programs accepting applications for the spring semester 2025

Can be adapted at any time

Please note: it is possible to apply for doctoral programs year-round.

Faculty of Science

  • Complementary Certificate in Computer Science
  • Specialisation Certificate in Assessment and Management of Geological and Climate Related Risk (CERG-C)
  • Master of Science in Prehistoric Archaeology
  • Master of Science in Biochemistry
  • Master of Science in Chemistry
  • Master of Science in Mathematics
  • Master of Science in Mathematics, Computer Science and Digital Sciences
  • MAS in Microbiology


Faculty of Humanities

  • Specialisation Certificate in Digital Humanities
  • Specialisation Certificate in Linguistics
  • Master of Arts (90 ECTS credits) for the following disciplines :
    • Chinese studies
    • French as a foreign language
    • Art history
    • History
    • Transnational history
    • English language and literature
    • French language and literature
    • Greek language and literature
    • German language, literature and culture
    • Hispanic language, literature and culture
    • Comparative literature
    • Musicology
    • Philosophy
    • Mediæval studies
  • Master of Arts with Specialisation (120 ECTS credits) for the following disciplines :
    • East-Asian studies
    • General history
    • Art history
    • French language and literature
    • Hispanic language, literature and culture
    • German literature
    • Philosophy


Geneva School of economics and management

  • Complementary Certificate in Applied Statistics (30 ECTS credits)


Geneva School of Social Sciences

  • Complementary Certificate in Geomatics (30 ECTS credits)


Faculty of Law

  • Master of Laws and Bilingual Master of Laws (French-German) (90 ECTS credits)
    • Law
    • Civil and Criminal Law
    • Economic Law
    • International and European Law
    • Right of Public Action
  • Specialisation Certificate for the Legal Profession (ECAV) (20 ECTS credits)


Faculty of Theology

  • Bachelor of Theology - by distance learning (only candidates not subject to the ECUS exam may apply in Spring semester, otherwise they must apply for the Fall semester)
  • Complementary Certificate in Theology (30 ECTS credits)
  • Specialisation Certificate in Theology
  • Master of Theology (of the University of Geneva and the University of Lausanne)


Faculty of psychology and Educational Sciences

  • Complementary Certificate in Special Education (30 ECTS credits)
  • Complementary Certificate in Science of Education - orientation Generalist (30 ECTS credits)
  • Complementary Certificate in Adult Education (30 ECTS credits)
  • Complementary Certificate in General Psychology (30 ECTS credits)
  • Master of Science in Education - Analysis and Intervention in Educational Systems (90 ECTS credits)
  • Master of Science in Education - Adult Education (120 ECTS credits)
  • Master of Science in Education - Psychoeducational Approaches to Disabilities (120 ECTS credits)


University institute of Teacher education

  • Master of Science in Primary School Education (MAEP)


computer science center

  • Master of Science in Digital Systems and Services