Master & Certificate

Exam Sessions


You will receive an email at your university address ( informing know of when you can register for exams at Please note that once the official sign-up deadline has passed, you can no longer change the exams you have signed up for.

You have to sign up via the portal; you will also get the confirmation via the portal. Registering for a course on Moodle does not mean that you are automatically signed up for the exam for that course.

Don't forget that once you've received the confirmation, you must print it and submit the form.


Deadline for signing up for courses/exams taking place in the fall semester or year-round 16.10.2023
Deadline for signing up for courses/exams taking place in the spring semester 11.03.2024
Deadline for signing up for courses/exams taking place in the additional August/September exam session 21.07.2024

Session dates

2023-2024 Academic Year

Fall session
15.01.2024 – 03.02.2024
Spring session 03.06.2024 – 22.06.2024
Extraordinary session 19.08.2024 – 07.09.2024

The exam timetable is published on the student intranet at least two weeks before the start of the exam session.
Once the timetable has been published, you should check it regularly in case there are any changes.

Exam planning

> Fall 2023
> Spring 2024
> Additional session 2024

Exam seat notification

  • Your exam seat information will be sent directly to your UNIGE student portal 15 minutes before the start of each exam.
  • You will receive an email with a link to access it, or you can access it by scanning the QR code provided.
  • Remember to regularly check your portal, as last-minute changes may occur (such as room or location changes).

Viewing exam papers

View the exam papers from the Fall Session

  • Exam review sessions are held for each exam within the specified period in the academic calendar.
  • The date of the review session is communicated on the GSEM website in advance.
  • Attendance at the scheduled review session is expected, and individual appointments with instructors are not guaranteed for students unable to attend.
  • The review of exam papers is a personal process, and no photography of the papers is allowed.
  • To access the exam paper review, students must present their student ID card and/or enrollment certificate due to the anonymization of written exams.

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