

Professeur ordinaire
Geneva Finance Research Institute

Ph.D., Université de Genève

Uni Mail - 3258
+41 22 379 81 22

Recherche & publications

Is financial regulation good or bad for real estate companies? An event study, forthcomingJournal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, with Milcheva, S. and Moss, A.

Measuring house price bubblesforthcomingReal Estate Economics, with Bourassa, S.C. and Oikarinen, E.

U.S. metropolitan house price dynamics, 2018, Journal of Urban Economics, 105, pp. 54-69, with Oikarinen, E., Bourassa, S.C. and Engblom, J.

Real estate investing: opportunities and challenges, 2017, Bankers, Markets and Investors, 148, pp. 3-16, with Falkenbach, H.

High frequency house price indexes with scarce data, 2017, Journal of Real Estate Literature, 25, pp. 207-220, with Bourassa, S. C.

Commonality in liquidity and real estate securities, 2017, Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, 55, pp. 65-105, with Kadilli, A. and Reka K.

Are public and private asset returns and risks the same? Evidence from real estate data, 2016, Journal of Real Estate Portfolio Management, 22, pp. 179-198, with Oikarinen, E.

Real estate research in Europe, 2016, Journal of European Real Estate Research, 9, pp. 220-230.

Risk factors of European non-listed real estate fund returns, 2016, Journal of Property Research, 33, pp. 190-213, with Delfim, J.-C.

What affects children's outcomes: house characteristics or homeownership?, 2016Housing Studies, 31, pp. 427-444, with Bourassa, S.C. and Haurin, D.R.

Robust hedonic price indexes, 2016, International Journal of Housing Markets and Analysis, 9, pp. 47-65, with Bourassa, S. C. and Cantoni, E.

Determinants of the homeownership rate: an international perspective, 2015, Journal of Housing Research, 24, pp. 193-210, with Bourassa, S.C., Haurin, D.R. and Hendershott, P.H.

Do public real estate returns really lead private returns?, 2015, The Journal of Portfolio Management, 41, pp. 105-117, with Oikarinen, E. and Serrano, C.

Transaction-based and appraisal-based capitalization rate determinants, 2015, International Real Estate Review, 18, pp. 1-43, with Chaney, A.

Contagion channels between real estate and financial markets, 2015, Real Estate Economics, 43, pp. 101-138, with Reka, K.

Multifamily residential asset and space markets and linkages with the economy, 2015, Journal of Property Research, 32, pp. 50-76, with Chaney, A.


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