News & Events

Speed Recruitment Meeting held for Master in Business Analytics students

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On Tuesday 1 February, the Geneva School of Economics and Management hosted an online speed recruitment meeting for the Master in Business Analytics program. The event brought together students and representatives from member companies of the Groupement des Entreprises Multinationales (GEM).

This event, now in its fifth year, aims to help students find an internship for their second year of study.

In her welcome message, Vice Dean for Teaching Professor Eva Cantoni recognized the importance of the collaboration between the School and the GEM and highlighted that in today's digital era, businesses are better understanding the need for analytics to access information from data.

Companies were given 10 minutes to present their organizations, internship possibilities, and what they look for in a candidate. This was followed by the speed recruitment interview sessions. Students were allocated 15 minutes with each company, where they had the opportunity to introduce themselves and demonstrate to the representatives the value they could bring to the internship.

The GSEM’s Master in Business Analytics is unique in Switzerland, and combines a first year of academic studies with a second year on a corporate internship, thereby creating a bridge between higher education and the labor market. It was set up to address the rising demand of using business analytics to track consumer behavior, expectations, and future market trends. The program aims to support and prepare students for jobs in data analysis and management in the current context of digital transformation.


February 3, 2022
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