Student Life

Language Support

The GSEM is a bilingual School. We strongly recommend proficiency in both French and English. Students, or candidates, who want to improve their knowledge of either language can contact the University of Geneva’s Maison des langues, which offers English classes, language tandems and French support classes for non-native speakers.

For admission to the Bachelor’s program, we recommend a B1 level in your “weak” language at the beginning of the first year and require a B2 level in your “strong” language. All first-year Bachelor’s classes are taught in French and English. In the second and third years, classes are taught in either the one language or the other. This allows all our students to develop the professional language skills essential for the job market – especially in an international environment like Geneva.

GSEM Master’s programs are taught in English, with the exception of some optional classes – please refer to the relevant study programs.

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