MOOC Investment Management Specialization

The GSEM offers a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) titled: "Make Smart Investment Decisions in a Global World", which the Geneva Finance Research Institute (GFRI) developed in partnership with UBS, the world’s largest wealth manager. The MOOC comprises four courses and a capstone project on Investment Management.

In this specialization, you gain an understanding of how investment strategies are designed to reach financial goals in a global context. You learn the theory that underlies strong investment decisions, as well as practical, real-world skills that you can apply when discussing investment proposals with your advisor, managing your personal assets, or a client’s investment portfolio.

In this MOOC, you start by developing a global understanding of financial markets and the impacts that rational and irrational behaviors have on finance at the micro and macro levels. Thereafter you learn to adequately build and manage a portfolio with a long-term view while gaining an appreciation of new research advances in finance and related areas. You also learn about future trends that are shaping the investment management industry. In the final capstone project, you create a sensible 5-year investment plan that takes an investor's goals and constraints in a dynamic economic landscape into account.

Key speakers from UBS, our corporate partner, will contribute to this specialization by providing the practical insights they have gathered through years of experience working as the world’s largest wealth manager.


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