Bachelor in Economics and Management


The Bachelor of science program in Economics and Management gives our students a solid grounding in the two complementary fields. There is a strong focus on acquiring the quantitative skills needed for developing analytical skills, critical thinking, and the ability to understand and responsibly solve tomorrow's complex problems. Our graduates go on to do Master’s degrees at the GSEM and other prestigious universities internationally. This degree gives students the means to differentiate themselves in the job market.

A bilingual program

Each first-year class is presented in both French and English. In the second and third years, classes are taught in either one language or the other. This allows all our students to develop the professional language skills essential for the job market – especially in an international environment like Geneva. The University of Geneva’s Maison des Langues offers English classes for interested students and French support classes for non-native speakers.

Regardless of the class's teaching language, students can reply to exam questions in either English or French.

Quality, innovative teaching

The teaching comprises a combination of lectures and practical work, offering classes and projects in which exercise and case study theory are put into practice. The use of stimulating innovations in teaching distinguishes our Bachelor's: we use simulation games, give classes focusing on sustainable development, offer students the opportunity to take part in an institutional project, give classes on responsible project management, as well as web-learning and seminars on developing interpersonal skills, and invite CEOs and managers of Geneva-based companies to give talks.

The week before the start of term, we offer a preparatory Math class to ensure that our students start the Bachelor’s program in the best possible conditions.


career opportunities

Surveys of our students’ entry into the world of work show that over half of our young graduates find their first job before they have even completed their studies, or within a month of graduating. On completing their studies, our students enter all fields, both in Switzerland and abroad. In Geneva, the character of the local economy means that most opportunities are in banking and finance, international organizations, consulting firms, international companies and the public sector.



The first part of the Bachelor’s program comprises core courses in Economics, Management, Finance and Accounting, Statistics, Law, and Information Science (60 credits).

The second part comprises 30 credits for common compulsory classes,  the choice between focusing on Economics or on Management, and a free choice of classes in Economics/Econometrics, Management, Statistics and Mathematics, Finance, Information Systems, or classes at other faculties. It is also possible to spend one or two semesters on an exchange at another university during the second part of your Bachelor’s course.


Program structure



Program content


Pas de résultats

Bachelor in Economics and Management Baccalauréat universitaire en économie et management

First Part / Première partie (60 ECTS)

Les enseignements obligatoires ci-dessous sont proposés à choix en version française ou en version anglaise. L'acquisition des crédits entraîne un "interdit" pour l'autre version linguistique.

Droit général des obligations S101010 6
Law of Obligations S140003 6
Finance de marché S120004 6
Financial Markets S120001 6
Introduction à la comptabilité financière S101008 6
Introduction to Financial Accounting S120002 6
Introduction à la macroéconomie S102013 6
Introduction to Macroeconomics S102016 6
Introduction au management S130003 6
Introduction to Management S130001 6
Introduction au management des ressources humaines S130004 6
Introduction to Human Resource Management S130002 6
Introduction à la microéconomie S102011 6
Introduction to Microeconomics S102015 6
Introduction à la programmation S104010 6
Introduction to Programming S140010 6
Mathématiques I S103005 6
Mathematics I S110001 6
Probabilités S110016 6
Probability S110015 6

Common compulsory classes / Cours communs obligatoires (30 credits ECTS)

Business and Society S230008 6
Asset Pricing and Corporate Finance I S201029 6
Marketing Management S201050 6
Introduction to Econometrics S210021 6
Statistics S210016 6
Concentration to be chosen / Orientation à choix (60 credits ECTS et 30 credits ECTS de cours libres)

Concentration in Management / Orientation en management (60 credits ECTS et 30 credits ECTS de cours libres)
Concentration in economics / Orientation en économie (60 credits ECTS et 30 credits ECTS de cours libres)

Concentration in Management / Orientation en Management (60 credits ECTS et 30 crédits ECTS de cours libres)

60 crédits dans l'orientation, dont 15 crédits à choix et 30 crédits de cours libres

Compulsory Classes / Cours obligatoires (45 credits)

Asset Pricing and Corporate Finance II S220005 6
Business Analytics S210010 6
Comptabilité financière S201014 6
Contrôle de gestion S201023 6
Fundamentals of Strategy S201030 3
Droit des sociétés S240004 3
International Management S230005 6
Introduction générale à la fiscalité S240002 3
Optimisation et gestion des opérations S230007 6
Elective classes / Cours à choix de l'orientation (15 credits)

Business and Human Rights S230022 3
Business Game S230015 3
Consumer Behavior S201059 6
Création d'entreprise et écosystème d'innovation S230018 6
Gestion de la production et des stocks S230016 6
Projets responsables I S230006 3
Projets responsables II S230020 3
Responsible Management S230013 3
Entrepreneurial Thinking S230027 6
The Fourth Industrial Revolution S240012 3
Cours libres (30 credits)

30 crédits à choisir librement dans la liste de cours suivants classés par discipline

Cours en économie et économétrie / Classes in Economics and Econometrics

Applied Econometrics S210011 6
Development Economics S202039 6
Econometrics S203029 6
Economie, état et institutions T208002 6
Environmental Economics S210008 6
International Macroeconomics S210005 6
International Trade S210002 6
Labour Economics S210009 6
L'économie contemporaine dans une perspective historique S202025 6
Macroéconomie S210012 6
Microeconomics I S210001 6
Microeconomics II S210003 6
Cours en finance / Classes in Finance

Banques et système financier S201044 3
Cas de comptabilité financière S220008 3
Finance de l'immobilier S201018 3
Cours en systèmes d'information / Classes in Information Systems

Algorithmique appliquée D200008 6
Réseaux de communication D200010 3
Statistical Literacy and Data Skills for the SDGs S200040 6
Security of Information Systems D200023 3
Services : from concept to market D200027 4
Cours en statistiques et mathématiques / Classes in Statistics and Mathematics

Mathématiques II S203043 6
Numerical Methods S203039 6
Probability and Statistical Learning S203031 6
Statistical Modelling S201008 6
Cours libres transversaux

Cours Hors Faculté 3 ou 6 ou 9 crédits (maximum 9 crédits) S999999 9
Institutional Project A S240001 3
Institutional Project B S240010 3
Soft Skills S240008 3
Open Science D200001 6
The Many Faces of Philanthropy S240009 6
Concentration in Economics / Orientation en économie (60 credits ECTS et 30 crédits ECTS de cours libres)

60 crédits dans la mention, dont 18 crédits à choix et 30 crédits de cours libres

Compulsory Classes / Cours obligatoires (42 credits)

Applied Econometrics S210011 6
Econometrics S203029 6
L'économie contemporaine dans une perspective historique S202025 6
Macroéconomie S210012 6
Mathématiques II S203043 6
Microeconomics I S210001 6
Microeconomics II S210003 6
Elective classes / Cours à choix de l'orientation (18 credits)

Development Economics S202039 6
Economie, état et institutions T208002 6
Environmental Economics S210008 6
International Macroeconomics S210005 6
International Trade S210002 6
Labour Economics S210009 6
Cours libres (30 credits)

30 crédits à choisir librement dans la liste de cours suivants, classés par discipline

Cours en management / Classes in Management

Business and Human Rights S230022 3
Business Game S230015 3
Consumer Behavior S201059 6
Contrôle de gestion S201023 6
Fundamentals of Strategy S201030 3
Création d'entreprise et écosystème d'innovation S230018 6
Droit des sociétés S240004 3
Gestion de la production et des stocks S230016 6
International Management S230005 6
Introduction générale à la fiscalité S240002 3
Projets responsables I S230006 3
Projets responsables II S230020 3
Optimisation et gestion des opérations S230007 6
Responsible Management S230013 3
Entrepreneurial Thinking S230027 6
The Fourth Industrial Revolution S240012 3
Cours en finance / Classes in Finance

Asset Pricing and Corporate Finance II S220005 6
Banques et système financier S201044 3
Cas de comptabilité financière S220008 3
Comptabilité financière S201014 6
Finance de l'immobilier S201018 3
Cours en systèmes d'information / Classes in Information Systems

Algorithmique appliquée D200008 6
Réseaux de communication D200010 3
Statistical Literacy and Data Skills for the SDGs S200040 6
Security of Information Systems D200023 3
Services : from concept to market D200027 4
Cours en statistiques et mathématiques / Classes in Statistics and Mathematics

Business Analytics S210010 6
Numerical Methods S203039 6
Probability and Statistical Learning S203031 6
Statistical Modelling S201008 6
Cours libres transversaux

Cours Hors Faculté 3 ou 6 ou 9 crédits (maximum 9 crédits) S999999 9
Institutional Project A S240001 3
Institutional Project B S240010 3
Soft Skills S240008 3
The Many Faces of Philanthropy S240009 6
Open Science D200001 6

Algorithmique appliquée D200008
Cours fortement conseillés S104010 Introduction à la programmation ou S140010 Introduction to Programming 32C2064 Développement Web
Security of Information Systems D200023
Cours conseillé D200010 Réseaux de communication
Services : from concept to market D200027
Thus, the students must have a good knowledge of English in speaking, writing, and reading
Mathématiques I S103005
Ecole préparatoire de mathématiques
Statistical Modelling S201008
Strongly recommended courses S110016 Probabilités ou S110015 Probability S210016 Statistics
Comptabilité financière S201014
Cours fortement conseillé S101008 Introduction à la comptabilité financière ou S120002 Introduction to Financial Accounting
Finance de l'immobilier S201018
Cours fortement conseillés S120004 Finance de marché ou S120001 Financial Markets
Contrôle de gestion S201023
Cours fortement conseillés S101008 Introduction à la comptabilité financière ou S120002 Introduction to Financial Accounting S102011 Introduction à la microéconomie ou S102015 Introduction to Microeconomics Cours conseillés S103005 Mathématiques I ou S110001 Mathematics I S210016 Statistics
Asset Pricing and Corporate Finance I S201029
Recommended course S120004 Finance de Marché ou S120001 Financial markets
Fundamentals of Strategy S201030
Strongly recommended course S130003 Introduction au management ou S130001 Introduction to Management
Banques et système financier S201044
Cours fortement conseillé S120004 Finance de marché ou S120001 Financial Markets
Consumer Behavior S201059
Strongly recommended course S201050 Marketing Management
Development Economics S202039
Strongly recommended courses S102011 Introduction à la microéconomie ou S102015 Introduction to Microeconomics S210021 Introduction to Econometrics Recommended Course S210001 Microeconomics I
Econometrics S203029
S210021 Introduction to Econometrics
Probability and Statistical Learning S203031
Strongly recommended courses S103005 Matématiques I ou S110001 Mathematics I S110016 Probabilités 1 ou S110015 Probability 1 S210016 Statistics
Numerical Methods S203039
Strongly recommended courses S103005 Mathématiques I ou S110001 Mathematics I S110016 Probabilités ou S110015 Probability
Mathématiques II S203043
Cours fortement conseillé S103005 Mathématiques I ou S110001 Mathematics I
Microeconomics I S210001
Recommended courses S102011 Introduction à la Microéconomie ou S102015 Introduction to Microeconomics S103005 Mathématiques I ou S110001 Mathematics I
International Trade S210002
Strongly recommended course S210001 Microeconomics I
Microeconomics II S210003
Recommended courses S210001 Microeconomics I (can be attended in parallel) S130005 Mathématiques I ou S110001 Mathematics I S110015 Probability ou S110016 Probabilités
International Macroeconomics S210005
Recommended courses S102013 Introduction à la macroéconomie ou S102016 Introduction to Macroeconomics S210012 Macroéconomie
Environmental Economics S210008
Recommended courses - Introduction to Microeconomics
Labour Economics S210009
Recommended course S210021 Introduction to Econometrics
Business Analytics S210010
Strongly recommended courses S110016 Probabilités ou S110015 Probability S210016 Statistics
Applied Econometrics S210011
Strongly recommended courses S210016 Statistics S210021 Introduction to Econometrics S210001 Microeconomics I Recommended course to be attended in parallel: S203029 Econometrics
Macroéconomie S210012
Introduction à la macroéconomie ou Introduction to Macroeconomics Mathématiques I ou Mathematics I
Statistics S210016
Strongly recommended courses S103005 Mathématiques I ou S110001 Mathematics I S110016 Probabilités ou S110015 Probability
Introduction to Econometrics S210021
Strongly recommended courses S103005 Mathématiques I ou S110001 Mathematics I S110016 Probabilités ou S110015 Probability S210016 Statistics
Asset Pricing and Corporate Finance II S220005
Strongly recommended courses S120004 Finance de marché ou S120001 Financial Markets S201029 Asset Pricing and Corporate Finance I
Cas de comptabilité financière S220008
ours fortement conseillé S101008 Introduction à la comptabilité financière ou S120002 Introduction to Financial Accounting
International Management S230005
Recommended courses S130003 Introduction au management ou S130001 Introduction to Management S201050 Marketing Management
Projets responsables I S230006
L'étudiant doit s'inscrire au cours S230020 Projets responsables II pour le semestre du printemps
Business Game S230015
Strongly recommended courses All courses of the first part of the Bachelor.
Gestion de la production et des stocks S230016
Cours fortement conseillé S230007 Optimisation et gestion des opérations
Projets responsables II S230020
Cours conseillé S230006 Projets responsables I
Business and Human Rights S230022
Recommended course S230008 Business and Society
Entrepreneurial Thinking S230027
Recommended courses S130003 Introduction au management or S130001 Introduction to Management
Droit des sociétés S240004
Cours conseillé S101010 Droit général des obligations ou S140003 Law of Obligations
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