The Genomics Platform of iGE3 and the University of Geneva provides consulting and access
to the state-of-the-art methods in genomic technologies.


The Genomics Platform offers a complete solution from optimisation of experimental design to data analysis.

Experimental design

Recommendations about samples preparation, replicates number, internal controls are given. Guidelines for the selection of the relevant technology depending on the project are provided.


Samples processing is performed either by the user under full supervision of the Platform staff or by the Platform staff itself.

Data analysis

Depending on the application, standardized or more specific analysis pipelines are applied. Data processing tools are developed by the bioinformatics staff and proposed to users. Tools for data visualization, biological interpretation, pathway and Gene Ontology are also proposed.

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To discuss about their project
potential users are encouraged to contact

Dr Mylène Docquier, Plateform manager

+41 (0)22 379 50 31


Once you are ready to publish your results,
please use the text below for acknowledgement.

Experiments (to be listed by authors) were performed at the
iGE3 Genomics Platform of the University of Geneva

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