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Research Interests / Recherches
Aybüke (she/her) holds a bachelor’s degree in English and Social Work and Policy, as well as a master’s degree in English, both from the University of Fribourg. In her Master’s thesis, she analyzed Driftpile Cree Nation author Billy-Ray Belcourt’s depiction of the Indigiqueer body in his poetry and life writing.
Aybüke is currently employed as a Graduate Assistant in American Literature at the University of Fribourg, where she teaches one undergraduate Proseminar per semester. Her general research interests include Queer Literatures, Indigenous Literatures, African American Literature, the Harlem Renaissance, Technological Literary Writing, Queer and Gender Studies, and Feminist Studies. Her Ph.D. project investigates the relationship between technological elements and decolonial futurity in contemporary post-apocalyptic Indigenous literatures.