Modern English Literature (18th - 20th Centuries)



Suppléante chargée d'enseignement

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+41 22 379 78 87

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Research Interests / Recherches

I am Maître d’enseignement et de recherche suppléante in the English Department at the University of Lausanne and Associate Researcher for Sorbonne Nouvelle’s research laboratory, “19-21: Modernités critiques.” I received my Ph.D. in English literature at Boston College in 2022 and have held teaching positions at Boston College and Harvard University. My research and teaching interests include European modernism, continental philosophy, and theories of temporality and of reading.

My articles and translation work have appeared in differences: A Journal of Feminist Cultural Studies, Modern Philology, and Critical Inquiry, and I recently completed an editorial project on Hope Mirrlees’s Paris: A Poem, forthcoming in Modernism/modernity’s Print+ forum. I am currently revising my first monograph for publication, tentatively entitled, Belated Modernism: The Late Style of Freud, Benjamin, and Woolf.



Modern English Literature (18th - 20th Centuries)