Master's Programs

Master of Science in Wealth Management

The Master of Science in Wealth Management is a three-semester program, 90 ECTS, that combines finance courses such as portfolio management, with law courses, like tax and wealth planning. Students can tailor the program to suit their career aspirations by choosing from two concentrations (Finance and Law) and a wide range of electives. The quality of teaching is guaranteed by an exceptional faculty that combines cutting-edge academic research and industry knowledge and by various teaching methods that encourage learning by doing. The excellence of the Master of Science in Wealth Management is recognized by prestigious associations such as Swiss Finance Institute (SFI) and the CAIA Association.


The Master in Wealth Management leads to professional opportunities in Switzerland and abroad in:

  • Banking (private, universal, investment)
  • Insurance and reinsurance companies
  • Consulting companies
  • Traditional and alternative investment funds
  • Government bodies, regulators
  • Academic career: doctorate


Program Structure


Program Content 2023-2024

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