
Regulations – Directives – Forms

Regulations and directives

(In French)

Bachelor in Economics and Management (2023) Regulation Directive
Bachelor in Economics and Management (2022) Regulation Directive
Bachelor in Economics and Management (2020) Regulation Directive
Bachelor in Economics and Management (2018) Regulation Directive

Evaluations and exams

> Directive on exam sessions
> Directive on student evaluations


> Directive on student plagiarism


> Directive on anonymization of written examinations (in French)

Exchange program

> Directive on international exchange program application (in French)
> Guidelines for incoming exchange students at the GSEM

Military/civil service deferment

> Advisor to the Military University Liaison Office: Professor Jean-Paul Vulliéty

  • The Military University Liaison Office assists students who have difficulties reconciling their academic studies with military or civil defense obligations.
  • All students who are required to perform military or civil defense service are reminded that they are required to inform the School in advance of their respective service dates. This information can be found on the official notice boards of towns and cities and the website: (in general, the website displays the dates for the following year from August onwards). In addition, each member of the armed forces is informed by post approximately 20 weeks before the start of the training course.
  • Forms to be completed (also available from the GSEM Student Services):

Civil protection postponement request (in French)
– Military postponement request (in French) (Requests must be submitted at least 14 weeks before the service start date)

  • The function of the Liaison Office Advisor is to facilitate the efficient functioning of the studies. S/he intervenes only when the service periods coincide with important exam sessions.
  • The Liaison Office Advisor will only give notice during teaching periods. No requests will be processed during course breaks (see Academic Calendar).

All requests for the deferment of military service must be made through Student Services: service-etudiants-gsem(at)


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