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Short science films by Kerstin Preuschoff

Professor Kerstin Preuschoff’s proposal selected following the GSEM's call for pedagogical innovation projects

Professor Kerstin Preuschoff’s proposal to challenge students to communicate their learnings through a short science film was selected for the GSEM Pedagogical Innovation initiative, a program that reflects the GSEM’s commitment to developing new formats of teaching practices, improving teaching quality, and promoting innovative pedagogical methods.

The proposal aims to give students greater ownership of the learning process. Students select a topic of their choice to study within the fields of Neuroeconomics and Neurofinance. From their scientific summary, a few key messages are extracted to communicate to the public. With the help of filmmakers, the students create a short film about their topic. These chosen messages and resulting short films must be understandable by non-experts, scientifically accurate, and engaging.

The pedagogical challenge lies in translating what the students have learned into a general language without losing the scientific integrity of what they are communicating. To do so, a student must understand the topic and cannot rely on rephrasing what is written in scientific papers. 

After the first year, the films created in past years will become teaching material for future courses, and over the years a library of films on Neuroeconomics and Neurofinance will be created that will be available to students, and possibly released to the public.

The project will be implemented in the Fall 2022 semester in the Introduction to Neuroeconomics and Neurofinance, and Psychology in Finance courses for the GSEM’s Master and Ph.D. programs.

March 7, 2022
  Initiative to support pedagogical innovation at the GSEM
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