
Preconference Workshop


Implementation Science 101:


an introduction to implementation science and its application

Pre-conference workshop

Thursday, November 7th, 2024, 13:00-16:00 CET


This session will bring together Implementation Science experts from all corners of Switzerland to provide participants with an introductory overview of Implementation Science and an opportunity to apply key concepts of Implementation Science to a failed implementation case study.


The workshop will begin with an overview of key Implementation Science principles. This Implementation Science 101 provides the basis for translating evidence-based interventions from the trial world to real world settings. Participants will then receive an introductory look into essential components of Implementation Science studies including:

  • Patient and public involvement
  • Contextual Analysis
  • Social Marketing for implementation

Small interactive activity groups will collaboratively discuss approaches to incorporating these essential components into a real-life failed implementation case study.

This workshop is relevant to researchers or healthcare professionals planning and/or conducting Implementation Science studies already or those who are seeking to gain greater impact from their designed interventions.

  • It requires no prior knowledge or experience in Implementation Science, but a general understanding of Implementation Science principles is advantageous.
  • The workshop will have a mixed theory-practical format. Participants will be asked to work interactively and apply implementation science concepts to an implementation case study.
  • It will include a mix of short presentations, a lecture, group discussions, and practical exercises.

Relevant pre-reading will be sent directly to workshop participants following registration.

 By the end, participants will be able to:

  • Appreciate the importance in incorporating Implementation Science methodologies into their research.
  • Describe the key components of an implementation science study.
  • Propose and justify implementation science-based solutions to improve study design and delivery in a real-life case study.
  • Describe and critically assess the practical challenges of applying these recommendations to real-life intervention studies at different stages in the development process.

Workshop Schedule














