To meet this challenge, the teacher used the Text-tag cloud function available on the Pingo online voting system. This function gives each student the possibility to introduce 2 words or expressions according to the following criteria: to give a topical subject that deserves the action of a decision-maker and a geographical location (e.g., "Amazon deforestation"). All the words given by the students are displayed on the screen of the room in the form of a cloud (the words quoted several times are larger) and, if desired, in the form of a table with the number of occurrences for each word. During the first vote, the themes chosen by a minimum of 3 students are retained after the students concerned have explained what they put behind their pair of words. Before launching the 2e vote, the teacher asks the students who have not chosen a theme to argue in favour of their subject. About ten students speak up. Three votes will be necessary to determine, in 2018, the 20 themes treated by more than 40 groups.
After the groups have been formed, the students write their individual policy memos as a first step. To do so, they have a guide on what a policy memo is, and another presenting the learning objectives. In addition, since 2019, students have had access to tutorial videos produced by the teaching staff on how to write a policy memo. They must assume the role of a professional; the idea being that the policy memo is at the heart of the beginning of a career. One week after the submission of the individual policy memo, students also receive individual feedback on their writing and have the opportunity to request a one-on-one meeting at the proposed office. During these feedback sessions, the teaching team not only shares its appreciation of the individual policy memos but also discusses the particular and important points of the collective policy memo. In groups of three with peers who have worked on the same topic, students write a collective policy memo in which they articulate their positions.
The evaluation of the course is based on the individual and collective policy memos, for which students receive a mark of 40% before the final written exam. The 2-hour final exam consists of short questions on important theoretical elements of the course that would not be covered in a policy memo.