
2024 : Cross-Sector Intelligence and Foresight to accelerate the SDGs

The University of Geneva, in collaboration with UNECE and the Swiss Government have organised an official side event to the UNECE Forum on Sustainable Development in which leading experts have presented a blueprint for the Geneva track of the UN Futures Lab; showcased new models and scalable platforms to harness cross-sector collective intelligence and propel the SDGs’ progress, and highlighted the potential for cross-sectoral intelligence and strategic foresight as International Geneva’s contribution to the upcoming Summit of the Future.


Prof. Tina Ambos, University of Geneva, Ms. Özge Aydoğan, SDG Lab, Mr. Chris Earney, UN Futures Lab, Bryonie Guthrie, World Economic Forum, Dr. Alexandre Hedjazi, University of Geneva, Dr. Dmitry Mariyasin, UNECE, Dr. Stephan Mergenthaler, World Economic Forum, Mr. Markus Reubi, Swiss Envoy for the Agenda 2030

Key messages:

Ambassador Markus Reubi: “Increasingly, trust in governments will depend on our ability to handle risks and opportunities of new technologies helping us to accelerate the SDGs. More foresight and anticipation beyond 2030 is needed to properly address this challenge.”

Bryonie Guthrie: "Foresight allows us to work backwards from the vision of a future where SDGs have been achieved and to then determine what steps to take now to achieve that vision."

Dr. Dmitry Mariyasin: “As the international community prepares for the Summit of the Future, the unique ecosystem of the International Geneva can play a role in shaping a future-ready and agile multilateralism. One that builds on cross-sectoral intelligence and uses strategic foresight, including to inform norm- and policy-making, while ensuring efficient and inclusive stakeholder engagement."

Professor Tina Ambos: "We need a space where cross-sector players come together and leverage what each of them can do.”