Secondary and post-secondary diplomas and programs not recognized by UNIGE
Secondary studies diplomas
- Any diploma for completion of upper secondary studies considered “specialized” and not corresponding to the general education required by our conditions;
- Any diploma for completion of upper secondary studies for which substantial differences from the Swiss Maturity Certificate are observed and/or that was obtained following a curriculum that does not make it possible to verify that it was general education as required by our conditions;
The conditions above apply even if the diploma could, in the country where it was awarded, grant access to a university program.
Post-secondary studies diplomas/exams/programs (or similar)
- Entrance exams for institutions of higher education;
- Any post-secondary diploma or program that cannot be considered equivalent or similar to a diploma or program offered by a Swiss institution of higher education due to substantial differences observed in the content and/or the ways credits and/or the diploma are awarded.
> Criteria for recognition of foreign higher education institutions and programs