

Full Professor
Geneva Finance Research Institute

Ph.D., Toulouse School of Economics

Uni Pignon - 412
+41 22 379 85 69

Research & publications

Corporate Goodness and Shareholder Wealth, Journal of Financial Economics, 115(2), 304-329, 2015

The WACC Fallacy: The Real Effects of Using a Unique Discount Rate (with Augustin Landier and David Thesmar), The Journal of Finance, 70(3), 1253-1285, 2015

Sticky Expectations and the Profitability Anomaly (with Jean-Philippe Bouchaud, Augustin Landier, and David Thesmar) R&R Journal of Finance


Philipp Krüger is a Professor of Finance at the University of Geneva and holds a Senior Chair at the Swiss Finance Institute. He studied economics and finance in Germany, the United States, France, and the United Kingdom and graduated with a PhD in Economics (Summa cum laude) from the Toulouse School of Economics in 2010. 

His research has been published in the leading scientific and professional journals in finance and accounting. Several of his papers have been among the most cited finance papers published in the recent past. For example, a paper on ESG rating disagreement is the most cited paper published in the Financial Analyst Journal since 2021. His research has also been featured in the financial press (e.g., Financial Times or The Economist) and is often referenced by central bankers and financial markets regulators around the world. 

Besides his research activities, Professor Krüger is also involved in the finance industry. For instance, he serves on the board of experts for Inrate AG in Zurich and advises one of the largest Swiss banks on ESG investing. 

Selected publications

Journal article

Krueger, P., Derrien, F., Landier, A., & Yao, T. (2024). ESG News, Future Cash Flows, and Firm Value? The Journal of Finance.

Krueger, P., Sautner, Z., Tang, D., & Zhong, R. (2024). The Effects of Mandatory ESG Disclosure Around the World. Journal of Accounting Research. doi:doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1111/1475-679X.12548.

Krueger, P., Ilhan, E., Sautner, Z., & Starks, L. (2023). Climate Risk Disclosure and Institutional Investors. The Review of Financial Studies, 33 (3), 1067-1111. https://doi.org/10.1093/rfs/hhad002.

Krueger, P., Efing, M., Fahlenbrach, R., & Herpfer, C. (2023). How Do Investors and Firms React to a Large, Unexpected Currency Appreciation Shock? Review of Corporate Finance Studies, 12 (3), 488-538. https://doi.org/10.1093/rcfs/cfac024.

Krueger, P., Gibson Brandon, R. N., & Schmidt, P. (2021). ESG Rating Disagreement and Stock Returns. Financial Analysts Journal, 77 (4), 104 - 127.

Krueger, P., Sautner, Z., & Starks, L. (2020). The Importance of Climate Risks for Institutional Investors. The Review of Financial Studies, 33 (3), 1067–1111. https://doi.org/10.1093/rfs/hhz137.

Krueger, P., Landier, A., Thesmar, D., & Bouchaud, J.-P. (2019). Sticky Expectations and the Profitability Anomaly. The Journal of Finance, 74 (2), 639-674. https://doi.org/10.1111/jofi.12734.

Krueger, P., Lehmann, H., & Schroeter, M. (2016). Therapy-Associated Progressive Multifocal Leukoencephalopathy During Disease-Modifying Treatment of Multiple Sclerosis.. Neurographics, 6 (6), 350-368.

Krueger, P. (2015). Corporate Goodness and Shareholder Wealth. Journal of Financial Economics, 115 (2), 304-329. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jfineco.2014.09.008.

Krueger, P., Landier, A., & Thesmar, D. (2015). The WACC Fallacy: The Real Effects of Using a Unique Discount Rate. The Journal of Finance, 70 (3), 1253-1285. https://doi.org/10.1111/jofi.12250.

Academic meeting presentation

Krueger, P. (2024). Green Revenues. Sabanci University, Research Conference.

Krueger, P. (2024). Greenwashing. Impact & Sustainable Finance Faculty Consortium, Singapore Management University.

Krueger, P. (2024). Decarbonizing Institutional Investor Portfolios. GIWM Annual Conference, Geneva.

Krueger, P. (2024). Decarbonizing Institutional Investor Portfolios. New York Fed and NYU Climate Finance Conference.

Krueger, P. (2024). Green Revenues. Strathclyde Business School REBI 2024 Workshop, Glasgow.

Krueger, P. (2024). Discussion of "Valuation Fundamentals". Adam Smith Conference , London School of Economics.

Krueger, P. (2024). Discussion of "Polarizing Corporations: Does Talent Flow to Good Firms". UBC Winter Conference, Whistler.

Krueger, P. (2024). Decarbonizing Institutional Investor Portfolios. American Finance Association Annual Meetings, San Antonio.

Krueger, P. (2023). Discussion of "Counterproductive Sustainable Investing: The Impact Elasticity of Brown and Green Firms". Helsinki Finance Summit.

Krueger, P. (2023). Decarbonizing Institutional Investor Portfolios. HKU-TLV Finance Forum, Tel Aviv.

Krueger, P. (2023). The Role of Institutional Investors as Responsible Investors. CEPR LTI Report Launch, Paris.

Krueger, P. (2023). The Sustainability Wage Gap. ESCP Paris, Workshop on ESG.

Krueger, P. (2023). ESG News, Future Cash Flows, and Firm Value”. American Finance Association Meeting.

Krueger, P. (2023). Discussion of “The Horizon of Investors’ Information and Corporate Investment”. American Finance Association Meeting.

Krueger, P. (2022). Decarbonizing Institutional Investor Portfolios. PRI Academic Conference.

Krueger, P. (2022). Decarbonizing Institutional Investor Portfolios. ECGI Conference Milan.

Krueger, P. (2022). The Effects of Mandatory ESG Disclosure Around the World. FMA European Conference, Lyon.

Krueger, P. (2022). Climate Risk Disclosure and Institutional Investors. CEPR Paris Symposium.

Krueger, P. (2022). Discretionary information in ESG investing: A text analysis of mutual fund prospectuses. SFI Research Days.

Krueger, P. (2022). The Economics of Sustainability-Linked Bonds. Paris School of Economics Conference "The environment in a changing world".

Krueger, P. (2022). ESG News, Future Cash Flows, and Firm Value. SFS Cavalacade North America.

Krueger, P. (2022). Climate Risk Disclosure and Institutional Investors. American Finance Association Meeting.

Krueger, P. (2022). The Sustainability Wage Gap. American Finance Association Meeting.

Krueger, P. (2022). The Effects of Mandatory ESG Disclosure around the World. American Finance Association Meeting.

Krueger, P. (2022). The Role of Institutional Investors as Responsible Investors. 2nd LTI Report Conference Collegio Carlo Alberto.

Krueger, P. (2022). Climate Risk Disclosure and Institutional Investors. U. Delaware Weinberg Center/ECGI Corporate Governance Symposium.

Krueger, P. (2022). Can Shareholders Rescue Capitalism. Inaugural ECGI Responsible Capitalism Summit.

Krueger, P. (2021). Mandatory Corporate Carbon Disclosure: Evidence from a Natural Experiment. American Finance Association Annual Meeting. American Finance Association.

Krueger, P. (2021). Responsible Institutional Investing Around the World. Delaware Weinberg Center/ECGI Corporate Governance Symposium.

Krueger, P. (2021). Responsible Institutional Investing Around the World,. Midwest Finance Association Annual Meeting.

Krueger, P. (2021). Responsible Institutional Investing Around the World. SFS Cavalcade.

Krueger, P. (2021). The Sustainability Wage Gap. ECGI Global Corporate Governance Colloquia Yale University.

Krueger, P. (2021). The Sustainability Wage Gap. European Finance Association Annual Meetings, Bocconi University..

Krueger, P. (2021). Responsible Institutional Investing Around the World. European Finance Association Annual Meetings, Bocconi University..

Krueger, P. (2021). Climate Risk Disclosure and Institutional Investors. European Finance Association Annual Meetings, Bocconi University..

Krueger, P. (2021). The Effects of Mandatory ESG Disclosure Around the World. GRASFI Sustainable Finance Conference..

Krueger, P. (2021). Responsible Institutional Investing Around the World. GRASFI Sustainable Finance Conference.

Krueger, P. (2021). Responsible Institutional Investing Around the World. China International Conference in Finance..

Krueger, P. (2021). The Effects of Mandatory ESG Disclosure Around the World. China International Conference in Finance.

Krueger, P. (2021). ESG Rating Disagreement and Stock Returns. Liechtenstein Workshop of Sustainable Finance.

Krueger, P. (2021). SFI Master Class : Fundamental Principles of ESG Investing. Swiss Finance Institute.

Krueger, P. (2021). Discussion of "Paying Attention to ESG Matters: Evidence from Big Data Analytics". ASIAN BUREAU OF FINANCE AND ECONOMIC RESEARCH Annual Conference.

Krueger, P. (2020). Responsible Institutional Investing Around The World. Global Research Alliance for Sustainable Finance and Investment - 3rd Annual Conference, New York.

Krueger, P. (2020). Mandatory Corporate Carbon Disclosure: Evidence from a Natural Experiment. SFI Research Days 2020.

Krueger, P. (2020). Responsible Institutional Investing Around the World. American Finance Association Meeting, San Diego.

Krueger, P. (2020). Responsible Institutional Investing Around The World. PRI Academic Network Conference 2020.

Krueger, P. (2020). Social Preferences and Investment Decisions: Evidence from U.S. Mutual Funds. FMA Annual Meetings.

Krueger, P. (2020). The Sustainability Footprint of Institutional Investors: ESG Driven Price Pressure and Performance. Workshop Sustainable Finance 2020, University of Liechtenstein, Vaduz.

Krueger, P. (2019). The Real Effects of Mandatory Corporate Greenhouse Gas Emissions Disclosure. Conference presentation, GRASFI Sustainable Finance Conference.

Krueger, P. (2019). The Importance of Climate Risks for Institutional Investors. Conference presentation, PRI Academic Conference.

Krueger, P. (2019). Doctoral Tutorial on ESG Investing. Doctoral tutorial, European Finance Association Annual Meetings.

Krueger, P. (2019). Institutional Investors’ Views and Preferences on Climate Risk Disclosure. Conference presentation, Sustainable Finance Forum at Shenzhen Finance Institute.

Krueger, P. (2019). Responsible Institutional Investing Around the World. Conference presentation, - Sustainable Finance Forum at Shenzhen Finance Institute.

Krueger, P. (2019). Discussion of “Coordinated engagements”. Conference discussion, Darden/ICI Academic & Practitioner Symposium.

Krueger, P. (2019). The Real Effects of Mandatory Corporate Greenhouse Gas Emissions Disclosure. Conference presentation, European Commission Promoting Sustainable Finance Conference.

Krueger, P. (2019). Sustainable investment - What we know and do not know. Keynote speech, Social Impact Investments International Conference.

Krueger, P. (2019). Responsible Institutional Investing Around the World. SMU/TBLI Conference Singapore Asia.

Krueger, P. (2019). Reduction in corporate greenhouse gas emissions under prescriptive disclosure requirements. Conference presentation, PRI Academic Conference.

Krueger, P. (2019). ESG rating disagreement and stock returns. Conference presentation, PRI Academic Conference.

Krueger, P. (2018). The Sustainability Footprint of Institutional Investors. Swedish House of Finance- MFS Conference on Sustainable Finance.

Krueger, P. (2018). The Sustainability Footprint of Institutional Investors. Swedish House of Finance- MFS Conference presentation, Conference on Sustainable Finance Inaugural Conference, Global Research Alliance for Sustainable Finance and Investment.

Krueger, P. (2018). PRI Academic Network Conference. PRI Academic Network Conference.

Krueger, P. (2018). The Sustainability Footprint of Institutional Investors. Conference presentation, World Finance Conference.

Krueger, P. (2018). The Sustainability Footprint of Institutional Investors. Conference presentation, Multinational Finance Conference.

Krueger, P. (2018). The Sustainability Footprint of Institutional Investors. 2018 Consortium on Trading Strategies and Institutional Investing at Cambridge University.

Krueger, P. (2018). Sticky Expectations and the Profitability Anomaly. American Finance Association Annual Meeting, Philadelphia.

Krueger, P. (2018). Discussion of "Integration of climate risks and opportunities into investment strategy". Cass Business School conference on asset management with climate risk.

Krueger, P. (2018). The Sustainability Footprint of Institutional Investors. Financial Management Association Annual Meeting.

Krueger, P. (2018). The Importance of Climate Risks for Institutional Investors. Conference presentation, Review of Financial Studies Climate Finance Conference (Imperial College London).

Gibson Brandon, R. N., & Krueger, P. (2017). The sustainability footprint of Institutional Investors. 6th Luxembourg Asset Management Summit.

Krueger, P. (2017). Sustainability footprint of institutional investors. Conference, 2nd Oklahoma University Energy Finance Conference.

Krueger, P. (2017). Sustainability footprint of institutional investors. Conference presentation, PRI Academic Network Conference 2017.

Krueger, P. (2017). Sustainability footprint of institutional investors. Review of Finance Shanghai Green Finance Conference.

Krueger, P. (2017). Climate Change and Firm Valuation: Evidence from a Quasi-Natural Experiment. Review of Finance Shanghai Green Finance Conference.

Krueger, P. (2017). The Importance of Climate Risk for Institutional Investors. Review of Financial Studies Climate Finance Conference at Columbia University.

Krueger, P. (2017). Sticky expectations and the profitability anomaly. Financial Management Association Annual Meetings.

Krueger, P. (2016). How Do Investors and Firms React to an Unexpected Currency. SFI Research Days 2016.

Krueger, P. (2016). Climate Change and Firm Valuation: Evidence from a Quasi-Natural Experiment.. 33rd International Conference of the French Finance Association.

Krueger, P. (2016). Finance and Social Economy. Shanghai Forum.

Krueger, P. (2016). Sticky Expectations and Stock Market Anomalies. NBER Behavioral Finance Spring Meeting.

Krueger, P. (2016). Discussion of Giving behavior of millionaires. Geneva Summit on Sustainable Finance.

Krueger, P. (2016). Climate Change and Firm Valuation: Evidence from a Quasi-Natural Experiment. American Finance Association. American Finance Association Annual Meetings.

Krueger, P. (2016). The Sustainability Footprint of Institutional Investors. Ackerman Conference on Corporate Governance at Bar Ilan University.

Krueger, P. (2016). Climate Change and Firm Valuation: Evidence from a Quasi-Natural Experiment. 2016 FMA Annual Meeting.

Krueger, P. (2016). How Do Investors and Firms React to an Unexpected Currency Appreciation Shock? 2016 FMA Annual Meeting.

Krueger, P. (2016). Recent Advances in Sustainable Finance Research. SFI Annual Meeting.

Krueger, P. (2015). Climate Change and Firm Valuation. Toulouse School of Economics Energy and Climate Conference 2015.

Krueger, P. (2015). Climate Change and Firm Valuation. Oklahoma University Energy Finance Research Conference.

Professional meeting presentation

Krueger, P. (2024). Greenwashing. SFI Knowledge Exchange Seminar, Geneva.

Krueger, P. (2024). Fundamental Principles of ESG Investing. SFI Master Class.

Krueger, P. (2023). Quantifying Sustainability. SFI Knowledge Exchange Seminar, Zürich.

Krueger, P. (2023). The Challenges of Implementing Net Zero in Practice. SFI Knowledge Exchange Seminar, Zürich.

Krueger, P. (2023). Decarbonizing Institutional Investor Portfolios. Inquire Europe, Joint Spring Seminar 2023, Malta.

Krueger, P. (2023). The Effects of Mandatory ESG Disclosure around the World. Seminar, Autorite de Controle Purdentiel et de Resolution, Paris.

Krueger, P. (2023). Fundamental Principles of ESG Investing. SFI Master Class, Zurich.

Krueger, P. (2023). Discussion of "Principles for Impact Investments". Sustainable Impact in Action Live – let’s walk the talk Conference, Frankfurt.

Krueger, P. (2022). Obligations de transparence en matière d’émissions CO2. Autorités des Marchés Financiers.

Krueger, P. (2022). Rethinking Financial Decision-Making: The Challenge of Climate Risk. SFI Knowledge Exchange Seminar.

Krueger, P. (2021). Finance and the Transition towards a Low Carbon Economy. SFI Knowledge Exchange Seminar.

Krueger, P. (2019). Institutional climate risk. Presentation, FTSE Russell World Investment Forum.

Krueger, P. (2019). Sustainable finance. Presentation, Le Temps Forum des 100.

Krueger, P. (2019). Climate Related Financial Reporting. Panel moderation, Climate Related Financial Reporting Conference.

Krueger, P. (2019). Risques climatiques et banques centrales: une perspective de la BNS. Panel discussion, Swiss National Bank Apéritif «Marché monétaire»,.

Krueger, P. (2019). Balancing Risk and Reward: Setting Concrete Goals for Sustainable Investments. Keynote speech, Elite Summit.

Krueger, P. (2019). Research on sustainable finance: What we know...and do not know. Conference presentation, Building Bridges Summit 2019.

Krueger, P. (2018). The Sustainability Footprint of Institutional Investors. Geneva Centre for Philanthropy and Cambridge University’s Centre for Endowment Asset Management Philanthropy Series.

Krueger, P. (2016). Climate Change and Firm Valuation in the context of UK Legislation. 8th INQUIRE UK Business School Seminar.

Krueger, P. (2016). Long-term finance and sustainability. AZEK Campus.

Krueger, P. (2016). Long-term finance and sustainability. AZEK Campus.

Krueger, P. (2016). Sustainable Finance in Switzerland: Where Do We Stand? SFI Evening Seminar.

Krueger, P. (2016). Long-Term Investing: Good Intentions versus Short-Term Behavior. Participation in a Panel Discussion at SFI Annual Meeting.

Krueger, P. (2015). Climate Change and Firm Valuation: Evidence from a Quasi-Natural Experiment. SRI Conference.

Faculty research seminar

Krueger, P. (2024). Green Revenues. Finance Seminar, Lancaster University.

Krueger, P. (2024). Decarbonizing Institutional Investor Portfolios. Joint Finance Seminar.

Krueger, P. (2024). Green Revenues. EDHEC Nice.

Krueger, P. (2024). Decarbonizing Institutional Investor Portfolios. Finance Seminar, University of Georgia - Terry College of Business.

Krueger, P. (2024). Decarbonizing Institutional Investor Portfolios. Finance Seminar, Exeter University.

Krueger, P. (2023). The Sustainability Wage Gap. Finance Seminar, Liverpool University.

Krueger, P. (2023). The Sustainability Wage Gap. Finance Seminar, Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology.

Krueger, P. (2023). The Sustainability Wage Gap. Finance Seminar, Warwick Unviversity.

Krueger, P. (2022). ESG News, Future Cash Flows, and Firm Value. Finance Seminar, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology.

Krueger, P. (2022). The Sustainability Wage Gap. Finance Seminar, Toulouse Business School.

Krueger, P. (2022). The Sustainability Wage Gap. Finance Seminar, Durham University.

Krueger, P. (2022). ESG News, Future Cash Flows, and Firm Value. Finance Seminar, University of Cologne.

Krueger, P. (2022). The Economics of Sustainability-Linked Bonds. Finance Seminar, Aarhus University.

Krueger, P. (2022). The Sustainability Wage Gap. Faculty Seminar, University of Geneva.

Krueger, P. (2022). The Sustainability Wage Gap. Finance Seminar, IE Business School.

Krueger, P. (2022). ESG News, Future Cash Flows, and Firm Value. Finance Seminar, Erasmus University Rotterdam.

Krueger, P. (2022). ESG News, Future Cash Flows, and Firm Value. Finance Seminar, Erasmus University Rotterdam.

Krueger, P. (2021). The Sustainability Wage Gap. Utrecht University.

Krueger, P. (2021). The Sustainability Wage Gap. Academic Seminar, Principles for Responsible Investing.

Krueger, P. (2021). The Sustainability Wage Gap. Finance seminar, Kings College London..

Krueger, P. (2021). The Sustainability Wage Gap. Research Seminar, University of Nantes/Audencia Business School.

Krueger, P. (2021). ESG news, future cash flows, and firm value. Corporate Finance Webinar, ESCP Business School; CUNEF;TBS Business School.

Krueger, P. (2020). The Sustainability Wage Gap. Finance Seminar, University of Geneva.

Krueger, P. (2020). Mandatory Corporate Carbon Disclosure: Evidence from a Natural Experiment. Faculty Seminar, University of Groningen.

Krueger, P. (2020). Mandatory Corporate Carbon Disclosure: Evidence from a Natural Experiment. Seminar, Humboldt University Berlin.

Krueger, P. (2020). Mandatory Corporate Carbon Disclosure: Evidence from a Natural Experiment. Research seminar, Banque de France.

Krueger, P. (2019). Institutional Investors’ Views and Preferences on Climate Risk Disclosure. Finance Seminar, University of St. Gallen.

Krueger, P. (2019). Institutional Investors’ Views and Preferences on Climate Risk Disclosure. Finance seminar, Stockholm School of Economics.

Krueger, P. (2019). Institutional Investors’ Views and Preferences on Climate Risk Disclosure. Finance seminar, University of Mannheim.

Krueger, P. (2019). The Importance of Climate Risks for Institutional Investors. Seminar, Copenhagen Business School.

Krueger, P. (2019). The Importance of Climate Risks for Institutional Investors. Seminar, University of Virginia, Darden School of Business.

Krueger, P. (2019). Institutional Investors’ Views and Preferences on Climate Risk Disclosure. Seminar, University of Zurich.

Krueger, P. (2018). The Sustainability Footprint of Institutional Investors. Finance seminar, University of Neuchâtel.

Krueger, P. (2018). The Sustainability Footprint of Institutional Investors. Finance seminar, University of Cambridge.

Krueger, P. (2018). The Sustainability Footprint of Institutional Investors. Finance seminar, University of Warwick.

Krueger, P. (2018). The Sustainability Footprint of Institutional Investors. Finance seminar, University of Stellenbosh.

Krueger, P. (2018). The Sustainability Footprint of Institutional Investors. Finance Seminar, University College Dublin.

Krueger, P. (2018). The Importance of Climate Risks for Institutional Investors. Faculty seminar, Université Paris Dauphine.

Krueger, P. (2017). Sustainability footprint of institutional investors. Seminar, École hôtelière de Lausanne.

Krueger, P. (2017). Sustainability footprint of institutional investors. Faculty seminar, SKEMA Business School.

Krueger, P. (2017). Sustainability footprint of institutional investors. Seminar, Chinese University Hong Kong.

Krueger, P. (2017). Sustainability footprint of institutional investors. Seminar, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics.

Krueger, P. (2017). Sustainability footprint of institutional investors. Finance Seminar, University of Muenster.

Krueger, P. (2017). Sustainability footprint of institutional investors. Seminar, Bocconi University.

Krueger, P. (2016). The Sustainability Footprint of Institutional Investors. Faculty Seminar University of Maastricht.

Krueger, P. (2015). Climate Change and Firm Valuation: Evidence from a Quasi-Natural Experiment. Seminar University of Maastricht.

Krueger, P. (2015). Climate Change and Firm Valuation. Seminar Goethe University Frankfurt.

Invited speaker

Krueger, P. (2024). Keynote: Do green revenues translate into green alpha?, Geneva, Switzerland.

Krueger, P. (2024). Keynote: Green Returns in the Real Economy: Is there a 'Green Alpha' for Investors?, Geneva, Switzerland.

Krueger, P. (2023). Keynote: Decarbonizing Institutional Investor Portfolios., Stockholm, Sweden.

Krueger, P. (2023). Keynote: Research Perspectives on Sustainable Finance., Beijing, China (PRC).

Krueger, P. (2022). Keynote Presentation "The Sustainability Wage Gap"., Edinburgh, Great Britain.

Krueger, P. (2022). Keynote Presentation : Do Responsible Investors Invest Responsibly?, Otago, New Zealand.

Krueger, P. (2021). Toulouse School of Management., Tolouse, France.

Krueger, P. (2021). Sustainable finance research session., Evanston, United States of America.

Krueger, P. (2021). Panel Discussion: ESG Data Quality: Benefits, Challenges, Solutions., Frankfurt, Germany.

Krueger, P. (2021). Keynote Speech: ESG Rating Disagreement., Torino, United States of America.

Krueger, P. (2021). ESG Rating Disagreement and Stock Returns., Virtual, Great Britain.

Krueger, P. (2021). Keynote Speech: ESG Rating Disagreement and Stock Returns., Virtual, Great Britain.

Krueger, P. (2021). Discussion of "Green Sentiment, Stock Returns, and Corporate Behavior"., Vaduz, Liechenstein.

Krueger, P. (2021). Discussion of "Stock Price Reactions to ESG News: The Role of ESG Ratings and Disagreement"., London, Great Britain.

Krueger, P. (2021). SFI Public Discussion Note on Sustainable Finance Metrics., Zürich, Switzerland.

Krueger, P. (2020). Panel discussion: ESG Investing across asset classes., London, Great Britain.

Krueger, P. (2020). Mandatory Corporate Carbon Disclosure: Evidence from a Natural Experiment. Keynote Speech, IEE Research Day, University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland.

Gibson Brandon, R. N., & Krueger, P. (2019). The sustainability footprint of institutional investors. Bank of Amercia Global Quant Conference, London, Great Britain.

Gibson Brandon, R. N., & Krueger, P. (2019). The sustainability Footprint of Institutional Investors. SVG Basel Lecture, Basel, Switzerland.

Krueger, P. (2019). Responsible Institutional Investing Around the World. UNIGESTION, Geneva, Switzerland.

Krueger, P. (2019). Institutional Investors’ Views and Preferences on Climate Risk Disclosure. Sveriges Riksbank, Stockholm, Sweden.

Krueger, P. (2019). The Importance of Climate Risks for Institutional Investors. FINMA, Berne, Switzerland.

Gibson Brandon, R. N., & Krueger, P. (2018). The sustainability footprint of institutional investors. SFG/ SFI and GFRI conférence sur la finance durable, son essor et et son impact sur la gestion de patrimoineur la gestion, Geneva, Switzerland.

Gibson Brandon, R. N., & Krueger, P. (2018). The sustainability Footprint of Institutional Investors. SFAA Annual Conference, Luzern, Switzerland.

Krueger, P. (2018). Does sustainability create value for investors? Keynote speech, Swedish House of Finance- MFS Conference on Sustainable Finance, Stockholm, Sweden.

Krueger, P. (2018). The Sustainability Footprint of Institutional Investors. Presentation, Inrate AG, Zurich, Switzerland.

Krueger, P. (2018). The Sustainability Footprint of Institutional Investors. Keynote speech, Inquire Europe Autumn Seminar “ESG Exposure and Portfolio Construction“, Budapest, Hungary.

Krueger, P. (2018). ESG: What is needed for successful implementation in Switzerland? Panel speaker, NZZ Swiss International Finance Forum, Zurich, Switzerland.

Krueger, P. (2017). Sticky expectations and the profitability anomaly. Invited speaker, Amundi Asset Management, Paris, France.

Krueger, P. (2017). Sustainability footprint of institutional investors. Invited speaker at 4Nations Cup, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal.

Krueger, P. (2017). Sustainability footprint of institutional investors. Invited speaker at SwissRe, Adliswil, Switzerland.

Krueger, P. (2017). How Do Investors and Firms React to an Unexpected Currency Appreciation Shock? The Graduate Institute Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland.

Krueger, P. (2017). Sustainability footprint of institutional investors. Invited speaker, SwissRe Media roundtable on responsible investing, Zürich, Switzerland.

Krueger, P. (2016). Valuation effects of carbon disclosure and carbon management., Berlin, Germany.

Krueger, P. (2015). Financing sustainable cities: The Swiss Paradigm., Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.

Krueger, P. (2015). Research Dialogue on Climate Finance. Yonsei Global Summit, Seoul, South Korea.

Technical report related to funded research project

Krueger, P. (2016). Proposals for a Roadmap towards a Sustainable Financial System in Switzerland..

Krueger, P. (2016). Sustainable Finance in Switzerland: Where do we stand?

Krueger, P. (2015). Design of a Sustainable Financial System: Swiss Team Input into the UNEP Inquiry.

Practitioner-oriented article (non peer-reviewed)

Krueger, P. (2016). Was sind nachhaltige Finanzen? Die Volkswirtschaft.

Consulting study and report

Krueger, P., & Gibson Brandon, R. N. (2023). The Role of Institutional Investors as Responsible Investors. CEPR Press, London, Great Britain.

Working Paper

Krueger, P., Metzger, D., & Wu, J. (2024). The Sustainability Wage Gap.

Berrada, T. N., Gibson Brandon, R. N., Engelhardt, L., & Krueger, P. (2024). The Economics of Sustainability – Linked Bonds.

Krueger, P., Klausmann, J., & Matos, P. (2024). The Green Transition: Evidence from Corporate Green Revenues.

Krueger, P., Ilhan, E., Sautner, Z., & Starks, L. (2019). - Institutional Investors’ Views and Preferences on Climate Risk Disclosure.

Krueger, P. (2016). Sticky Expectations and the Profitability Anomaly.

Krueger, P. (2016). The Sustainability Footprint of Institutional Investors.

Krueger, P. (2015). Climate Change and Firm Valuation: Evidence from a Quasi-Natural Experiment.

Krueger, P. (2015). How Do Investors and Firms React to an Unexpected Currency Appreciation Shock?.

Publicly available material describing new curricula or courses

Girardin, M., Berrada, T. N., Chaieb, I., Gibson Brandon, R. N., Hoesli, M. E. R., Krueger, P., ... & Valta, P. (2016). Make Smart Investment Decisions in a Global World. Coursera, Geneva, Switzerland.


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