4 juin 2021 - UNIGE


Vie de l'UNIGE

Geneva Summer Schools:
apply now!




L’inscription aux Geneva Summer Schools est ouverte aux étudiant-es internationaux/nales et de l’Université de Genève. L’offre en formation couvre une très large variété de domaines, allant des droits de l’enfant à la citoyenneté globale, en passant par les solutions sanitaires open source ou la propriété intellectuelle. Certains cours pourront avoir lieu en présentiel, d’autre en ligne.


Découvrez ci-dessous une présentation vidéo de trois programmes.


The Geneva Summer Schools are open to international and University of Geneva students. The course offerings cover a wide variety of fields, from children's rights to global citizenship, from open source health solutions to intellectual property. Some of the courses will take place face-to-face, others online.

Program overview

Discover below a video presentation of three programs.

28 June – 2 July 2021
Extended registration deadline: 15 June
“Join this 1-week intensive course and change the world!”
Target audience: Undergraduate, graduate and PhD students from all around the world who want to learn more from - and network with - foresight, innovation and digital technology experts in International Geneva.
6 – 17 September 2021
Registration deadline: 31 July
“Boost your sustainability and resilience skillset with a 10-days intensive experience!”
Target audience: Undergraduate, master and PhD students, and practitioners
Global Citizenship Education – Online Summer School
13 – 17 September 2021
Registration deadline: 31 July
“Join this course and learn more about diversity, human rights and about the need to live in an interconnected and global society!”
Target audience: Master/PhD students, advanced researchers, and practitioners interested in thinking more critically about issues of GCE and global competencies.


Vie de l'UNIGE