Publications - Conférences - Thèses
Publications (dès 2010)
Livres // Articles // Chapitres // Présentations
B.J. Strasser & T. Schlich (2025) The Mask: A History of Breathing Bad Air. New Haven: Yale University Press.
K. Kampourakis (2025) Trusting Science: Why we Need to Reconsider School Science Teaching. New York: Oxford University Press.
K. Kampourakis (2024) How we Get Mendel Wrong and Why it Matters: Challenging the Narrative of Mendelian Genetics. New York: CRC Press (Routledge).
K. Kampourakis (Eds.) (2024) Darwin Mythology: Debunking Myths, Correcting Falsehoods. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
K. Kampourakis (2023) Ancestry Reimagined: Dismantling the Myth of Genetic Ethnicities. New York: Oxford University Press.
K. Kampourakis (2021) Understanding Genes. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
K. Kampourakis (2020) Understanding Evolution. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
B. J. Strasser (2019). Collecting Experiments: Making Big Data Biology. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
S. Perron, Grimault-Leprince, A. et Gueudet, G. (2019). Les usages du service en ligne Pearltrees Education. Rapport rédigé pour la Direction du Numérique pour l’Éducation.
B.J. Strasser and Haklay M. (2018), Citizen Science: Expertise, Democracy, and Public Participation (Document SSC 1/2018), Berne: SSC
K. Kampourakis, T. Uller (Eds.) (2020) Philosophy of Science for Biologists. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
K. McCain, K. Kampourakis (Eds.) (2019) What is Scientific Knowledge? An Introduction to Contemporary Epistemology of Science. New York: Routledge.
K. Kampourakis, K. McCain (2019) Uncertainty: How it Makes Science Advance. New York: Oxford University Press.
K. Kampourakis (2018) Turning Points: How Critical Events Have Driven Human Evolution, Life and Development. Amherst NY: Prometheus Books.
K. Kampourakis, M. J. Reiss (Eds.) (2018) Teaching Biology in Schools: Global Research, Issues and Trends. New York: Routledge.
K. Kampourakis (2017) Making Sense of Genes. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
B.J. Strasser and Edwards P (2015) Open Access: Publishing, Commerce, and the Scientific Ethos (Document SSIC 9/2015), Berne: CSSI
R. L. Numbers, K. Kampourakis (Eds.) (2015) Newton’s Apple and other Myths about Science. Cambridge MA: Harvard University Press.
B.J. Strasser (2014) Biomedicine: Meanings, assumptions, and possible futures (Document SSIC 6/2013), Berne: CSST
K. Kampourakis (2014) Understanding Evolution. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
K. Kampourakis (Ed.) (2013) The Philosophy of Biology: A Companion for Educators. Dordrecht: Springer.
Articles scientifiques
D.S. Moore, K. Kampourakis, N. Gericke (2025). The problems with genetic essentialism, determinism, and reductionism. Human Development. link
K. Kampourakis (2024) Teaching school genetics in the 2020s: Why “naive” Mendelian Genetics has to go. Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Biology. link
R.G. Duncan, R. Krishnamoorthy, U. Harms, M. Haskel-Ittah, K. Kampourakis, N. Gericke, M. Hammann, M. Jimenez-Aleixandre, R. H. Nehm, M. J. Reiss, A. Yarden (2024) The sociopolitical in human genetics education. Science, 383 (6685), 826-828.
R. Brock, N. Tsourakis, K. Kampourakis, (2024) Using text mining to identify teleological explanations in physics and biology textbooks: An exploratory study. Science & Education (online first).
Perron, S et Marzin-Janvier, P. (2023). Les sciences participatives à l’école, un partenariat prometteur. Cahiers pédagogiques, 87.
Strasser BJ, Tancoigne E, Baudry J, Piguet S, Spiers H, Luis-Fernandez Marquez J, Kasparian J, Grey F, Anderson D, Lintott C (2023), "Quantifying online citizen science: Dynamics and demographics of public participation in science," PLoS One, 18(11):e0293289 (link)
K. Kampourakis, E.L. Peterson (2023) The racist origins, racialist connotations, and purity assumptions of the concept of “admixture” in human evolutionary genetics. Genetics, 223(3) (iyad002).
F. Stern, K. Kampourakis, A. Müller (2023) “Genes for a role”, “genes as essences”: Secondary students’ explicit and implicit intuitions about genetic essentialism and teleology. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 60(2), 237-267.
R. Brock, K. Kampourakis (2023) A justification of legitimate teleological explanations in physics education: An argument from necessary constraints. Science & Education, 32, 927-945.
Perron, S. et Marzin-Janvier, P. (2022). Les projets de sciences citoyennes mis en œuvre en classe : pour quelle « authenticité » ? Review of Science, Mathematics and ICT Education, 16 (2), 27-46.
Perron, S. et Ligozat, F. (2022). Un regard didactique sur le partenariat entre la classe et les scientifiques. Comprendre les conditions de la transposition des savoirs aux frontières de l’École. Éducation et didactique, 3.
Schlich T and Strasser BJ (2022), “Making the Medical Mask: Surgery, Bacteriology, and the Control of Infection (1870s-1920s).” Medical History, 66(2): 116–134 (link)
Strasser BJ (2022), “The Shapes of Dissent: Masculinities, Protest, and Nuclear Expertise.” Engaging Science, Technology, and Society, 8(1) (link)
Moore K, and Strasser BJ (2022), “Science & Dissent: Alternative Temporalities, Geographies, Epistemologies.” Engaging Science, Technology, and Society, 8(1) (link)
Baudry J, Tancoigne É, & Strasser BJ (2022), "Turning crowds into communities: The collectives of online citizen science." Social Studies of Science, 52(3), 399-424 (link)
K. Kampourakis (2022) Reconsidering the goals of evolution education: defining evolution and evolutionary literacy. Evo Edu Outreach 15, 21.
Catagneyrol, B., Perron, S. et al. (2021). Quel enseignement de l’écologie à l’école ? La Société Française d’Ecologie et d’Evolution (SFE2), Regard R100.
Perron, S. (2021). Les projets de sciences citoyennes à l’École : quelles pratiques d’enseignement ? Review of Science, Mathematics and ICT Education, 15 (1), 25-43.
Perron, S., Marzin-Janvier, P., et Castagneyrol, B. (2021). Les projets de sciences citoyennes à l’école : pour quelles visées éducatives ? L’exemple du projet « Les gardiens des chênes » Éducation relative à l’environnement, 16(2).
F. Stern, M. Delaval, K. Kampourakis, A. Müller A (2020) Implicit associations of teleology and essentialism concepts with genetics concepts among secondary school students. PLoS ONE 15 (11): e0242189.
F. Stern, K. Kampourakis, M. Delaval, A. Müller (2020) Development and validation of a questionnaire measuring secondary students’ Genetic Essentialism and Teleology (GET) conceptions. International Journal of Science Education, 42(2) 218-252.
Macq H, Tancoigne É & Strasser BJ (2020), "From Deliberation to Production: Public Participation in Science and Technology Policies of the European Commission (1998–2019)." Minerva 58, 489–512 (link)
K. Kampourakis (2020) Students’ “teleological misconceptions” in evolution education: why the underlying design stance, not teleology per se, is the problem. Evolution: Education and Outreach, 13 1
Perron, S., Abdelkrim, H. et Boilevin, J.–M. (2020). L’absence de savoir conceptuel lors de démarches d’investigation scientifique mises en œuvre en classe : une crainte devenue réalité ?. Recherches en Éducation.42
Perron, S., Schneeberger, P. et Orange Ravachol, D. (2019). La compétence scripturale, un indicateur de la construction des savoirs conceptuels en Sciences de la vie et de la Terre ?. Educational Journal of University of Patras UNESCO Chair, 6(1), 20-28.
Strasser BJ, Baudry J, Mahr D, Sanchez G & Tancoigne E (2019), “‘Citizen Science’? Rethinking Science and Public Participation”, Science & Technology Studies, 32(2), 52-76 (link)
Perron, S. (2018). Une méthode mixte séquentielle pour étudier les démarches d’investigation scientifique à travers des pratiques d’enseignement. Review of science, mathematics and ICT education, 12(2), 83-101.
K. Kampourakis, F. Stern (2018) Reconsidering the meaning of concepts in biology: Why distinctions are so important. BioEssays, 40, 1800148
F. Stern, K. Kampourakis, C. Huneault, P. Silveira, A. Müller (2018) Undergraduate biology students’ teleological and essentialist misconceptions. Education Sciences, 8(3), 135.
K. McCain, K. Kampourakis (2018) Which question do polls about evolution and belief really ask, and why does it matter? Public Understanding of Science, 27(1) 2–10.
Strasser BJ, (2018) “Collecting Dreams in the Molecular Sciences: Margaret Dayhoff and The Atlas of Protein Sequence and Structure”, In: Oren Harman & Michael Dietrich (eds), Dreamers, Visionaries, and Revolutionaries in the Life Sciences, Chicago: Chicago University Press, 128-142
Perron, S. et Boilevin, J.-M. (2017). Processus de dévolution et appropriation du problème par des élèves en sciences expérimentales dans un contexte de démarche d’investigation. Recherches en didactique des sciences et des technologies, 15, 203-234.
F. Stern, K. Kampourakis (2017) Teaching for genetics literacy in the post-genomic era. Studies in Science Education, 53(2), 193-225.
Strasser BJ and Edwards P (2017),“Big Data is the Answer… But What is the Question?”, Osiris 32(1), 328-345 (link)
Strasser BJ and Mahr D, (2017), “Experiential Knowledge, Public Participation, and the Challenge to the Authority of Science in the 1970s”, Harvard Law Bill of Health, (link)
Strasser BJ, (2017), “The “Data-Deluge”: Turning Private Data into Public Archives”, In: Lorraine Daston (ed), Science in the Archives, Pasts, Presents, Futures, Chicago: Chicago University Press, 185-202
K. Kampourakis, P. Silveira, B.J. Strasser (2016) How do pre-service biology teachers explain the origin of traits? : A philosophical analysis. Science Education, 100(6), 1124-1149.
R. Nehm, K. Kampourakis (2016) Conceptual change in science and science education. Encyclopedia of Educational Philosophy and Theory, 1-5.
K. Kampourakis, K. McCain (2016) Believe in or about Evolution? BioScience, 66(3), 187-188.
K. Kampourakis (2016) The “general aspects” conceptualization as a pragmatic and effective means to introducing students to nature of science. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 53(5), 667-682.
K. Kampourakis, C. Gripiotis (2015) Darwinism in context: An interdisciplinary, highly contextualized course on nature of science. Perspectives in Science, 5, (25-35).
W.F. McComas, K. Kampourakis (2015) Using the history of biology, chemistry, geology, and physics to illustrate general aspects of nature of science. Review of Science, Mathematics and ICT Education, 9 (1), 47-76.
M.F. Campanile, N.G. Lederman, K. Kampourakis (2015) Mendelian genetics as a platform for teaching about Nature of Science and Scientific Inquiry: the value of textbooks. Science & Education, 24 (1-2), 205-225.
K. Kampourakis (2015) The need for interdisciplinary dialog in evolution education: A comment on the responses by Ware & Gelman and Shtulman. Cognitive Science, 39(4), 846-848.
K. Kampourakis (2015) Distorting the history of evolutionary thought in conceptual development research. Cognitive Science, 39(4), 833-837.
K. Kampourakis, B.J. Strasser (2015) The evolutionist, the creationist and the ‘unsure’: picking up the wrong fight? International Journal of Science Education, Part B: Communication and Public Engagement, 5(3), 271-275.
Strasser BJ, (2015), “Myth 22: That Linus Pauling’s Discovery of the Molecular Basis of Sickle Cell Anemia Revolutionized Medical Practice”, In: Kostas Kampourakis and Ronald L. Numbers (eds), Newton’s Apple and Other Historical Myths About Science, Boston: Harvard University Press, 178-185
K. Kampourakis, A. Minelli (2014) Evolution makes more sense in the light of development. The American Biology Teacher, 76(8), 493-498.
K. Kampourakis, E. Vayena, C. Mitropoulou, R.H. van Schaik, D.N. Cooper, J. Borg, G.P. Patrinos (2014) Key challenges for next-generation pharmacogenomics. EMBO Reports, 15(5), 472-476.
K. Kampourakis, A. Minelli (2014) Understanding evolution: why evo-devo matters. Bioscience, 64(5): 381-382.
K. Kampourakis (2013) Mendel and the path to Genetics: portraying science as a social process. Science & Education, 22(2), 293-324.
K. Kampourakis (2013) Teaching about adaptation: Why evolutionary history matters. Science & Education, 22(2), 173-188.
K. Kampourakis (2013) Nägeli, Carl von. In Stanley Maloy and Kelly Hughes (Eds) (2012) Brenner’s Online Encyclopedia of Genetics (2nd edition) pp.2-3.
Strasser, BJ (2012) “Practices, Styles, and Narratives: Collecting in the History of the Life Sciences », Osiris, 27(1), 303-340 (link)
Strasser, BJ (2012) “Data-driven sciences: From wonder cabinets to electronic databases”, Studies in the History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences, 43, 85-87
T.R. Reydon, K. Kampourakis, G.P. Patrinos (2012) Genetics, genomics and society: the responsibilities of scientists for science communication and education. Personalized Medicine, 9(6), 633-643.
K. Kampourakis, E. Palaiokrassa, M. Papadopoulou, V. Pavlidi, M. Argyropoulou (2012) Children’s intuitive teleology: shifting the focus of evolution education research. Evolution Education and Outreach, 5(2), 279-291.
K. Kampourakis, V. Pavlidi, M. Papadopoulou, E. Palaiokrassa (2012) Children’s teleological intuitions: what kind of explanations do 7-8 year olds give for the features of organisms, artifacts and natural objects? Research in Science Education, 42(4), 651-671.
Strasser, BJ and de Chadarevian, S (2011), « The Comparative and the Exemplary: Revisiting the History of Molecular Biology » , History of Science, xlix, 317-336
Strasser, BJ (2011), « The Experimenter’s Museum: GenBank, Natural History, and the Moral Economies of Biomedicine, 1979-1982″, Isis, 102, 60-96 (pdf)
K. Kampourakis, W.F. McComas (2010) Charles Darwin and evolution: illustrating human aspects of science. Science & Education, 19 (6-8), 637-654.
Strasser, Bruno J. "Collecting, Comparing, and Computing Sequences: The Making of Margaret O. Dayhoff’s Atlas of Protein Sequences and Structure, 1954-1965." Journal of the History of Biology 43, no. 4 (2010): 623-60.
Strasser, Bruno J. "Laboratories, Museums, and the Comparative Perspective: Alan A. Boyden’s Serological Taxonomy, 1925-1962." Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences 40, no. 2 (2010): 149-82.
Strasser, Bruno J, and Soraya de Chadarevian. "The Comparative and the Exemplary: Revisiting the Early History of Molecular Biology." History of Science 49 (2011): 317-36.
Strasser, Bruno J. "The Experimenter’s Museum: Genbank, Natural History, and the Moral Economies of Biomedicine." Isis 102, no. 1 (2011): 60-96.
Strasser, Bruno J. "Data-Driven Sciences: From Wonder Cabinets to Electronic Databases." Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences (2011, in press).
Chapitres de livre
Marzin-Janvier, P. et Perron, S. (2024). Éducation au changement climatique : quelles approches didactiques. Dans L. Pélissier & P. Venturini (dirs.), Après les 12èmes rencontres scientifiques. Actualité des recherches en didactique des sciences et des technologies. (pp. 143-154). ARDIST
Perron, S et Marzin-Janvier, P., Castagneyrol, B. & Sawtschuk, J. (2024). Les sciences participatives à destination des élèves. Dans L. Pélissier & P. Venturini (dirs.), Après les 12èmes rencontres scientifiques. Actualité des recherches en didactique des sciences et des technologies. (pp. 155-170). ARDIST
K. Kampourakis (2023). The Development of Darwin’s Theory: From Natural Theology to Natural Selection. In: Elice Brzezinski Prestes, M. (eds) Understanding Evolution in Darwin’s “Origin”. History, Philosophy and Theory of the Life Sciences, vol 34. Springer, Cham, 99-110.
R. Nehm, K. Kampourakis (2022) Evolution education and outreach – important things to know about how to teach about evolution. In Xana Sá-Pinto, Anna Beniermann, Tom Børsen, Martha Georgiou, Alex Jeffries, Patrícia Pessoa, Bruno Sousa, Dana L. Zeidler (Eds). Learning evolution through socioscientific issues. UA Editora, 87-104.
K. Kampourakis (2021) Should we give peas a chance? An argument for a Mendel-free biology curriculum. In Haskel-Ittah, Michal, Yarden, Anat (Eds.) Genetics Education: Current Challenges and Possible Solutions. Dordrecht: Springer, 3-16.
F. Stern, K. Kampourakis, M. Delaval, A. Müller (2021) How are secondary students’ teleological and essentialist conceptions expressed in the context of genetics and what can teachers do to address them? In Haskel-Ittah, Michal, Yarden, Anat (Eds.) Genetics Education: Current Challenges and Possible Solutions. Dordrecht: Springer, 145-159.
K. Kampourakis (2020) Why does it matter that many biology concepts are metaphors? In K. Kampourakis, T. Uller (Eds.) Philosophy of Science for Biologists. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 102-122.
K. Kampourakis, T. Uller (2020) How can we teach philosophy of science to biologists? In K. Kampourakis, T. Uller (Eds.) Philosophy of Science for Biologists. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 299-311.
T. Uller, K. Kampourakis (2020) Why should biologists care about the philosophy of science? In K. Kampourakis, T. Uller (Eds.) Philosophy of Science for Biologists. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1-20.
K. Kampourakis (2020) Supporting Science Teachers’ Nature of Science Understandings Through a Specially Developed Philosophy of Science Course. In: McComas W. (eds) Nature of Science in Science Instruction. Springer, Cham, 641-658.
W.F. McComas, K. Kampourakis (2020) Using Anecdotes from the History of Biology, Chemistry, Geology, and Physics to Illustrate General Aspects of Nature of Science. In: McComas W. (eds) Nature of Science in Science Instruction. Springer, Cham, 551-576.
K. Papaioannou, K. Kampourakis (2020) Health-care professionals’ awareness and understanding of genomics. In G. P. Patrinos (Ed.) Applied Genomics and Public Health. San Diego CA: Academic Press, 225-242.
K. Kampourakis (2019) How are the uncertainties in scientific knowledge represented in the public sphere? The genetics of intelligence as a case study. In K. McCain and K. Kampourakis (Eds.) 288-305.
An Introduction to Contemporary Epistemology of Science. New York: Routledge,K. Kampourakis (2019) Genetics makes more sense in the light of development. In Giuseppe Fusco (Ed.) Perspectives on Evolutionary and Developmental Biology: Essays for Alessandro Minelli. Padova: University of Padova Press, 115-122.
P. Stasinakis, K. Kampourakis (2018) Teaching evolution in Greece. In H. Deniz, L. Borgerding (Eds.). Evolution Education Around the Globe. Dordrecht: Springer, 195-212.
K. Kampourakis, M. Reiss (2018) Concluding remarks. In K. Kampourakis, M. Reiss (Eds.). Teaching Biology in Schools: Global Research, Issues and Trends. New York: Routledge, 275-280.
K. Kampourakis, K. Niebert (2018) Explanation in biology education. In K. Kampourakis, M. Reiss (Eds.). Teaching Biology in Schools: Global Research, Issues and Trends. New York: Routledge, 236-248.
K. Kampourakis, P. Stasinakis (2018) Development. In K. Kampourakis, M. Reiss (Eds.). Teaching Biology in Schools: Global Research, Issues and Trends. New York: Routledge, 99-110.
M. Reiss, K. Kampourakis (2018) Introduction: Biology didactics. In K. Kampourakis, M. Reiss (Eds.). Teaching Biology in Schools: Global Research, Issues and Trends. New York: Routledge, 1-8.
K. Kampourakis (2017) Nature of science representations in Greek secondary school biology textbooks. In McDonald C., Abd-El-Khalick, F. (Eds.) Representations of Nature of Science in School Science Textbooks: A Global Perspective. London: Routledge, 118-134.
K. Kampourakis (2017) Public understanding of genetic testing and obstacles to genetics literacy. In Patrinos G.P., Danielson P., Ansorge W.J. (Eds). Molecular Diagnostics (3rd edition). Amsterdam: Elsevier/Academic Press, 469-477.
K. Kampourakis (2015) Myth 16: That Gregor Mendel was a lonely pioneer of genetics, being ahead of his time. In R. L. Numbers and K. Kampourakis (Eds.). Newton’s Apple and Other Myths about Science. Cambridge MA: Harvard University Press, 129-138.
R. Nehm, K. Kampourakis (2014) History and philosophy of science and the teaching of macroevolution. In M.R. Matthews (Ed.). International Handbook of Research in History, Philosophy and Science Teaching. Dordrecht: Springer, 401-421.
K. Kampourakis, R. Nehm (2014) History and philosophy of science and the teaching of evolution: students’ conceptions and explanations. In M.R. Matthews (Ed.). International Handbook of Research in History, Philosophy and Science Teaching. Dordrecht: Springer, 377-399.
R.M. Burian, K.Kampourakis (2013) Against “genes for”: Could an inclusive concept of genetic material effectively replace gene concepts? In K. Kampourakis (Ed.) The Philosophy of Biology: a Companion for Educators. Dordrecht: Springer, 597-628.
J.G. Lennox, K. Kampourakis (2013) Biological teleology: the need for history. In K. Kampourakis (Ed.) The Philosophy of Biology: a Companion for Educators. Dordrecht: Springer, 421-454.
K. Kampourakis (2013)Philosophy of biology and biology education: an introduction. In K. Kampourakis (Ed.). The Philosophy of Biology: A Companion for Educators.Dordrecht:Springer, 1-29.
Bürgi, Michael, and Bruno J Strasser. "Pharma in Transition: New Approaches to Drug Development at F. Hoffmann-La Roche & Co, 1960–1980." In Perspectives on 20th-Century Pharmaceuticals, edited by V. M. Quirke and Judy Slinn, 391-432. Oxford: Peter Lang, 2010.
Chapitres d'actes (de conférence)
Perron, S., Marzin-Janiver, P. (2023). Les projets de sciences participatives à destination des élèves. Quelle(s) potentialité(s) pour une éducation à la durabilité ?. 7e Rencontre latine des didacticien.nes des sciences, Fribourg 15-16 juin 2023.
Marzin-Janvier, P. & Perron, S. (2022). L’éducation au développement durable dans le contexte du changement climatique. Études en didactique des Sciences et des Technologies. Symposium. Actes des 12 èmes rencontres scientifiques de l’ARDIST. Toulouse, France.
Perron, S., Marzin-Janvier, P., Castagneyrol, B. & Sawtschuk, J. (2022). Les projets de sciences participatives à destination des élèves : quelle(s) potentialité(s) pour une éducation à la durabilité. Actes des 12 èmes rencontres scientifiques de l’ARDIST. Toulouse, France.
Ligozat, F., Perron, S. et Riat, C. (2021). When young students’ learning about weight challenges the teacher’s purposes in the science classroom: What meanings are included and excluded? Paper in symposium. Network 27 (Didactics / Teaching & Learning). European Congress in Educational Research (ECER) "Educational research: (re)connecting communities"(Genève, 25-28 August 2021).
Perron, S., Marty, L., Ligozat, F. et Riat, C. (2021, mars). Quand la fonction sociale d’un objet du quotidien donne à voir un phénomène didactique significatif. L’exemple de l’haltère. Communication orale et écrite. 11ème Rencontres scientifiques de l’ARDiST (Bruxelles, 31 mar-3 avr. 2021).
Perron, S., Marzin-Janvier, P., Castagneyrol, B. (2021, mars). Les sciences citoyennes, des projets prometteurs pour la mise en œuvre de démarches d’investigation scientifique à l’école ? L’exemple du projet Oak Bodyguards. Communication orale et écrite. 11ème Rencontres scientifiques de l’ARDiST (Bruxelles, 31 mar-3 avr. 2021).
Lhoste, Y., Perron, S., Schneeberger, P. et Orange Ravachol, D. (2019, August). Scriptural competence and construction of conceptual knowledge in biology. An example in secondary school (ECRICOL PROJECT). Communication présentée à European Science Education Research Association (ESERA), Bologne.
Niwese, M., Orange Ravachol, D. et Perron, S. (2019, juillet). Le rapport à l’écriture d’élèves à l’entrée du collège : comparaison de deux disciplines scolaires. Communication présentée au Congrès international d’Actualité de la Recherche en Éducation et en Formation (AREF), Bordeaux.
Perron, S., Schneeberger, P. et Orange Ravachol, D. (2019, avril). La compétence scripturale, un indicateur de la construction des savoirs conceptuels en Sciences de la vie et de la Terre ? Communication présentée au Séminaire Inter laboratoires sur l’Éducation Scientifique et Technologique (SIEST), Réseau Méditerranéen de Recherches en Éducation Scientifique et Technologique, Patras.
Perron, S., Boilevin, J.-M. et Hasni, H. (2018, mars). L’étude de l’articulation des démarches d’investigation scientifique avec les savoirs conceptuels. Communication orale et écrite. 10ème Rencontres scientifiques de l’ARDiST 2018, Saint Malo.
Perron, S (2018, mars). L’étude de pratiques d’enseignement à travers une méthode mixte séquentielle explicative. Présentation au week-end jeunes chercheurs de l’ARDiST, Saint Malo, France.
Lombard, François “Un dispositif technopédagogique pour l'investigation en biologie : éléments de bilan après sept ans”. Proceedings des Journées Démarches d'investigation pour l'enseignement des sciences, Lyon. 24-25 novembre 2010 | Loisy, Catherine, Trgalova, Jana, Monod-Ansaldi, Réjane . (2010)Actes des journées scientifiques DIES 2010, 24-25 novembre 2010, Lyon, Sous la direction de Catherine Loisy, Jana Trgalova, Réjane Monod-Ansaldi
Lombard, François “New opportunities for authenticity in a world of changing biology”. Proceeddings de ‘Authenticity in Biology Education: Benefits and Challenges’. 13-19 july 2010, Braga Portugal, 2010 sous presse.
Présentations à une conférence
conférences invitées
K. Kampourakis (March, 2024) Σχέδιο και σκοπός στη φύση: Τελολογικές εξηγήσεις και λειτουργικότητα. (Plan and purpose in nature : Teleological explanations and functionality). MA Animal Welfare, Ethics and the Law. National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (webinar)
K. Kampourakis (November, 2023) Ancestry, Race and Ethnicity: What does DNA have to do with them? Course CLAS 3205: What Is Race? Perspectives From Antiquity To The Present. Ohio State University (webinar).
K. Kampourakis (November, 2023) Ancestry, Race and Ethnicity: What does DNA have to do with them? Course EEB 305: Evolution and Society University of Tennessee, Knoxville (webinar).
K. Kampourakis (June, 2023) Uncertainty: Why it is inherent in science. Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Valparaiso, Valparaiso, Chile (webinar).
K. Kampourakis (May, 2023) Finding meaning in our ancestry testing . Humanists and Freethinkers of Fairfield County, Connecticut (webinar).
K. Kampourakis (March, 2023) Understanding Life: Evolution and Genes. Cambridge Science Festival, Cambridge. blog post YouTube Link
K. Kampourakis (February, 2023) Ancestry Reimagined: Dismantling the Myth of Genetic Ethnicities. Teacher Institute for Evolutionary Science (webinar). YouTube Link
K. Kampourakis (January, 2023) Ancestry Reimagined: Dismantling the Myth of Genetic Ethnicities. HistoGenes Group (webinar).
K. Kampourakis (November-December, 2022) Philosophy of Science for Science Teachers. Seminar series, College of Teacher Education, Zhejiang Normal University. L1 L2 L3 L4
K. Kampourakis (October, 2022). Getting Mendel right: Why the stereotypical account of mendelian genetics distorts both science and history. KLI Mendel Symposium: Mendel’s Legacy In Science and Society, KLI, Klosterneuburg, Austria. YouTube Link
K. Kampourakis (July, 2022). The mendelian gene. Mendel @ 200 Conference. MRC Integrative Epidemiology Unit, University of Bristol, Bristol, UK. YouTube Link
K. Kampourakis (June, 2022). Teaching about concepts: Some considerations on conceptual variation and their metaphorical nature. Graduate Seminar,Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Valparaiso.
K. Kampourakis (June, 2022). “Let’s write a paper: The difficulties in writing scientific papers and getting them published («Να γράψουμε ένα paper”: Οι δυσκολίες στη συγγραφή και δημοσίευση επιστημονικών εργασιών). Master Course Seminar, Department of Primary Education, University of Athens, Greece.
K. Kampourakis (May, 2022). The acceptance and understanding of evolutionary theory in Switzerland: can teacher education address the challenges? KEYNOTE talk for the 2022 Swiss Science Education Association Conference, Saint Gallen, Switzerland.
K. Kampourakis (May, 2022). What are genes anyway? ( Τι είναι τελικά τα γονίδια; ). Master Course SeminarDepartment of Biology, University of Patras, Greece.
K. Kampourakis (April, 2022). Students’ “teleological misconceptions” in evolution education: Why the underlying design stance, not teleology per se, is the problem. History, Philosophy and Biology Teaching Lab (LEFHBIO) Seminars, Federal University of Bahia, Brazil. YouTube Link
K. Kampourakis (February, 2022) Reconsidering the goals of evolution education: defining evolution and evolutionary literacy. NARST Presidential Webinar. You Tube Link
K. Kampourakis (December, 2021). Concept analysis: theoretical and empirical perspectives. Philosophy and Science Symposium at the Section of Biology, University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland.
U. Harms, J. González, S. Zurita, K. Kampourakis, D. Eirdosh (November, 2021).PLENARY round table: “Challenges and opportunities to improve scientific literacy on evolution through formal or informal education”, 2021 Evolutionary Knowledge for Everyone (EvoKE) Conference, Barcelona, Spain. YouTube link
K. Kampourakis (November, 2021). Reconsidering the goal of evolution education: Is it evolution or evolutionary literacy? KEYNOTE talk, 2021 Evolutionary Knowledge for Everyone (EvoKE) Conference, Barcelona, Spain.
K. Kampourakis (October, 2021). Students’ “teleological misconceptions” in evolution education: Why the underlying design stance, not teleology per se, is the problem. Seminários GHTC 30 anos, Grupo de História, Teoria e Ensino de Ciências. YouTube link
K. Kampourakis (July 2021) Charles Darwin’s Conceptual Change: From Natural Theology to Natural Selection. Department of Genetics And Evolutionary Biology, Institute of Biological Sciences, University of São Paulo. YouTube link
K. Kampourakis (June 2021) What is the teachers’ goal when teaching evolution? Defining evolution and evolutionary literacy for science education. Future Directions in Evolution Education Workshop, organized by Weizmann Institute of Science, IPN Kiel and University of Geneva
K. Kampourakis (April 2021) Teaching about Concepts: Some Considerations on Conceptual Variation and their Metaphorical Nature. Graduate Seminar,Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Valparaiso
K. Kampourakis (April 2021) Going beyond content knowledge: Addressing students’ preconceptions to achieve conceptual understanding in undergraduate biology. Innovation in Undergraduate Teaching of Life Sciences – Webinar series, Life Sciences Switzerland (LS2), Geneva, Switzerland Unige Link
K. Kampourakis (February 2021) Understanding evolution. Month of Evolution, Boğaziçi University Science Club Tree of Evolution Committee, Istanbul, Turkey YouTube link
K. Kampourakis (February 2021) Science, uncertainty, and scientific understanding: reconceptualizing scientific literacy for the post-COVID-19 era. 2020 IOSTE Symposium: Transforming Science & Technology Education to Cultivate Participatory Citizens. Daegu, Korea YouTube link
K. Kampourakis (January 2021) Understanding genes. Seminar on Ethical, Legal and Social Implications of Genetics. Center for Research on Ethical, Legal & Social Implications of Psychiatric, Neurologic & Behavioral Genetics (NHGRI). Columbia University, New York
K. Kampourakis (December 2020) Reconceptualizing scientific literacy for the post-pandemic era: Lessons Learned During COVID-19. Symposium on the History, Philosophy & Sociology of School Biology, DCU Institute of Education, Dublin City University, Dublin
K. Kampourakis (July 2020) Teaching about the nature of scientific understanding: uncertainty, explanation, and four crucial kinds of literacy. Seminar, Zhejiang Normal University, Zhejiang, China
K. Kampourakis (August 2019) Participation as the Editor-in-Chief of Science & Education in the invited round table symposium Science Education Journals. 2019 ESERA Conference, Bologna, Italy
K. Kampourakis (July 2019) Understanding genes in the postgenomic era. Future Directions in Genetics Education, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel
K. Kampourakis, F. Stern, M. Delaval, A. Müller (July 2019) Measuring students’ teleological and essentialist conceptions in the context of genetics. Future Directions in Genetics Education, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel
K. Kampourakis (March 2019) Understanding evolution: Is teleology a problem? Leibniz Institute for Science and Mathematics Education, Akademie Sankelmark, Germany
K. Kampourakis (December 2018) Teaching about genes in the postgenomic era: Are we still in Mendel and the 19thcentury? (Διδάσκοντας για τα γονίδια στη μεταγονιδιωματική εποχή: μήπως έχουμε μείνει στο Μέντελ και το 19ο αιώνα;). “Biology for Critically Thinking Citizens” Conference, Department of Education, University of Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus
K. Kampourakis, J. Dillon (September 2018) Publishing in science education journals.Seminar for Doctoral Students, Graduate School of Education, University of Exeter, Exeter UK
G. Jekely, K. Kampourakis, S. Müller-Wille, R. Schnabel, I. Gudelj (September 2018) Did Mendel get it wrong? Teaching genetics in the postgenomic age. Panel Discussion, Living Systems Institute, University of Exeter, Exeter UK
K. Kampourakis (March, 2018) Making sense of genes. Cambridge Science Festival, Cambridge, UK
K. Kampourakis (March 2018) Participation as the Editor-in-Chief of Science & Education in the Symposium – How to Get Your Research Published in Science Education Journals. 2018 NARST International Annual Conference, Atlanta, USA
K. Kampourakis (March 2018) Participation as the Editor-in-Chief of Science & Education in the Presidential Sponsored Symposium: Data Sharing and Research Transparency at the Article Publishing Stage: Advantages and Limitations. 2018 NARST International Annual Conference, Atlanta, USA
K. Kampourakis, Agustin Aduriz-Bravo, Igal Galili, Irene Neumann, Carl-Johan Rundgren (August, 2017) Symposium – Science & Education: Science education informed by history, philosophy and sociology of science. 12th ESERA Conference, Dublin, Ireland
K. Kampourakis (June, 2017) Beyond the “science-religion wars”: The design stance and the counter-intuitiveness of evolution. New Perspectives on Science and Religion in Society Conference, Science and Religion: Exploring the Spectrum Project, Manchester, UK
K. Kampourakis (November 2016) Making sense of genes: where has science education gone wrong? Kolloquium Lehr- und Lern-Forschung und Fachdidaktik, ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
K. Kampourakis (July, 2016) What can the history and philosophy of science contribute to science education? Swiss Doctoral School for Science Education, Swiss Science Education Association, Lucerne, Switzerland
K. Kampourakis, F. Stern, B. J. Strasser & A. Müller (June, 2016) Genetic determinism, human intuitions, and genetics literacy. International Workshop: Future Directions in Genetics Education, University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland
K. Kampourakis, (March, 2016) Plan and purpose in nature: an interdisciplinary analysis of teleological conceptions. Conference “Interdisciplinary Experience and Learning”, Department of Preschool Education Sciences and Educational Design, School of Humanities, University of Aegean, Rhodes, Greece
N. Gericke, E. Kaya, R. Nehm, A. Wong, K. Kampourakis, (September, 2015) Symposium – Science & Education: Science education in the light of history, philosophy and sociology of science. 11th ESERA Conference, Helsinki, Finland
B.J. Strasser, K. Kampourakis (June 2015). Growing a new tree of life: Visual representations of macroevolution in education and public communication. Volkswagen Symposium “Labels, Catalogues and Architectures: The Art and Science of Modern Systematics”, Organized by Staffan Müller-Wille, University of Exeter, and Michael Ohl, Museum für Naturkunde Berlin, Hannover, Germany
K. Kampourakis (May, 2015). Que doivent savoir les futurs citoyens sur la science? Conférence / table ronde : Objectif Sciences : lancement du plan d’action mathématiques et sciences de la nature (MSN). Département de l’instruction publique, de la culture et du sport, Directions générales de l’enseignement obligatoire et de l’enseignement secondaire II, Geneva, Switzerland
K. Kampourakis (November, 2014). What “should” we teach about nature of science? : The “lists” and their critics. 8th Hellenic Conference of History, Philosophy & Science Teaching ”The Contribution of History & Philosophy of Science in Teaching and Public Understanding of Science”, University of Patras, Patras, Greece
K. Kampourakis (October, 2014). Teaching for conceptual change in evolution. Facultad de Filosofia y Humanidades, Universidad Alberto Hurtado, Santiago, Chile
K. Kampourakis (October, 2014). Teaching about biological concepts in the context of history and philosophy of science: “adaptation” and “gene”. Instituto de Biologia, Facultad de Ciencias de la Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Valparaiso, Valparaiso, Chile
K. Kampourakis (October, 2014). Teaching science and nature of science. Instituto de Biologia, Facultad de Ciencias de la Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Valparaiso, Santiago, Chile
K. Kampourakis (May, 2014). That Mendel was a pioneer of genetics, being ahead of his time. “Newton’s Apple and other Historical Myths about Science” conference, Washington and Lee University, Lexington, VA, USA
K. Kampourakis (December, 2013). Teaching biology in the post-genomic era: evolution, genetics and nature of science. “Biology in Education” conference, organized by the Panhellenic Union of Bioscientists and the Departments of Biology, Primary Education and Early Childhood Education, University of Athens, Greece
K. Kampourakis (July, 2012). Conceptual change in history of science and science education: the case of evolutionary theory. School of Teaching and Learning, Ohio State University, Columbus OH, USA
K. Kampourakis (July, 2012). The nature of teacher education and science education in Greece: challenges and obstacles. Department of Mathematics and Science Education, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago IL, USA
K. Kampourakis (June, 2012). Why do birds have wings? Teleology as a conceptual obstacle to understanding evolution. Department of Curriculum and Instruction, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Champaign IL, USA
K. Kampourakis (June, 2012). Why do birds have wings? Teleology as a conceptual obstacle to understanding evolution. Department of Mathematics and Science Education, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago IL, USA
K. Kampourakis (June, 2012). Using history of science to teach nature of science. Department of Mathematics and Science Education, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago IL, USA
K. Kampourakis (June, 2012). Contemporary philosophy of science and how it relates to Nature of Science. Department of Mathematics and Science Education, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago IL, USA
Lombard, François, participation comme discutant au séminaire : “Genomics education for decision making “, Utrecht, 2-3 décembre 2010
Strasser, Bruno J. “Le déluge informationnel: La nouvelle production du savoir dans les sciences de la vie”, Collège de France, Paris, 8 décembre, 2011
Strasser, Bruno J. “The Data Deluge: Reinventing Authorship in the Data-Driven Sciences”, Max Planck Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Berlin, 24 novembre, 2011
Strasser, Bruno J. “The “Data Deluge”: Reinventing Authorship, Credit, and Community in the Life Sciences”, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston, 7 novembre, 2011
Strasser, Bruno J.“Knowing by Collecting: The New Production of Biomedical Knowledge”, Whitney Humanities Center, Yale University, 30 mars, 2011
Strasser, Bruno J. Bruno J. “Collecting Experiments: The New Production of Biomedical Knowledge”, University of Wisconsin, 29 mars, 2011
Strasser, Bruno J. “The “Data Deluge: Collecting, Comparing, Computing”, PACHS, Philadelphia, 18 mars, 2011
Strasser, Bruno J. “Personalizing Medicine Here and Now: Empirical Studies of Post-Genomic Medicine: Final Commentary”, Chemical Heritage Foundation, Philadelphia, 7 mai, 2010
Strasser, Bruno J. “Data-driven research: Natural history in the age of experimentation?”, University of Exeter, 16 avril, 2010
Strasser, Bruno J. “Blood vs Bones: Laboratories, Museums and the Pursuit of Objectivity”, University of Manchester, 23 février, 2010
Strasser, Bruno J. “Collecting Experiments: The Art of Natural History and the Pursuit of Objectivity”, University of Lancaster, 18 février, 2010
Strasser, Bruno J. “The New Biology as Natural History: GenBank and the Debate over Data Sharing in Science”, University of Manchester, 17 février, 2010
K. Kampourakis (July 2024) Science distrust and epistemic uncertainty as a learning goal. 2024 ERIDOB Conference, Lyon, France.
F. Stern, P. Stasinakis, A. Krimitzas, G. Verroios, K. Gioti, A. Müller, K. Kampourakis (July 2024) Greek secondary school students’ teleology and essentialism conceptions about genes. 2024 ERIDOB Conference, Lyon, France.
F. Stern, P. Stasinakis, A. Krimitzas, G. Verroios, K. Gioti, A. Müller, K. Kampourakis (March 2024) Greek secondary school students’ teleology and essentialism conceptions about genes. 2024 NARST International Annual Conference, Denver, USA
K. Kampourakis (April 2023) Teaching about the structure of evolutionary and developmental explanations in secondary schools. 2023 NARST International Annual Conference, Chicago, USA
Perron, S. (2022). Les sciences participatives à l’École. Une synthèse de trois projets de recherche. Journées d’études FORENSEC 10 novembre 2022. Genève, Suisse.
Perron, S. (2022). Les sciences participatives à l’École (SPÉ). Perception de l’authenticité et apprentissages des élèves. Séminaire « Research and Practice in Science Education » 6 décembre 2022. Genève, Suisse.
G. Stylianides, K. Burn, S. Erduran, K. Skilling, I. Thompson, K. Kampourakis (September 2021) Symposium: Deep learning in the sciences. BERA Annual Conference 2021, UK.
Castagneyrol, B et Perron, S. (2021, octobre). Au travers d'un exemple de sciences participatives mené avec des élèves, Bastien Castagneyrol (écologue) et Séverine Perron (didacticienne) abordent les enjeux de l'enseignement scientifique dans toutes ses dimensions pour que les futurs citoyens soient armés face aux défis de leur temps. Conférence donnée dans le cadre de la Fête de la science à Bordeaux.
Stern, K. Kampourakis, A. Müller (August 2021) Secondary school students’ teleology and essentialism conceptions about genes. ESERA 2021 Conference: Fostering Scientific Citizenship in an Uncertain World, Lisbon, Portugal.
K. Kampourakis, B. Donovan (January 2021) DNA ancestry tests and inferences about ethnicity: The problem of psychological essentialism. Ancestry: Evidence, Inference, and Identity Conference, The Center for Philosophy of Science, University of Pittsburgh
F. Stern, M. Delaval, K. Kampourakis, A. Müller (March 2020) Measuring students’ teleological and essentialist conceptions in the context of genetics: A comparison of explicit and implicit measures. 2020 NARST International Annual Conference, Portland, USA (presented online due to the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic: 2020 03 NARST STERN KAMPOURAKIS DELAVAL MULLER).
Perron, S. (2019, Avril). Les démarches d’investigation scientifique à l’École. Conférence réalisée pour les formateurs en didactique de la biologie à l’Université de Bordeaux.
K. Kampourakis (August 2019) Reconsidering the meaning of concepts in biology education. 2019 ESERA Conference, Bologna, Italy
F. Stern, K. Kampourakis, M. Delaval, A. Müller (August 2019) Upper secondary school students’ implicit associations of genetics and teleological conceptions. 2019 ESERA Conference, Bologna, Italy
K. Kampourakis (July 2019) Supporting science teachers’ nature of science understandings through a specially developed philosophy of science course. IHPST 2019 Conference, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece
K. Kampourakis, F. Stern, A. Müller (July 2018) Students’ implicit associations between genetics concepts and essentialist/teleological intuitions. Twelfth ERIDOB Conference, University of Zaragoza, Spain
K. Kampourakis, J.S. Lederman, N.G. Lederman, F.Abd-El-Khalick, M. Clough, W.F. McComas, S. Erduran, E. Kaya, B. Aksoz, S. Akgun (March 2018) Symposium – Practical Perspectives in Teaching and Learning Nature of Science. 2018 NARST International Annual Conference, Atlanta, USA
L.A. Borgerding, H. Deniz, S.B. Boujaoude, P.J. Friedrichsen, K.E. Fouad, A. Glaze, K. Kampourakis, K. Osman, A. Rachmatullah, M. Sanders (March 2018) Symposium – Evolution Education Around the Globe. 2018 NARST International Annual Conference, Atlanta, USA
F. Stern, K. Kampourakis, A. Müller (March 2018) Genetic Determinism, Teleology and Essentialism: A Detailed Look at Secondary Students’ Conceptions. 2018 NARST International Annual Conference, Atlanta, USA
Perron, S. (2017, mars). Étude de l’articulation des démarches d’investigation scientifique avec les autres savoirs composant la structure disciplinaire. Présentation au séminaire doctoral de l’ARDiST à l’Université Diderot-Paris 7.
Perron, S. (2017, avril). Étude de l’articulation des démarches d’investigation scientifique avec les autres savoirs composant la structure disciplinaire. Présentation au séminaire étudiant du CREAS à l’Université de Sherbrooke, Québec, CA.
F. Stern, K. Kampourakis, P. Silveira, A. Müller (August, 2017) Undergraduate biology students’ teleological and essentialist preconceptions: Are they related? 12th ESERA Conference, Dublin, Ireland
K. Kampourakis, K. McCain (August, 2016) Believe in, believe about: which questions do polls about evolution really ask and why does it matter? 1st European IHPST Regional Conference “Science as Culture in the European Context: Historical, Philosophical, and Educational Perspectives”, Flensburg, Germany
G. Kelly, N. Lederman, W.F. McComas, I. Neumann, A. Wong, K. Kampourakis, (April, 2016) Symposium – Nature of Science in the Next Generation Science Standards: Translating recommendations into practice. 2015 NARST Annual International Conference, Baltimore, USA
K. Kampourakis (January 2016). L’enseignement des aspects généraux de la nature de la science et la culture scientifique. 9e Forum Suisse de Didactiques des Sciences Naturelles, Haute Ecole Pédagogique Fribourg, Fribourg, Switzerland
Perron, S., Boilevin, J.-M. et Hasni, H. (2016, mai). Étude de l’articulation des démarches d’investigation scientifique avec les autres savoirs composant la structure disciplinaire. Cas d’enseignants de sciences de la vie et de la Terre exerçant en collège français. Poster présenté au 84ème Congrès annuel de l’Association francophone pour le savoir (ACFAS), Montréal.
Perron, S. (2016, janvier et décembre). Problématique de l’articulation des démarches d’investigation scientifique avec les savoirs en sciences et technologie. Présentation au séminaire étudiant du CREAS à l’Université de Sherbrooke, Québec, CA.
K. Kampourakis (April, 2015) How do pre-service biology teachers explain the origin of biological traits? : A philosophical analysis. 2015 NARST Annual International Conference, Chicago, USA
M.R. Matthews, J.F. Osborne, N.G. Lederman, F. Abd-El-Khalick, M.P. Clough, K. Kampourakis, M.U. Smith, G.J. Kelly, S.A. Southerland, E.E. Peters-Burton, W. Sherman-Heckler (April, 2015) Symposium – The past, present and possible future of HPS-informed science education research. 2015 NARST Annual International Conference, Chicago, USA
K. Kampourakis and Bruno J. Strasser (April, 2014) Naive genetic determinism and genetics/genomics literacy: do human intuitions have an impact? 2014 NARST Annual International Conference, Pittsburgh, USA
K. Kampourakis (July, 2013) History and philosophy of science and how they relate to science education: teaching for conceptual change in evolutionary theory. ISHPSSB 2013 Conference, July 7-12, 2013, Montpellier, France
I. Brigandt, R. Burian, D. Depew, A Jamieson, A. Love, A. Plutynski, M. Ruse, T. Uller, T. Reydon and K. Kampourakis (July, 2013) Philosophy of biology and biology education (round table) ISHPSSB 2013 Conference, July 7-12, 2013, Montpellier, France
K. Kampourakis, N.G. Lederman, J.S. Lederman and J.P. Jimenez (April, 2013) The influence of a philosophy of science course on teachers’ views of Scientific Inquiry and Nature of Scientific Knowledge. 2013 NARST Annual International Conference, Rio Grande, Puerto Rico
K. Kampourakis (July, 2011). Teaching genetics and the nature of science. 11th International History, Philosophy, & Science Teaching (IHPST) Conference, Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki, Greece
K. Kampourakis (July, 2011). Children’s intuitive teleology: how the philosophy of science may inform conceptual development research 11th International History, Philosophy, & Science Teaching (IHPST) Conference, Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Kopp, Rémy “Démarches d’investigation pour l’enseignement des sciences : quelles ressources pour les enseignants ? Quelle place pour le travail collectif ? “ Journées scientifiques DIES 2010, INRP – Lyon, 24 et 25 novembre 2011
Kopp, Rémy “Effets des démarches d’investigation dans l’enseignement et les apprentissages scientifiques”, Journée d’étude S-TEAM ,Grenoble, 11 mai 2011.
Lombard, François et Blatter, Marie-Claude, “La didactique entre savoirs disciplinaires recherche en éducation savoirs enseignants étude d’un cas”. 6ème forum de didactique des sciences expérimentales, Lausanne 21 janvier 2010
Strasser, Bruno J. “Science and Commercial Culture: Competition, Cooperation, and Assimilation”, Society for the Social Studies of Science Conference, Cleveland, 5 novembre, 2011
Strasser, Bruno J. “Beyond Model Organisms: Bringing Biodiversity in the Test Tube”, History of Science Society Conference, Cleveland, 4 novembre, 2011
Lombard, François “Comment rendre les élèves capables de se construire des connaissances scientifiques dans un environnement infodense ?” Poster presenté au Colloque Recherche CDHEP “La place des recherches en didactiques dans les institutions de formation des enseignant-e-s”, 2010
MERZ, Martina(2023). Offbeat: Datafication, Personalization, And Temporalities In Remote Cardiac Monitoring (Université de Genève)
MATZ, Brendan (2011). Crafting Heredity: The Art and Science of Livestock Breeding in the United States and Germany, 1860-1914 (Yale University)
PIERREL, Jerôme (2009). La pratique du séquençage ARN à Cambridge, Strasbourg et Gand, 1960-1980 (Université de Strasbourg)
DOOGAB, Yi (2008). The Recombinant University: Genetic Engineering and the Emergence of Biotechnology at Stanford, 1959-1980 (Princeton University)
JOYE, Fréderic (2007). La construction de la politique de la science en Suisse. Enjeux scientifiques, stratégiques et politiques, 1944-1974 (Université de Genève)