
Doctoral Support

Frequently asked questions

Is it possible to obtain a scholarship for a Doctoral program?

It is possible under certain conditions. Please visit the Social and Financial Service page,  or the Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships page.

I have a problem with my student registration status (immatriculation). Whom should I contact?


All questions relating to student registration should be addressed to the Admissions Department via the online platform kayako.

I am a Ph.D. student at University of Geneva from another faculty and wish to follow a program at GSEM. How should I proceed?

You must apply to the GSEM program and at the same time, register to a second Faculty.

All information on this particular process can be found on this Admissions page:

Service des admissions.

Important: respect the GSEM registration deadline.


Ph.D. platform

> Log in to the Ph.D. Platform.

UNIGE resources

> Training, support, resources, and guides

Graduate Campus

The Graduate Campus is a structure dedicated to Ph.D. students and Postdoctoral Researchers with the mission to provide information about the doctoral program, support doctoral training, strengthen the community of young researchers, and develop employability after the academy.

> Graduate Campus
> Training courses
> Thesis path

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