Alexandre FACHARD
Dr Alexandre FACHARD
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Research interests / Recherches
Alexandre Fachard holds MA (2004) and PhD (2009) degrees in modern English literature from the University of Lausanne, where he taught from 2004 to 2015. In 2012-13 he was Visiting Fellow at the Institute of English Studies, School of Advanced Study, University of London. His research interests include modern literature, especially from the eighteenth to the twentieth century, and textual editing. He is co-general editor of the Cambridge Edition of the Works of Joseph Conrad and the general editor of The Conradian.
Books / livres
Conrad, Joseph. The Rover. Eds. Alexandre Fachard and J. H. Stape. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2018.
–––. Victory: An Island Tale. Eds. J. H. Stape and Alexandre Fachard, with an Introduction by Richard Niland and Notes by J. H. Stape. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2016.
–––. Within the Tides. Ed. Alexandre Fachard, with an Introduction by Laurence Davies and notes by Alexandre Fachard and Andrew Purssell. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012.
Van Mierlo, Wim, and Alexandre Fachard, eds. Variants: The Journal of the European Society for Textual Scholarship 11 (2014).
Van Mierlo, Wim, and Alexandre Fachard, eds. Variants: The Journal of the European Society for Textual Scholarship 10 (2013).
Conrad, Joseph. Last Essays. Eds. Harold Ray Stevens, J. H. Stape, Mary Burgoyne and Alexandre Fachard. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010.
Fachard, Alexandre. The Sea-Wolf, by Jack London, The Literary Encyclopedia, 2017 []
–––.‘A Confederacy of Dunces, by John Kennedy Toole’. The Literary Encyclopedia, 2016 []
–––. ‘“[Date, 1601.] Conversation, as it was by the Social Fireside, in the Time of the Tudors”, by Mark Twain’. The Literary Encyclopedia, 2016 []
–––. ‘A “delightful week-end” Visit: May Mott-Smith at Oswalds’. The Conradian 41.2 (autumn 2016): 111-15.
–––. ‘John Kennedy Toole’. The Literary Encyclopedia, 2016 []
–––. ‘Love of Life, by Jack London’. The Literary Encyclopedia, 2017 [].
–––. ‘Moon-Face and Other Stories, by Jack London’. The Literary Encyclopedia, 2017 [].
–––. ‘The Night-Born, by Jack London’. The Literary Encyclopedia, 2017 [].
–––. ‘The People of the Abyss, by Jack London’. The Literary Encyclopedia, 2016 []
–––. ‘When God Laughs, by Jack London’. The Literary Encyclopedia, 2017 [].
–––. ‘Why Jessie Conrad Was Not a Professional Typist’. The Conradian 41.1 (spring 2016): 102-11.
–––. ‘Four New Conrad Items in The Late Stanley J. Seeger Sale of Conradiana’, The Conradian 39.2 (fall 2014): 112-114.
–––. ‘“Joseph Conrad’s” Typewriter at the Canterbury Heritage Museum’, The Conradian 39.2 (fall 2014): 110-111.
–––.“A Modest Proposal”, by Jonathan Swift’. The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 2 January 2014 [URL].
–––.‘Youth; And Other Stories: A Review from 1903’. The Conradian 38.2 (Fall 2014): 116–18.
–––.‘Conrad’s Contracts with William Heinemann, Ltd’. The Conradian 38.1 (spring 2013): 86-98.
–––. ‘Conrad to F. N. Doubleday: A New Letter from 1922’. The Conradian 38.1 (spring 2013): 174-76.
–––. ‘The Production and Publication of the Heinemann Collected Edition of Joseph Conrad’s Works’. The Conradian 38.1 (spring 2013): 72-85.
–––. ‘Twenty New Conrad Letters to Sydney S. Pawling and Charles S. Evans’. The Conradian 38.1 (spring 2013): 135-59.
–––. ‘Pizarro, by Richard Brinsley Sheridan’. The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 20 May 2011 []
–––. ‘Contextualizing “Because of the Dollars”’. The Conradian 33.2 (autumn 2008): 44–66.
–––. ‘The Critical Reception of Within the Tides’. The Yearbook of Conrad Studies 3 (2007): 115–30.
–––. ‘Author Chronology for Joseph Conrad’. The Literary Encyclopedia, 1 September 2007 []
J. H. Stape, and Alexandre Fachard. ‘“Cher Monsieur”: Émilie Briquel’s Letters to Joseph Conrad’, The Conradian 40.1 (spring 2015): 103-11.
Reviews / comptes rendus
Fachard, Alexandre. Review of: Honoré de Balzac. Illusions perdues: du manuscrit à l’édition ‘Furne corrigé’. Ed. Stéphane Vachon. N.p.: Verdier, 2010. In Variants: The Journal of the European Society for Textual Scholarship 9 (2012): 276–79.
–––. Review of: Émile Zola, Money and The Conquest of Plassans. Eds Valerie Minogue and Helen Constantine. Oxford: OUP, 2014. In Translation and Literature 24:2 (July 2015): 270-75.
–––. Review of H. L. Mencken: The Days Trilogy, Expanded Edition. Ed. Marion Elizabeth Rodgers. New York: Library of America, 2014. In American Studies Journal 54:1 (summer 2015): 149-50.
–––. Review of Michel Renouard: Joseph Conrad. Paris: Gallimard, 2014. In Cahiers victoriens et édouardiens 81 (spring 2015):
–––. Review of: Jules Barbey d’Aurevilly, Diaboliques: Six Tales of Decadence. Ed. Raymond N. MacKenzie. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2015; Émile Zola, Earth. Eds Brian Nelson and Julie Rose. Oxford: OUP, 2016. In Translation and Literature 25:3 (November 2016): 399-407. (DOI:
–––. Review of: Joseph McAleer, Call of the Atlantic: Jack London’s Publishing Odyssey Overseas. New York: OUP, 2016. In Journal of American Studies 51:4 (November 2017): 183-84. (DOI:
–––. Review of: Émile Zola: La Débâcle, translated by Elinor Dorday; A Love Story, translated by Helen Constantine; The Sin of Abbé Mouret, translated by Valerie Minogue. In Translation and Literature 27:2 (July 2018): 249-57.
Translations / traductions
Fachard, Alexandre, transl. D’Anna, Giovanni. Le faussaire. Geneva: Slatkine, 2016 [Il falsario: storia della più grande truffa scientifica che si conosca. Milan: Mursia, 2010].
–––. Jones, Heather. ‘Droit international et prisonniers de guerre occidentaux lors de la Grande Guerre’. Ed. Pathé, Anne-Marie, and Théofilakis Fabien. La captivité de guerre au XXe siècle. Paris: Armand Colin/Ministère de la Défense, 2012. 48–58.
–––. ‘Endurer la captivité: les mécanismes de coping des prisonniers de guerre pendant la Grande Guerre’. Ed. Heather Jones, Nicolas Beaupré, and A. Rasmussen. Accepter, Endurer, Refuser. Paris: Les Belles Lettres, forthcoming 2013.
–––. Jozefacka, Anna. ‘Faire venir le public à la maison: les lieux culturels dans Varsovie occupée’. Ed. Taliano-des-Garets, Françoise. Villes et culture sous l’Occupation. Expériences françaises et perspectives comparées. Paris: Armand Colin, 2012. 58–67.
–––. Moore, Bob. ‘Perceptions britanniques des prisonniers des puissances de l’Axe en Grande-Bretagne, 1939-1948’. Ed. Pathé, Anne-Marie, and Théofilakis Fabien. La captivité de guerre au XXe siècle. Paris: Armand Colin/Ministère de la Défense, 2012. 173–184.
–––. Newman, John Paul. ‘Le refus dans la campagne croate, 1917-1923’. Ed. Heather Jones, Nicolas Beaupré, and A. Rasmussen. Accepter, Endurer, Refuser. Paris: Les Belles Lettres, forthcoming 2013.
–––. Overmans, Rüdiger. ‘Le traitement allemand des prisonniers de guerre juifs durant la Seconde Guerre mondiale’. Ed. Pathé, Anne-Marie, and Théofilakis Fabien. La captivité de guerre au XXe siècle. Paris: Armand Colin/Ministère de la Défense, 2012. 59–68.
–––. Pennell, Catriona. ‘Le volontariat dans les armées de la Grande-Bretagne et du Commonwealth, 1914-1918’. Ed. Heather Jones, Nicolas Beaupré, and A. Rasmussen. Accepter, Endurer, Refuser. Paris: Les Belles Lettres, forthcoming 2013.
–––. Rachamimov, Iris. ‘Seuils et transgressions: infractions aux normes sociales dans les camps d’internement de la Première Guerre mondiale’. Ed. Pathé, Anne-Marie, and Théofilakis Fabien. La captivité de guerre au XXe siècle. Paris: Armand Colin/Ministère de la Défense, 2012. 106–117.
–––. Reiss, Matthias. ‘Des nazis à moitié nus: masculinité et genre dans les camps de prisonniers de guerre allemands aux États-Unis pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale’. Ed. Pathé, Anne-Marie, and Théofilakis Fabien. La captivité de guerre au XXe siècle. Paris: Armand Colin/Ministère de la Défense, 2012. 118–127.
–––. Shwayri, Sofia. ‘La vie culturelle à Beyrouth et à Damas en 1940-1941’. Ed. Taliano-des-Garets, Françoise. Villes et culture sous l’Occupation. Expériences françaises et perspectives comparées. Paris: Armand Colin, 2012. 108–116.
–––. Snizek, Suzanne. ‘“Le trio croît comme une asperge”: Hans Gál et le trio de la Suite Huyton’. Ed. Pathé, Anne-Marie, and Théofilakis Fabien. La captivité de guerre au XXe siècle. Paris: Armand Colin/Ministère de la Défense, 2012. 141–152.
Wells, Ida B. Les horreurs du Sud. Geneva: Markus Haller, 2016 [Southern Horrors and Other Writings: The Anti-Lynching Campaign of Ida B. Wells, 1892–1900. Boston: Bedford, 1997].
–––. Yap, Felicia. ‘Introduction’. Ed. Pathé, Anne-Marie, and Théofilakis Fabien. La captivité de guerre au XXe siècle. Paris: Armand Colin/Ministère de la Défense, 2012. 170–172.
Conference papers / Conférences
–––. ‘Jessie Conrad, “Typist”’, St Mary’s Colloquia on Conrad Textual Studies, St Mary’s University College, Twickenham, London, 2 October 2015.
–––. ‘The Socioeconomic Lives of Early Typists’, SAUTE 2015, Economies of English, University of Geneva, 25 April 2015.
–––. ‘Conrad and His Typists’, Textual Conditions: Lawrence, Conrad, and Woolf, Center for Textual Studies and Digital Humanities, Loyola University, Chicago, 29 March 2014 (invited speaker).
–––. ‘Editing Victory: A Seminar’, with J. H. Stape, St Mary’s Colloquia on Conrad Textual Studies, St Mary’s University College, Twickenham, London, 5 October 2012.
–––. ‘Constructing a Textual Apparatus – Methods and Possibilities: A Workshop’, St Mary’s Colloquia on Conrad Textual Studies, St Mary’s University College, Twickenham, London, 7 October 2011.
–––. ‘The Critical Reception of Within the Tides’, Joseph Conrad Conference at the Jagiellonian University: ‘The Reception of the Work of Joseph Conrad – Readers Real and Implied’, Cracow, 25 September 2007.
–––. ‘Contextualizing “Because of the Dollars”’, 33rd Annual International Conference of the Joseph Conrad Society (UK), Greenwich Maritime Museum, London, 7 July 2007.