

Full Professor
Institute of Management

Director, Institute of Management

Ph.D., Technical University of Berlin

Uni Mail - 3224
+41 22 379 89 40

Short bio

Since September 2008 I have been a Full Professor of Marketing at the Geneva School of Economics and Management. Prior to my appointment at the University of Geneva I have been Assistant Professor of Marketing at the Humboldt University in Berlin starting in 2003. In the academic year of 2006 I was a visiting Fulbright Professor at the Ross School of Business at the University of Michigan. Prior to rejoining academia as an Assistant Professor I worked for four years as a manager in strategic marketing in the Society and Technology Research Group, a think tank of Daimler AG. In 2001 I have received a scholarship for young leaders of the Japanese-German Center (JDZB) and worked in the international marketing department of Matsushita in Tokyo. I have conducted my doctoral research with Professor Rick Bagozzi as a fellow of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) at the Ross School of Business at the University of Michigan. During my tenure at Humboldt University I closely worked together with its incubator and assisted in founding and co-founded two companies.

In my research I work at the intersection of psychology and marketing. The goal of my research is to provide a better understanding of consumer behavior ranging from classic brand loyalty or choice over consumption of fair traded products to transport mode choice. Current research topics are the role of boundary spanners in business relationships, product defects and quality perceptions, norms in relationships, effects of attachment styles on business relationships. As an empirical marketing researcher I regularly have to collaborate with companies to get access to data. Among others I have received research grants from the following companies for conducting joint projects Credit Suisse, EADS, Daimler, Volkswagen. Other institutions that have funded my research include the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology in Germany, and the Federal State of Berlin. My dissertation was runner-up for the Science Price of the German Marketing Association for the best dissertation in marketing in German speaking countries and I have won the best paper award at the annual IMP-Conference in 2007.

Research & publications

Paulssen, Marcel, Roulet, Raphael (2016), Social bonding as a determinant of share of wallet and cross-buying behaviour in B2B relationships, European Journal of Marketing (ARC Ranking A), forthcoming

Paulssen, Marcel, Leischnig, Alexander, Ivens, Björn S., Birk, Mattias M. (2016), Relational Norms in Customer-Company Relationships: Net and Configurational Effects, Journal of Business Research (ARC Ranking A), forthcoming

Paulssen, Marcel, Sommerfeld, Angela (2015), The Impact of Critical Incidents on Customer Relationships, Business Administration Review (VHB C), Vol. 75, p. 291-308.

Paulssen, Marcel; Catenazzo, Giuseppe (2015). No Mercy for Products: Recovery Effects for Products and Services, Journal of Consumer Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction and Complaining Behavior (ARC Ranking B), Vol.  28, p.  90-103.


I am a Full Professor of Marketing at the Geneva School of Economics and Management. Prior to my appointment at the University of Geneva I have been Assistant Professor of Marketing at the Humboldt University in Berlin. In the academic year of 2006 I was a visiting Fulbright Professor at the Ross School of Business at the University of Michigan. Before rejoining academia as an Assistant Professor I worked for four years as a manager in strategic marketing in the Society and Technology Research Group, a think tank of Daimler AG. I have conducted my doctoral research with Professor Rick Bagozzi as a fellow of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) at the Ross School of Business at the University of Michigan. During my tenure at Humboldt University I collaborated with its incubator and have asisted in founding a research and analytics company (www.factworks.com) and an education technology company (www.sofatutor.com).

In my research I work at the intersection of psychology and marketing. The goal of my research is to provide a better understanding of consumer behavior ranging from classic brand loyalty or choice over consumption of fair traded products to transport mode choice. Current research topics include the impact of failure experiences on customer relationships, product quality perceptions (measurement and behavioral relevance), customer brand relationship constructs (i.e. brand attachment, brand identification). I am also currently working on digital tools to better track customer experiences over time. 

I am a passionate teacher and have received numerous awards for teaching excellence such as the Credit Suisse Award for Best Teaching, Best Teaching Award Executive MBA and have been shortlisted for a Reimagine Education Award, the Oscar of Higher Education among others.

Selected publications

Journal article

Paulssen, M. W., Das Guru,, R. R., & Japutra, A. (2024). Role of brand attachment and satisfaction in driving customer behaviors for durables: A longitudinal study. European Journal of Marketing.

Paulssen, M. W., & Catenazzo, G. (2023). Experiencing defects: the moderating role of severity and warranty coverage on quality perceptions. International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management.

Das Guru, R. R., & Paulssen, M. W. (2020). Customers’ experienced product quality: scale development and validation. European Journal of Marketing, 54 (4), 645-670. https://doi.org/10.1108/EJM-03-2018-0156.

Catenazzo, G., & Paulssen, M. (2019). Product defects are not created equal: prioritizing production process improvements. Production Planning and Control, 31 (4), 338-353. https://doi.org/10.1080/09537287.2019.1638979.

Paulssen, M., Brunneder, J., & Sommerfeld, A. (2019). Customer in-role and extra-role behaviours in a retail setting: The differential roles of customer-company identification and overall satisfaction. European Journal of Marketing, 53 (12), 2501-2529. https://doi.org/10.1108/EJM-06-2017-0417.

Paulssen, M., & Roulet, R. (2017). Social bonding as a determinant of share of wallet and cross-buying behaviour in b2b relationships. European Journal of Marketing, 51 (5/6), 1011-1028. https://doi.org/10.1108/EJM-07-2014-0433.

Paulssen, M., Leischnig, A., Ivens, B. S., & Birk, M. M. (2016). Relational norms in customer–company relationships: Net and configurational effects. Journal of Business Research, 69 (12), 5866-5874. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbusres.2016.04.101.

Paulssen, M., & Sommerfeld, A. (2015). The impact of critical incidents on customer relationships. Die Betriebswirtschaft (DBW), 75, 291-308. https://doi.org/10.1300/j033v08n01_02.

Catenazzo, G., & Paulssen, M. (2015). No mercy for products: recovery effects for products and services. Journal of Consumer Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction and Complaining Behavior, 28, 90-103.

Paulssen, M., Temme, D., Vij, A., & Walker, J. L. (2014). Values, attitudes and travel behavior: a hierarchical latent variable mixed logit model of travel mode choice. Transportation, 41 (4), 873-888. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11116-013-9504-3.

Paulssen, M., Roulet, R., & Wilke, S. (2014). Risk as moderator of the trust-loyalty relationship. European Journal of Marketing, 48 (43256), 964-981. https://doi.org/10.1108/EJM-11-2011-0657.

Balderjahn, I., Peyer, M., & Paulssen, M. (2013). Consciousness for fair consumption: conceptualization, scale development and empirical validation. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 37 (5), 546-555. https://doi.org/10.1111/ijcs.12030.

Paulssen, M. (2009). Attachment orientations in business-to-business relationships. Psychology and Marketing, 26 (6), 507-533. https://doi.org/10.1002/mar.20285.

Temme, D., Paulssen, M., & Hildebrandt, L. (2009). Common Method Variance: Ursachen, Auswirkungen und Kontrollmöglichkeiten. Die Betriebswirtschaft (DBW), 69.2009 (2), 123-146.

Temme, D., Paulssen, M., & Dannewald, T. (2008). Incorporating Latent Variables into Discrete Choice Models - A Simultaneous Estimation Approach Using SEM Software. Business Research (früher: BuR - Business Research), 1 (2), 220-237. https://doi.org/10.1007/BF03343535.

Paulssen, M., & Birk, M. M. (2007). Satisfaction and repurchase behavior in a business-to-business setting : Investigating the moderating effect of manufacturer, company and demographic characteristics. Industrial Marketing Management, 36 (7), 983-997. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.indmarman.2007.05.011.

Paulssen, M., Birk, M. M., & Bagozzi, R. P. (2007). When Customers Think Differently: A Customer-side Categorization Approach to Strategic Groups. Marketing. Zeitschrift für Forschung und Praxis (Marketing ZFP), 29 (JRM 2), 91-104. https://doi.org/10.15358/0344-1369-2007-JRM-2-91.

Paulssen, M., & Bagozzi, R. P. (2006). Goal hierarchies as antecedents of market structure. Psychology and Marketing, 23 (8), 689-709. https://doi.org/10.1002/mar.20124.

Scholderer, J., & Paulssen, M. (2006). Kausalität, Linearität, Reliabilität: Drei Dinge, die Sie nie über Strukturgleichungsmodelle wissen wollten. Die Betriebswirtschaft (DBW), 640-651.

Paulssen, M., & Bagozzi, R. P. (2005). A self-regulatory model of consideration set formation. Psychology and Marketing, 22 (10), 785-812. https://doi.org/10.1002/mar.20085.

Wagner, K., O’Mahoney, M., & Paulssen, M. (1997). Standortfaktor: Humankapital in Deutschland und die Aufholjagd der britischen Industrie. Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaftslehre.

Academic meeting proceeding with presentation

Vahidi, F., & Paulssen, M. W. (2024). Comparing the Predictive Ability of Multidimensional Product Quality Metrics with Customer Satisfaction on Customer Behavior. Proceedings of the Production and Operations Management (POMS) Conference. Wiley-Blackwell.

Vahidi, F., Paulssen, M. W., & Das Guru, R. R. (2023). What makes product defects toxic. Proceedings of the Production and Operations Management (POMS) Conference. Wiley-Blackwell.

Vahidi, F., Paulssen, M. W., & Das Guru, R. R. (2023). What makes product defects toxic. Proceedings of the Winter American Management Association (AMA) Conference. American Marketing Association.

Das Guru, R. R., & Paulssen, M. W. (2020). Tying, Pleasing or Quality: The effects on intentional and actual brand loyalty in durable products context. Proceedings of the Summer American Management Association (AMA) Conference. American Marketing Association.

Das Guru, R., & Paulssen, M. (2019). “So what’s driving customers’ repurchase-intentions and true-repurchases? Not satisfaction or identification, but its product-quality stupid! Proceedings of the Summer American Management Association (AMA) Conference – Chicago. HarperCollins.

Paulssen, M., & Das Guru, R. (2019). What Makes Product Defects Toxic? The Role of Attributions and Severity Perceptions. Proceedings of the Manufacturing & Service Operations Management (MSOM), Conference – Singapore. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management .

Paulssen, M., & Das Guru, R. (2019). What Makes Product Defects Toxic? The Role of Attributions and Severity Perceptions. Proceedings of the 30th Production and Operations Management (POMS) Conference – Washington DC. Wiley-Blackwell.

Das Guru, R., & Paulssen, M. (2019). It’s Product-Quality, Stupid! -Understanding the Determinants of the Customer Behavior for Durable-Products. Proceedings of the 30th Production and Operations Management (POMS) Conference – Washington DC. Wiley-Blackwell.

Catenazzo, G., & Paulssen, M. (2017). Complaining about product defects: the moderating role of severity and warranty on quality perceptions. EMAC.

Das Guru, R. R., & Paulssen, M. (2017). Customer’s Evaluation of Product Quality: A Refined and Reliable Measure for Product Quality? Proceedings of the 28th Production and Operations Management (POMS) Conference – Seattle. Wiley-Blackwell.

Paulssen, M., & Das Guru, R. R. (2017). Customers' evaluated product quality: A neglected construct in operations management and marketing. Proceedings of the Manufacturing & Service Operations Management (MSOM) Conference- Kenan-Flagler Business School, Chapel Hill. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management .

Das Guru, R. R., & Paulssen, M. (2017). Customers' evaluated product quality: A neglected construct in operations management and marketing. Proceedings of the Summer American Management Association (AMA) Conference –San Francisco. HarperCollins.

Paulssen, M., & Catenazzo, G. (2016). Product defects are not created equal: Prioritizing production improvements. EurOMA.

Brunneder, J., & Paulssen, M. (2015). Building an Innovation Community: An Empirical Analysis of How to Encourage External Stakeholders to Participate in the Firm’s NPD Process. Marketing Educators.

Brunneder, J., & Paulssen, M. (2014). Building an Innovation Community: An Empirical Analysis of How to Encourage External Stakeholders to Participate in the Firm’s NPD Process. Proceedings of the 43th EMAC Conference – Valencia. European Marketing Association.

Paulssen, M., Ivens, B., & Birk, M. (2013). When implicit Promises are Broken: The Role of Relational Norms in Consumers’ Reactions to Brand Transgressions. Proceedings of the 42th EMAC-Conference Istanbul. European Marketing Association.

Paulssen, M., & Catenazzo, G. (2013). Product Defects are not Created Equal: Prioritizing Process Improvements. EurOMA.

Paulssen, M., & Sommerfeld, A. (2012). Understanding Customer-Company Identification and its Impact on Customer In- and Extra-Role Behaviours in a Retail Setting. Proceedings of the 41th EMAC-Conference Lisbon. European Marketing Association.

Paulssen, M., & Catenazzo, G. (2012). Product defects, complaining behaviour and their impact on quality perceptions and loyalty. Proceedings of the 41th EMAC-Conference Lisbon. European Marketing Association.

Paulssen, M., & Bagozzi, R. (2008). Customer Coping in Response to Relationship Transgressions: An Attachment Theoretic Approach. Advertising and Consumer Psychology.

Sommerfeld, A., & Paulssen, M. (2008). Antecedents and Consequences of Customer-Company Identification. Proceedings of the 37th EMAC-Conference Brighton. European Marketing Association.

Falkenreck, C., Wagner, R., & Paulssen, M. (2008). Antecedents of Company Reputation Transfer in B2B Markets: Empirical Evidence from Five Different Cultures. Proceedings of the 37th EMAC-Conference Brighton. European Marketing Association.

Paulssen, M., & Wilke, S. (2008). Social bonding in consumer relationships under different levels of perceived risk. Proceedings of the 37th EMAC-Conference Brighton. European Marketing Association.

Quint, D., & Paulssen, M. (2008). Heterogeneity in the Satisfaction-Retention Relationship – A Finite-mixture Approach. In: Preisach C., Burkhardt H., Schmidt-Thieme L., Decker R. (eds) Data Analysis, Machine Learning and Applications. Springer.

Birk, M., Ivens , B., & Paulssen, M. (2007). Examining the Role of Norms in Consumer-Brand Relationships: The Applicability of Macneil's Relational Exchange Theory. Proceedings of the 36th EMAC-Conference Reykjavik Island, Flexible Marketing in an Unpredictable World. European Marketing Association.

Paulssen, M., & Birk, M. (2007). Moderators of the Satisfaction Retention Link in a B-to-B Setting. Proceedings of the 36th EMAC-Conference Reykjavik Island, Flexible Marketing in an Unpredictable World. European Marketing Association.

Temme, D., Dannewald, T., & Paulssen, M. (2007). Hybrid Choice Models – Estimation Using Canned SEM Software. Proceedings of the 36th EMAC-Conference Reykjavik Island, Flexible Marketing in an Unpredictable World. European Marketing Association.

Paulssen, M., & Sommerfeld, A. (2007). Which critical incidents are really critical for consumer relationships? Proceedings of the 36th EMAC-Conference Reykjavik Island, Flexible Marketing in an Unpredictable World. European Marketing Association.

Paulssen, M., & Birk, M. (2006). Satisfaction and Repurchase Behavior in a Business to Busines Setting: Investigating the Moderating Effect of Manufacturer, Company and Demographic Characteristics. IMP Group.

Paulssen, M., & Sommerfeld, A. (2006). Multiple Moderators of the Trust – Loyalty Relationship in Business-to-Business Relationships. IMP Group.

Paulssen, M. (2006). Attachment Styles in Business-to-Business Relationships. IMP Group.

Sommerfeld, A., Paulssen, M., & Birk, M. (2006). Embedded Business-to-Business Relationships. Proceedings of the 35th EMAC, Sustainable Marketing Leadership. European Marketing Association.

Paulssen, M. (2006). Embedded Business-to-Business Relationships: A Longitudinal Study. JBM.

Paulssen, M. (2006). Embedded Business-to-Business Relationships: A Longitudinal Study. JBM.

Paulssen, M., & Birk, M. (2006). Moderators of the Satisfaction Retention Link in a B-to-B Setting. JBM.

Paulssen, M., & Sommerfeld, A. (2006). Paulssen, M., Sommerfeld, A. (2006). Modeling the Nonlinear Relationship between Satisfaction and Loyalty with Structural Equation Models. In Spiliopoulou, M., Kruse, R., Borgelt, C., Nürnberger, A. & Gaul, W. (Eds.), From Data and Information Analysis to Knowledge Engineering – Studies in Classification, Data Analysis, and Knowledge Organization (pp. 574-581). Heidelberg: Springer. Springer.

Paulssen, M., & Fournier, S. (2005). Individual Differences in Consumer Relationships - an Attachment Perspective. Proceedings of the 34th EMAC, Rejuvenating Marketing: Contamination, Innovation, Integration. European Marketing Association.

Paulssen, M. (2004). Applying Attachment Theory to Business-to-Business Relationships. Proceedings of the 33th EMAC, Worldwide Marketing. European Marketing Association.

Book chapter

Hildebrandt, L., Temme, D., & Paulssen, M. (2012). Choice Modeling and SEM - Integrating Two Popular Modeling Approaches in Empirical Marketing Research. Diamantopoulos, A., Fritz, W., Hildebrandt, L. (Eds.), Quantitative Marketing and Marketing Management. Wiesbaden: Gabler Edition Wissenschaft.


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