
Sebastian RAISCH

Professeur ordinaire
Institute of Management

Ph.D., Université de Genève

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+41 22 379 88 01

Brève biographie

Sebastian Raisch is Professor of Strategic Management and Director of the Executive MBA at GSEM, University of Geneva. His research focuses on how large firms cope with the tensions between stability and change in their corporate development. He has worked and published on topics such as corporate growth and decline, corporate turnaround, organizational ambidexterity, organizational paradox, and strategic change. Currently, he is very much interested in the “digital revolution” and how it affects organizations as well as our lives. 

Sebastian's work has been published in journals such as the Academy of Management Journal, Organization Science, Journal of Management, Journal of Management Studies, Sloan Management Review, and Harvard Business Review. In recent years, he received several academic awards for his contributions to the ambidexterity literature including the Strategic Management Society’s Best PhD Paper Award, the Emerald Publishing Group’s Citation of Excellence Award, and the Journal of Management’s Scholarly Impact Award. Sebastian serves on the Editorial Boards of the Academy of Management Journal, the Journal of Management Studies and the Strategic Management Journal.

Recherche & publications

Raisch S., Hargrave T.J., Van De Ven A.H. (2018). The Learning Spiral, A Process Perspective on Paradox. Journal of Management Studies. DOI:10.1111/joms.12397.

Luger J, Raisch S, & Schimmer M (2017). Dynamically Balancing Exploration and Exploitation: The Contingent Benefits of Ambidexterity. Organization Science (forthcoming)

Zimmermann A, Raisch S, & Cardinal L (2017). Managing Persistent Tensions on the Frontline: A Configurational Perspective on Ambidexterity. Journal of Management Studies (forthcoming)

Raisch S & Tushman ML (2016). Growing New Corporate Businesses: From Initiation to Graduation. Organization Science, 27(5): 1237-57.

Schad J, Lewis MW, Raisch S, & Smith WK (2016). Paradox Research in Management Science: Looking Back to Move Forward. Academy of Management Annals, 10(1): 5-64.

Zimmermann A, Raisch S, & Birkinshaw J (2015). How Is Ambidexterity Initiated? The Emergent Charter Definition Process. Organization Science, 26(4): 1119-1139.  


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