Corps professoral & enseignant


Professeur ordinaire
Institute of Management

Ph.D., École Polytechnique de Lausanne

Uni Mail - 3240
+41 22 379 81 24

Recherche & publications

J. Respen, N. Zufferey, Ph. Wieser, Three-level inventory deployment for a luxury watch company facing various perturbations, Journal of the Operational Research Society, accepted in 2016

S. Thevenin, N. Zufferey, J.-Y. Potvin, Graph multi-coloring for a job scheduling application, Discrete Applied Mathematics, accepted in 2016

S. Thevenin, N. Zufferey, J.-Y. Potvin, Makespan minimization for a parallel machine scheduling problem with preemption and job incompatibility, International Journal of Production Research, accepted in 2016


Nicolas Zufferey est professeur de gestion des opérations à l’Université de Genève depuis 2008. Ses activités de recherche se concentrent sur la confection de méthodes de résolution pour des problèmes d’optimisation difficiles et de grande taille, avec applications en transport, ordonnancement, production, gestion des stocks, design de réseaux, gestion de la chaine d’approvisionnement et télécommunications. Il est membre de deux centres de recherche : le CIRRELT ( et le GERAD ( C’est à l’EPFL (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne) qu’il a obtenu son diplôme d’ingénieur, ainsi que son doctorat en recherche opérationnelle (2002). Il poursuit sa carrière au Canada en occupant successivement un poste de chercheur à l’Université de Calgary (2003 – 2004) et de professeur à l’Université Laval (2004 – 2007). Il est (co-)auteur de plus de 150 publications (articles scientifiques, actes de conférences et chapitres de livres) et a arbitré des papiers pour 55 revues internationales. Il a eu des collaborations de recherche avec 87 coauteurs, 35 Universités (surtout en Europe et Amérique) et 27 entreprises.

Sélection de publications


Vie, M.-S., Zufferey, N., & Leus, R. (2022). Aircraft Landing Planning under Uncertainties. Journal of Scheduling, 25, 203 - 228.

Coindreau, M.-A., Gallay, O., Zufferey, N., & Laporte, G. (2021). Inbound and Outbound Flow Integration for Cross-Docking Operations. European Journal of Operational Research, 294 (3), 1153 – 1163.

Coindreau, M. -A., Gallay, O., & Zufferey, N. (2021). Synchronizing Trucks and Drones for a Real-World Parcel Delivery Problem with Time-Window Constraints. Networks, 78 (4), 400-420.

Bissoli, D. C., Zufferey, N., & Amaral, A. R. S. (2021). Lexicographic-optimization-based Clustering Search metaheuristic for the multi-objective flexible job shop scheduling problem. International Transactions in Operational Research, 28 (5), 2733 – 2758.

Kassoul, K., Cheikhrouhou, N., & Zufferey, N. (2021). Buffer Allocation Design for Unreliable Production Lines using Genetic Algorithm and Finite Perturbation Analysis. International Journal of Production Research.

Krim, H., Zufferey, N., Potvin, J.-Y., Benmansour, R., & Duvivier, D. (2021). Tabu search for a parallel-machine scheduling problem with periodic maintenance, job rejection and weighted sum of completion times. Journal of Scheduling.

Mediouni, A., Zufferey, N., Rached, M., & Cheikhrouhou, N. (2021). A multi-period multi-level capacitated lot-sizing and scheduling problem in the dairy industry. Supply Chain Forum: an International Journal.

Voldrich, S., Wieser, P., & Zufferey, N. (2020). Optimizing the Trade-off between Performance Measures and Operational Risk in a Food Supply Chain Environment. Soft Computing, 24, 3365 – 3378.

Voldrich, S., Wieser, P., & Zufferey, N. (2020). Design of a Quality Control Network for an International Food Company. INFOR (INFOR: Information Systems and Operational Research), 58 (1), 1-16.

Niesseron, C., Glardon, R., Zufferey, N., & Jafari, M. (2020). Energy Efficiency Optimization in Supply Chain Network: Impact of Inventory Management. International Journal of Supply Chain and Inventory Management, 3 (2), 93-123. doi:doi/abs/

Coindreau, M.-A., Gallay, O., Zufferey, N., & Laporte, G. (2019). Integrating workload smoothing and inventory reduction in three intermodal platforms of a European car manufacturer. Computers and Operations Research, 112.

Coindreau, M.-A., Gallay, O., & Zufferey, N. (2019). Vehicle Routing with Transportable Resources: Using Carpooling and Walking for On-site Services. European Journal of Operational Research, 279 (3), 996 - 1010.

Respen, J., Zufferey, N., & Potvin, J.-Y. (2019). Impact of vehicle tracking on a routing problem with dynamic travel times. RAIRO - Operations Research / Recherche Opérationnelle, 53, 401 - 414.

Thevenin, S., & Zufferey, N. (2019). Learning variable neighborhood search for a scheduling problem with time windows and rejections. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 261, 344-353.

Vie, M.-S., Zufferey, N., & Cordeau, J.-F. (2019). Solving the Wire-Harness Design Problem at a European car manufacturer. European Journal of Operational Research, 272 (2), 712-724.

Mediouni, A., Zufferey, N., Subramanian, N., & Cheikhrouhou, N. (2019). Fit between humanitarian professionals and project requirements: Hybrid group decision procedure to reduce uncertainty in decision-making. Annals of Operations Research, 283, 471-496.

Kaboli, A., Cheikhrouhou, N., Glardon, R., & Zufferey, N. (2019). Replenishment Behavior in Sequential Supply Chain. International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management, 32 (3/4), 322-345.

Thevenin, S., Zufferey, N., & Potvin, J.-Y. (2018). Graph multi-coloring for a job scheduling application. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 234, 218-235.

Thevenin, S., Zufferey, N., & Glardon, R. (2017). Model and metaheuristics for a scheduling problem integrating procurement, sale and distribution decisions. Annals of Operations Research, 259 (43132), 437-460.

Respen, J., Zufferey, N., & Wieser, P. (2017). Three-level inventory deployment for a luxury watch company facing various perturbations. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 68 (10), 1195-1210.

Respen, J., & Zufferey, N. (2017). Metaheuristics for truck loading in the car production industry. International Transactions in Operational Research, 24 (43132), 277-301.

Thevenin, S., Zufferey, N., & Potvin, J.-Y. (2017). Makespan minimisation for a parallel machine scheduling problem with preemption and job incompatibility. International Journal of Production Research, 55 (6), 1588-1606.

Voldrich, S., Wieser, P., & Zufferey, N. (2017). Competitive and Timely Food Supply combined with Operational Risk. Supply Chain Forum: an International Journal, 18 (1), 2-6.

Arguilaget Montarelo, L., Glardon, R., & Zufferey, N. (2017). A Global Simulation-Optimization Approach for Inventory Management in a Decentralized Supply Chain. Supply Chain Forum: an International Journal, 18 (2), 112-119.

Thevenin, S., Zufferey, N., & Widmer, M. (2016). Order acceptance and scheduling with earliness and tardiness penalties. Journal of Heuristics, 22 (6), 849–890.

Respen, J., Zufferey, N., & Amaldi, E. (2016). Metaheuristics for a job scheduling problem with smoothing costs relevant for the car industry. Networks, 67 (3), 246–261.

Thevenin, S., Widmer, M., & Zufferey, N. (2015). Metaheuristics for a scheduling problem with rejection and tardiness penalties. Journal of Scheduling, 18 (1), 89-105.

Schindl, D., & Zufferey, N. (2015). A Learning Tabu Search for a Truck Allocation Problem with Linear and Nonlinear Cost Components. Naval Research Logistics, 61 (1), 32-45.

Bloechliger, I., & Zufferey, N. (2013). Multi-coloring and job-scheduling with assignment and incompatibility costs. Annals of Operations Research, 211 (1), 83-101.

Zufferey, N., Labarthe, O., & Schindl, D. (2012). Heuristics for a project management problem with incompatibility and assignment costs. Computational Optimization and Applications, 51, 1231-1252.

Carle, M.-A., Martel, A., & Zufferey, N. (2012). The CAT metaheuristic for the solution of multi-period activity-based supply chain network design problems. International Journal of Production Economics, 139, 664-677.

Amrani, H., Martel, A., Zufferey, N., & Makeeva, P. (2011). A variable neighborhood search heuristic for the designn of multicommodity production–distribution networksm with alternative facility configurations. OR Spectrum, 33, 989-1007.

Silver, E. A., & Zufferey, N. (2011). Inventory control of an item with a probabilistic replenishment lead time and a known supplier shutdown period. International Journal of Production Economics, 49 (4), 923-947.

Lorini, S., Potvin, J.-Y., & Zufferey, N. (2011). Online vehicle routing and scheduling with dynamic travel times. Computers and Operations Research, 38, 1086-1090.

Meuwly, F.-X., Ries, B., & Zufferey, N. (2010). Solution Methods for a Scheduling Problem with Incompatibility and Precedence Constraints. Algorithmic Operations Research, 5, 75-85.

Bierlaire, M., Thémans, M., & Zufferey, N. (2010). A Heuristic for Nonlinear Global Optimization. INFORMS Journal on Computing, 22 (1).

Plumettaz, M., Schindl, D., & Zufferey, N. (2010). Ant Local Search and its efficient adaptation to graph colouring. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 61, 819-826.

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