
Publications of the GSI

The GSI is the successor to the European Institute of the University of Geneva (IEUG). Therefore, current GSI publications were formerly those of the IEUG. Their goal is to disseminate the knowledge produced by researchers, instructors, and students. There are two guiding principles: excellence, and the development of academic debate on questions related to Europe in the broadest sense.

The GSI currently manages two collections, one classic and one electronic. Both welcome work on themes related to Europe. They are distinguished by their goals and their modes of publication.

The Publications of the European Institute of the University of Geneva through Academia-L'Harmattan (a publishing house based in Louvain-la-Neuve) aim for wide distribution, both inside and outside the academic community, of research produced at, or in collaboration with, the Institute. This collection publishes proceedings of international conferences organized by the Institute as well as quality monographs, especially the best doctoral dissertations on European questions and research by Institute instructors.

Since 2011, the Institute co-publishes, along with the Department of Theory of Languages and Communication Studies of the University of Valencia in Spain, the biannual journal EU-topias, focusing on inter-culturality, communication, and European Studies. GSI is currently developing new publication projects.