"The exercises on Moodle each week really help with ongoing work throughout the semester, and that is motivating."
"The Moodle practical trainings each week makes it easier to assimilate the material continuously which is very positive."
"The practical training is an excellent idea, because it allows both long-term training (and therefore better memorization), but above all to put into practice the examples and theories seen in class."
"Way too long for the credits given, too much time to invest in this subject, for which the seminar should be more effective."
"Moodle practical trainings is a good idea, maybe don't put it in every week, more like every two weeks, otherwise it allows you to become self-sufficient and practical for the course material."
"Moodle practical trainings take time to do, but they provide a good learning experience by learning from mistakes and repeating until you get 100% of the points. They are great exercises to consolidate our knowledge and even to understand concepts that were still unclear at the end of the course."
"The practical trainings are very helpful in understanding and assimilating the subject. This kind of branch requires practice and the practical exercises do exactly that. In addition, since we can try as many times as we want, it allows us to learn and review things that are not well understood.”