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Harvard Business Review

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Does Your Company Need a Chief ESG Officer? 

CEOs and boards of directors face increasing pressure to address environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues. To address this issue, some companies have appointed chief ESG officers.

In a digital article, GSEM Senior Research Associate Dr. Robert Langan and Professor Markus Menz look at what a chief ESG officer does and whether a company should have one. They analyzed senior executives from more than 1’400 U.S. public companies in 2020 and 2021 and used their insights to develop three questions that CEOs and boards should ask before creating a chief ESG officer position.

1. Do your stakeholders care about ESG?
2. What role does ESG play in your strategy?
3. And would a chief ESG officer be complementary?


> To read the Harvard Business Review article, please click on the link

17 février 2022
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