 2021.


4. If I fail an exam during the May/June 2021 exam session, can I take it again ?


If you fail an exam, it will still count as an attempt:

  • If it is your first attempt, you will be automatically signed up for the August/September 2021 exam session for a second and final attempt.
  • If it is your second attempt, you won't be able to take the exam again and the grade you obtained will be your final grade for that class.
  • If you started your Bachelor before 2020 and still have to pass one or more blocks to complete the first part, please refer to question 6 below.


5. If I don't take one of my exams during the May/June 2021 exam session, will it still count as an attempt ?


Yes, any unjustified absence during the May/June 2021 exam session will count as an attempt.


6. I started my Bachelor's degree in 2020 and still have to pass one or more blocks to complete the first part of my degree. How will this happen now ?


  • The rules for passing each block haven't changed: you need to get an average of 4.00 or above to pass the block.
  • The May/June 2020 exams were not counted as attempts, but the August/September 2020 session were.
  • If you didn't pass the block on your first attempt during the August/September 2020 exam session, you will have to retake all of the exams of the failed block for which you obtained a grade below 5.00.
  • If you withdrew from the August/September 2020 session, the 2020–2021 academic year will count as your first attempt for those courses and you will also have to retake any exams of the failed block for which you obtained a grade below 5.00.
  • As a reminder, regardless of whether your absence is justified or not, a grade of 0.00 is awarded for the exam you missed, and that grade is included in your grade average for that block.


7. I'm entitled to extra time during exams. Will I still be allowed extra time during the May/June 2021 exam session ?


Yes, you will be allowed extra time during the May/June 2021 exam session.


8. I don't have the equipment I need to take exams online. What should I do ?


UNIGE's student welfare team can provide urgent financial support to help you with this: (page in French only).


9. I'm not sure about the evaluation method for one of my courses. Who should I ask to get more information ?


Teachers are responsible for determining the evaluation methods for their courses, and the evaluation methods take account of the specificities of each class and the exceptional current situation.

You should ask your teacher if you have any questions about the evaluation methods for their class.


10. Where can I find the exam directives ?


Information on the exam directives is available here:


11. Are you an exchange student ?


If you have any questions, please contact: mobility-gsem(at)

For incoming exchange students, the same rules apply as for regular students.

Where can I get an answer to my question if I can't find it here ?


If you have any other questions, please email: service-etudiants-gsem(at)


FAQ relative to TestWe

1. For some exams TestWe, will be used with ‘‘automatic processing’’ » and for others it will be used with « ‘‘no automatic processing’’ ». What's the difference ?


It depends on how the photos taken during the exam are analyzed.

With ‘‘automatic processing’’, the photos are biometrically processed and compared with your reference photo.

If there's ‘‘no automatic processing’’, the photos are analyzed manually by an authorized individual.

2. I gave my consent to take my exams online, but I've changed my mind. Can I still take my exam in person ?


No, organizing the exams in person is very complicated given the current situation, so once the consent deadline has passed, you can't change your mind and ask to take your exam in person.

3. I gave my consent to take my exams online. Will a photo be taken before the start of each exam ?


Yes, that photo will then be compared with the photo taken during the identification test and will be used to check your identity.

At the start of each exam, you will also have to show your student card.

4. I don't have a student card, or the one I have has expired. What should I do for the identity check ?


It doesn't matter, you can use any photo ID you have.

5. What items can I have with me for « closed-book » exams ?


For ‘‘closed-book’’ exams, you won't have access to any documents or applications other than the TestWe platform.

On your desktop, you’re allowed the same items as for an in-person exam: scrap paper, a pen, a bottle of water and a snack. No paper or electronic document should be accessible, with the exception of a bilingual dictionary for students that are not English or French mother tongue, according to the exam language." Your teacher will inform you whether you are allowed a calculator.

6. For « open book » exams, am I allowed to access my hard drive and applications other than TestWe ?


When you open TestWe, all of your applications will be closed.

Once an ‘‘open-book’’ exam has begun, TestWe won't block any applications you open, and you will have access to your hard drive.

You'll also be allowed to consult paper and electronic documents (on an iPad, for instance).

However, you are not allowed to communicate in any way with somebody else in the room or via phone or the internet.


7. During the exam, am I allowed to leave my workspace briefly, for example, to go to the toilet ?


No, during the exam, you are strictly prohibited from leaving your workspace, even for a short time, as is also the case for in-person exams.

8. Do I have to keep looking straight ahead throughout the exam ? Am I allowed to look away from the screen ?


You have to remain in front of the camera, but you can move your head and look away from the screen.

9. If my internet connection cuts off during the exam, will I still have access to the exam questions, or will I have to wait for my connection to be re-established before I can move on to the next question ?


TestWe works both on and offline. You only need to be connected to the internet at the start of the exam, to send your identification photo, and at the end, to submit your exam paper. You can do the exam itself with or without being connected to the internet.

10. If my internet connection suddenly goes down when I'm submitting my paper and my exam doesn't get sent off correctly, what should I do ? Will I be considered absent from the exam ?


If your internet connection is not working at the end of the exam, your paper won't be sent. However, it will be sent as soon as the internet connection is working again.

The button to the left of the exam tells you whether your paper has been successfully submitted. If it is green, then your paper has been sent. If it is yellow, please contact us at gsem-e-exam(at) If you took the exam, we will be able to recover your paper, so you won't be considered absent.

11. Once the exam has ended, how can I be sure that my paper was successfully submitted ?


Once your paper has been submitted, a green button will appear on the screen, to the left of the exam. You'll also receive a confirmation email shortly after submission. This email can sometimes take a while to arrive. Check that it hasn't gone into your junk folder or to

12. Who should I contact if I have questions about the exams ?


If you have a question about the TestWe platform or about how the exams will be run, please contact us at gsem-e-exam(at)

If you have a question about the content of or instructions for a specific exam, please contact the teacher concerned.

13. How do I update my exam list ?


Your exams will appear in TestWe 24 hours before they are due to take place. Log into TestWe the evening before your exam to check that everything is ready. If the exam doesn't appear in the list, please contact us at gsem-e-exam(at)

14. I'm taking my exams in person. Where do I have to go ?


You'll receive an email indicating the exam room and other instructions for your exam 24 hours before it is due to take place.

15. I don't have my username or password, and can't log in. What should I do ?


Your username is your UNIGE email address: firstname.lastname(at)

You can reset your password using the following link:

16. Who should I contact for help if I have a problem during my exam (the app won't launch, the exam doesn't appear, TestWe is frozen, an error message appears, etc.) ?


Contact TestWe immediately at +33 1 83 62 09 28

Send an email to support(at), with gsem-e-exam(at) copied in.


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