Conférence “Unpacking a colonial missionary collection from Togo/Ghana: The Legba-Dzoka Project” par Birgit Meyer - 21 nov 2024
“Unpacking a colonial missionary collection from Togo/Ghana: The Legba-Dzoka Project”
par Birgit Meyer (Utrecht University)
21 novembre 2024 (18h30-20h00 | Uni Mail | M2130)
Introduction et moderation par André Chappatte (Geneva Africa Lab)
Dzokawo are strings that contain powerful substances skillfully put together by a boko (priest) for the sake of healing and protection of the wearer, or as a means to attack an enemy. These artefacts are part of a colonial and missionary collection assembled on behalf of the museum around 1900. This lecture will unpack their alienating resignification as instances of “idolatry,” “superstition” and “magic” and address their current re-valuation as cultural assets and entry points into alternative memories of colonization and conversion.
5 nov. 2024