Exchange Programs

Outgoing Master students

Why study abroad?

At the GSEM we provide our students with a first-class educational experience to prepare them for their future careers. Students need to gain international experience to be successful in an increasingly complex and globalized business world. We therefore offer a great variety of international exchange programs with our worldwide partner universities and business schools to give our students an enriching educational and personal experience abroad.

Living and studying abroad is a great opportunity for a unique experience in a different cultural context, to improve language skills, to expand one’s professional network, and, last but not least, to increase one’s attractiveness to future employers.

Information sessions

At the beginning of the academic year, an information session for GSEM students is organized to answer their questions about mobility.

In addition, the University of Geneva, through the Academic Exchange Office organizes the International Academic Exchange Week at the beginning of October. This event informs you about the possibilities of exchange in universities abroad or in Switzerland during your studies.

On this occasion, a large number of partner universities are represented by their students to tell you not only about the courses they offer but also about life on campus and the culture of their country. The two information sessions are complementary: the Academic Exchange Office informs you, for example, about the possible destinations, the procedure to follow in order to go on a mobility exchange, the deadlines, the documents to be provided, etc. while the GSEM session, organized by the academic advisor, gives you information about the academic aspects of your stay and the specificities of the GSEM.

The two information sessions are complementary: the Academic Exchange Office informs you, for example, about the possible destinations, the procedure to follow in order to go on a mobility exchange, the deadlines, the documents to be provided, etc. while the GSEM session, organized by the academic advisor, gives you information about the academic aspects of your stay and the specificities of the GSEM.


Fall 2024 Information Session
Master students
Friday 13 September 2024
2:15 – 3 pm
Uni Mail, MR 280


General information session Thursday 10 October 2024
12:15 – 2 pm
Uni Mail, MR 080
Academic Exchange Week
From 7 – 11 October 2024


Students must submit a complete admission to the Academic Exchange Office (SMAC) of the University of Geneva.

The website of the Academic Exchange Office (SMAC) provides the necessary information, particularly concerning the deadlines to be respected, the information sessions and the documents that must be included in the admission file.

Regarding the admission file, GSEM students must provide, in addition to the requested documents:

  • The provisional study plan(s) for mobility with the precise indication of all titles, course codes, number of credits, and hourly volume;
  • The detailed descriptions of all the courses envisaged in the host university;
  • The transcript of grades of the last diploma (for example, Bachelor).

Mobility guidelines

> Directive on Master Application for Mobility
This directive contains all relevant information regarding the following specificities of the GSEM:

  • Prerequisite
  • Admission
  • Allocation
  • Study contract
  • Academic calendar
  • Verification/Amendment of the learning agreement
  • Delivery of the official transcript
  • Deadlines for submission of the host university’s original transcript
  • Questions

Study contract

> Master mobility study contract

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