Competence Centers

Ecosystem Collaboration

The Center for Innovation and Partnerships continuously strives to bring key actors together to share learnings and create a space for innovation and cross-organizational collaboration.  

"Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much." - Hellen Keller



Giga x I&P Partnership


The Center for Innovation and Partnerships joins forces with Giga, in its journey to connect every school to the internet. Through a dedicated group project, Master's students in Responsible Management tackled real-world challenges faced by Giga and developed innovative and sustainable business models to support the organization's growth and advance its mission.

Divided into teams, students worked on areas such as investment models or connectivity hubs during one semester. This work culminated in comprehensive reports and final presentations to a panel of experts from the University, Giga, and other stakeholders. This collaboration leverages academic excellence to bridge the gap between education and real-world challenges, offering students valuable experience while providing Giga with potential solutions to achieve its ambitious goals.

Mobilizing Collective Intelligence to Harness Innovation for Connectivity & Applications

28 May 2024, 8:00-9:00 CET

This session was part of the World Summit on the Information Society #WSIS +20 in Geneva. The objective of the session is to leverage collective intelligence to create actionable outcomes and plan the next steps to address key digital divides including connectivity and ICT applications. This includes identifying take-aways for specific projects and broader insights on designing cross-sector collaboration to effectively support social impact ventures. The Geneva Innovation Movement and WSA co-host this event. 


24 APRIL 2024, 17:45-19:30 CET

This event will spotlight how four non-profits already use Gen AI for impact projects and operations and gather inspiration from mapping AI activities across INGOs. Instead of organization-by-organization efforts, we see a true need for faster collaborative exploration. This event will offer insights into a larger global effort between 10+ INGOs around the topic of Generative AI and create room for joint learning and heated discussion.  The Geneva Innovation Movement, the Innovation for Impact Network, and WWF Switzerland, co-host this event


31 MAY 2023, 11:00-12:00 CET

This webinar dives into the challenges that Farmer Connect faced after its initial success, including scaling up the platform by involving the entire coffee "ecosystem," determining its future structure in relation to Sucafina, and addressing fundraising and partnership issues. It also explores how Farmer Connect plans to integrate key insights gained from a 2020 pilot project in Brazil. The webinar is hosted by Tina Ambos, Professor of International Management, University of Geneva, and Katherine Tatarinov, Post Doctoral Research Fellow, University of Geneva.


23 May 2023, 18:30-21:00 CET

In this event, members of IdeaSquare's team shared how  CERN's methods and approach can be transferred to tackle the SDGs.
Today, one of the biggest challenges for organizations is how to embrace digitalization not only by tech experts but across all levels of the organization. This requires collaboration between professional silos, especially when addressing complex problems in a fast-changing world. Seeking new ideas for how to address this issue, a cross-sectoral group came together at CERN’s IdeaSquare in January 2023 to participate in a hands-on pilot digital skills workshop. We now uncover the findings. 

AI as a force for good in international organisations 


o2 NOVEMBER 2022, 10:00 CET

Tina Ambos and Katherine Tatarinov participate in a webinar focused on how artificial intelligence can help address issues affecting the welfare and security of millions across boundaries - in particular, how it can support the work of international organisations. For more information visit this page. 

THE Dark side of cross-sector partnerships 

CSSI Partnerships Conference 2022

22 JUNE 2022, 15:00 CET

Building on the question “How and why do CSPs fail to provide, or even hamper, transformative capacities for in-depth change?,” Dr. Lea Stadtler  investigates the negative direct and indirect effects that CSPs may produce across different levels. 

Digitization and Internationalization: Insights from Qualitative Research  

AOM IM Division Online Research Webinar

7 JUNE 2022, 11:00-12:15 EDT

Dr. Katherine Tatarinov presents her research on the digital transformation of large established international organizations. In this interactive webinar, panelists discuss their research findings and examine the opportunities and challenges of qualitative data collection and analysis when studying digital phenomena.


7 APRIL 2022, 13:00-14:30 CET

As we find new ways of working in organizations and through technology, this Knowledge & Learning Commons Event explores modern agile methodologies and how they can empower you and your team towards greater flexibility, clarity, and productivity. Learn about: Agile methodology and what it means in the modern workplace, What this entails for different sectors, including UN Geneva and the private sector,  Practical ways to integrate agile mindset and methodology in your teams. 

The speakers are: Daniela Wuerz - Senior Coordination Officer & Change Manager at NewWork, UN Geneva; Malta Ionesova - HR Specialist, UN Geneva; Thomas Neufing - Chief, Centre for Learning and Multilingualism, UN Geneva; Tina Ambos - Professor of International Management, UNIGE; Katherine Tatarinov - Managing Director at Geneva Innovation Movement, Researcher at UNIGE; Susan Nagel - Head of Quality Control, F. Hoffmann-la Roche

To see the recording of the Agile in Action event, click here

Mapping the Humanitarian Transformation: Spotlight on Innovation in International NGOs

5 APRIL 2022, 18:30-20:00 CET

Presentation of the research paper “Mapping the Humanitarian Transformation: Spotlight on Innovation in International NGOs.

The research paper presents a snapshot of innovation in International NGOs today. It highlights key opportunities and challenges to fostering further innovation as we move into the post-pandemic world. 

During the event, a panel of experts from INGOs and other humanitarian experts share their insights on best practices for innovation in INGOs, which challenges the organizations face, and how they can be addressed.

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