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Research Interests / Recherches:
I obtained a Bachelor of Science in International Relations from the London School of Economics in 1991, and Licence ès Lettres from the University of Geneva in 2001. I completed a Doctorate ès letters at the same institution in 2008, entitled: ‘Samuel Richardson’s Pamela Part II: Authorship, Readership and Moral Authority in the Early Novel’.
I have worked at the English Department of Geneva University since 2002, as an assistant, maître assistante, and finally as chargée d’enseignement since 2014. My research interests include the early English novel, discourse analysis (Foucault and Bakhtin), non-literary texts and their interactions with ‘literary’ texts, early eighteenth-century cultural studies (including gender, legal and conduct concerns), and interdisciplinary approaches to literary studies. My current research looks at eighteenth-century conduct books for young women, in particular from the perspective of reader reception, translation and dissemination.
I am presently employed on a Swiss National Science Foundation-funded project, Civility, Cultural Exchange and Conduct Literature in Early Modern England, 1500-1800. This project is working on a bibliographical database of courtesy, civility and conduct books published in London from 1500 to 1700. I am working on a monograph on English and French translations of conduct books for young women in the eighteenth century, in which I look at issues of cultural transfer in the domain of ideal female behaviour. I also look at the role of European conduct literature for women in early Republican America, as I explore how ideal womanly behaviour was an agent in the consolidation of the ideology of the new state.
My teaching has usually focused on one or more of these aspects; I have been particularly concerned to give students the opportunity to read non-literary texts. As such, I propose gender and queer studies seminars, seminars that look at criminals and other marginal figures, and seminars that address colonial and imperial issues. In my teaching I also use (and discuss the pros and cons of) digital versions of eighteenth-century texts such as those found on Eighteenth-Century Collection Online.
I participated in the eighteenth-century Triangle Azur (Suisse Romande Universities) Doctoral School ‘Les Archives des Lumières’ at its inception in 2003. I am involved in the Etudes Genre group of the Faculty of Letters, and have given a number of lectures in the context of the ‘Cours général en Etudes Genre’. I regularly organize CUSO doctoral workshops, and together with colleagues at the Universities of Fribourg and Neuchâtel, have recently set up a new specialized section of the CUSO English-studies doctoral programme, specifically for doctoral candidates working on eighteenth- and nineteenth-century topics.
I am outreach officer for the English department, which means that I actively promote English studies at orientation days in Geneva and elsewhere in Switzerland. In addition, I organize workshops for high-school students, on various themes (monsters, introduction to gender studies). I also convene an occasional discussion group/seminar, together with a colleague from the Spanish department, and one from the Section of earth and environmental sciences, around the general theme of sustainable development. Particular topics have included: urgency, vulnerability and ambiguity.
‘John Dunton’s The Ladies Dictionary: Active Reading for Rational Conduct’, in Words, Books, Images, and the Long Eighteenth Century. Essays for Allen Reddick. Antoinina Bevan Zlatarm Mark Ittensohn, Enit Karafili Steiner and Olga Timofeeva eds. (Amsterdam: John Benjamin, 2021), 37-57.
‘“This Demon Anger”: Politeness, Conversation and Control in Eighteenth-Century Conduct Books for Young Women’, in Manners, Norms and Transgressions in the History of English: Literary and Linguistic Approaches, Andreas H. Jucker & Irma Taavitsainen eds. (Amsterdam: John Benjamin, 2020), 121-140.
‘Sarah Fielding, bustes de Diane et l’éducation des jeunes filles’, in Bastions. Ed. La Limule. Geneva: La Limule/Prestige Graphique, 2019.
‘Samuel Richardson’s Visual Rhetoric of Improvement’ in What is an Image in Medieval and Early Modern England? Ed. Antoinina Bevan Zlatar and Olga Timofeva. Swiss Papers in English Language and Literature 34. Tuebingen: Gunter Narr, 2017. 267-84
‘Makita sort de sa chambre : Art, activisme et affect’ in Actes de la journée d’études de la commission de l’égalité de l’Université de Genève, Sors de ta chambre : Femmes et vie publique, 2016.
‘Le séminaire littéraire et l’éducation à l’ambiguïté’ in Actes de colloque José Bleger à Genève : Ambiguité, subjectivation et création sociale, Université de Genève, 2016.
‘Panorama de la lecture à Genève autour de 1816’ in MDCCCXVI : Post Lucem Tenebrae, ed. KLAT, Genève, 2014.
‘The Affectionate Author: Family Love as Rhetorical Device in Eighteenth-Century Conduct Books for Young Women’ in Swiss Papers in Language and Literature. Vol. 30, (109-125). 2014.
‘Représentations d’Afrique dans le Capitaine Singleton de Daniel Defoe : une fiction cartographique ?’ in Dix-huitième Siècle : l’Afrique au siècle des lumières. Vol. 44, (15-31) 2012.
‘Le Frankenstein de Mary Shelley et les Métamorphoses d’Ovide : mythologies de l’écriture genrée’ in Mnémosynes. La réinvention des mythes chez les femmes écrivains. Dominique Kunz Westerhoff dir., Genève, Georg, 2008.
‘Domesticating the Hero: Normative Masculinity in Robinson Crusoe and Pamela, or Virtue Rewarded’. Hungarian Journal of English and American Studies. Vol 13, 1-2. 2007.
Conference Papers and Lectures:
‘Civil Language Exchanges’ How to Do Things with Early Modern Words, Loughborough University, July 2022.
‘Authorial Afterlives and Discursive Authority in Eliza Haywood’s The Wife’ Medieval and Early Modern Afterlives, SAMEMES conference, University of Neuchâtel, June 2022.
‘Books, Coloniality, and Well-Behaved Women in the Early American Republic’ Shakespeare Association of America annual conference (Seminar title: Rethinking Civility), Jacksonville, April 2022.
‘The Ghost of Domestic Exhaustion’ Women’s Caucus roundtable ‘Exhausted Women: Female Fatigue in the Eighteenth Century,’ ASECS conference, Baltimore, March 2022.
‘John Gregory’s Father’s Legacy in French: Authority and Cultural Exchange in the late Enlightenment’, Renaissance Society of America Conference, online, April 2021.
‘Courtesy and Conduct Book Database’, with Emma Rayner, Humanities Data Working Group (Switzerland), online, March 2021.
‘John Gregory’s A Father’s Legacy to his Daughters (1774) An International Bestseller?’ CUSO Doctoral Workshop in Medieval and Early Modern English Studies, University of Geneva, November 2020.
‘Grieving for the Mollies: Archival Homophobia and the Eighteenth-Century Gay Scene’, ‘Interrupting Archon’s Violence: After the Event’ panel, Rising Protests. Structures, Experiences, Feelings, Swiss Association for Gender Studies conference, University of Bern, September 2019, panel convenor.
‘Writing like Women Talking /Transcription without Breakage’, B-Side Feminism – Transcription Marathon, Angela Marzullo, Kunstmuseum de Berne, October 2018.
‘Blundering into anger : Young women’s controlled bodies in eighteenth-century conduct books’, 14th ESSE conference, Masaryk University, Brno, September 2018.
‘Genre dichotomique et capitalisme : convergences au 18e siècle en Angleterre’, Cycle de conférences féministes aux Bastions, University of Geneva, April 2018.
‘The liberating effect of anecdotes in conduct literature for young ladies’, Eighteenth-Century Culture and Literature Seminar, Oxford University, January 2018.
‘A la traque de l’impératif : autorité écrivante, docilité lisante, et temps verbaux dans certains livres de conduite pour jeune femme en Angleterre au XVIIIe siècle’, TeDis (cycle de conférence interfacultaire sur le texte numérique), Geneva University, December 2017.
‘The Effect of Reading in Samuel Richardson’s Pamela or Virtue Rewarded’, invited by Dr. Martin Leer to teach a session of his seminar ‘Orality and Literacy’, University of Geneva, October 2017
‘Strategies to enforce practical reading in eighteenth-century conduct books for young women’ , SAUTE conference, University of Neuchâtel, April 2017.
‘Lady Mary Wortley Montague et la liberté des femmes musulmanes’, Orient/ Occident, Témoignages de respect, Cours public de la Faculté des lettres, University of Geneva, October 2016.
‘Visuality in the works of Samuel Richardson’, SAMEMES conference, University of Zürich, September 2016
‘Orphelinage et agency dans le roman féminin au XVIIIe siècle en Angleterre’, Cours général en études genre : ‘Histoires de familles en tout genre : Filiation, parenté et parentalités II’, University of Geneva, October 2015.
‘Makita sort de sa chambre’, journée d’étude de la commission de l’égalité, ‘Sors de ta chambre : Femmes et vie publique’, University of Geneva, March 2015.
‘Les livres de conduite anglais pour jeunes femmes dans la production des sociétés typographiques romandes: un espace d’échanges et d’appropriations’, colloque de clôture de l’ED18 (Ecole Doctorale interdisciplinaire, L’Europe des Lumières), Yverdon, September 2013.
‘The Affectionate Author : Sentiment as Technology of Effect in Eighteenth‐Century Conduct Manuals for Young Women’, SAUTE conference, University of Lausanne, April 2013.
‘Le corps discipliné dans les manuels de conduite pour jeunes femmes du dix-huitième siècle’, Cours général en études genre : ‘Le genre des corps’, University of Geneva, October 2013.
‘Tobias Smollett and the British Man’, 11th ESSE Conference, Bogazici University, Istanbul (co-organisation of the panel), September 2012.
‘Breeding like Rabbits: Monstrous Generation and the Proliferation of Popular Print in Early Eighteenth-Century England’, SAMEMES conference, University of Lausanne, June 2012.
‘Shopping with a Knife: Communicating Embodied Knowledge in Eighteenth-Century Conduct Manuals for Young Women’, Reading Early Modern History Conference, July 2011.
‘A Present for Women Addicted to Drinking: Anti-Drinking Discourse in Eighteenth-Century Conduct Books for Women’, ‘Food and Drink: Their Social, Political and Cultural Histories’ University of Central Lancashire, June 2011.
‘Monsters! Themed teaching in English studies’, Formation continue pour le corps enseignant du secondaire genevois, Geneva University, February 2011.
‘Cherchez la femme: Homosociality and Masculinity in Daniel Defoe’s Captain Singleton’ 10th ESSE Conference, Università degli Studii, Torino, August 2010.
‘From Text to Life: Reading as a Conduit for Conduct in Eighteenth-Century England’, ‘Women Readers / Educational Texts 1500-1800 conference’, University of Liverpool, April 2010.
‘Une vie spectaculaire : Charlotte Charke et la performace du genre’, Cours général en études genre : ‘Le spectacle du genre : théâtre, médias visuels et littérature’, University of Geneva November 2009.
‘Locating Queer Selves in Print, 1700-1750’, SAUTE conference University of Fribourg, May 2009.
‘Samuel Richardson et la lecture facilitée: pratiques d'indexation et liens avec l'hypertextualité’, Société suisse pour l’étude du Dix-huitième siècle, Colloque de la relève, University of Berne, October 2008.
‘La liberté domestiquée? Pamela de Samuel Richardson à la lumière du Deuxième traité du gouvernement civil de John Locke’, Cours général en études genre : ‘J'écris ton nom...Pensées, pratiques et usages de la liberté sous l'angle du genre’, University of Geneva, October 2008.
‘Entre instrumentalisation et émancipation : l’éducation des femmes dans les manuels de conduite et dans les romans en Angleterre au dix-huitième siècle’, Cours général en études genre : ‘Emile, Sophie, Claudine et les autres : littérature et éducation entre normes de genre et émancipation’, University of Geneva, October 2007.
‘Theorizing the Early Novel’, Troisième Cycle CUSO , Theory after Theory’, University of Geneva, July 2007.
‘Frankenstein de Mary Shelley : manipuler les mythes et les monstres’, Formation continue pour le corps enseignant du secondaire genevois, ‘Invention et réinvention des mythes chez les femmes écrivains’, University of Geneva, March 2006.
‘Femme publique / femme publiée: anonymat et autorité dans l’écriture et la vie de Eliza Haywood’, Cours général en études genre : ‘Questions d’autorité : identité et légitimité de l’écrivain/e’, University of Geneva, November 2005.
‘La domestication du héros dans deux romans précoces anglais : Robinson Crusoé et Pamela’, Cours général en études genre : ‘Héros et Héroïnes’, University of Geneva, December 2004.
‘Samuel Richardson : Author and Printer’, invited to present by Professor David Spurr in his seminar: ‘London in the Eighteenth-Century’, University of Geneva, May 2004.
Geneva, City of Refuge and Writing. An evening of lightning talks by members of the English Departement of the University of Geneva to commemorate the 75-year anniversary of SAUTE (Swiss Association of University Teachers of English). Organisation and participation. October 2022.
Une soirée avec Jane Austen, lecture/performance in collaboration with actors Michele Millner and Naïma Arlaud, University of Fribourg. September 2021.
Le corps scruté / le corps sucré, lecture performance, collaboration with Théâtre du Grütli, Geneva, December 2019.
‘Une soirée avec Jane Austen’, lecture/performance in collaboration with actors Michele Millner and Naïma Arlaud, University of de Neuchâtel, March 2019.
‘Binarité de genre et capitalisme : quelques convergences au 18è siècle », Le Silure, Genève (lieu culturel autogéré) Genève, invitée par le Groupe d’action féministe (GAF), February 2019.
‘Habillage en public – les corps contraints’, collaboration with the Galpon Theatre. Three-way lecture and performance, followed by a round table on fashion and constraint from the eighteenth century until today. Geneva, December 2018.
‘C’est la faute de la mère’ Round-table on the literary representation of mothers, organised by Théâtre Spirale. Geneva, November 2018.
‘Réclusion / Création’ Round-Table on the work of Charlotte Salomon and Shamsia Hassani, for Women’s Day, organised by the Equality Office of the University of Geneva, in collaboration with Prof. Doreen Mendes, HEAD. Geneva, February 2018.
‘Être une femme/ un homme au 18e siècle: un aperçu des techniques du corps’, workshop given to high-school students during a Journée autour de Madame de Staël commemorating the bicentenary of the author’s death. Geneva, November 2017.
‘Une soirée avec Jane Austen’, lecture and performance commemorating Jane Austen on the bicentenary of her death. In collaboration with Michele Millner and Naïma Arlaud of Théâtre Spirale and Librairie Le Parnasse. Geneva, 2017.
Since 2013 I have given workshops to high-school students on topics related to English literature and gender studies.
Participation in Conference Planning and Coordination:
‘Invoking the Reader’, CUSO Doctoral programme in English language and literature, eighteenth and nineteenth-century traveling seminar, Neuchâtel University, March 2019.
‘Sensing History around 1816: body and sensation in the long eighteenth century’, CUSO Doctoral programme in English language and literature, eighteenth and nineteenth-century traveling seminar, Geneva University, May 2016.
‘Tools for digital humanities: a practical workshop’, CUSO Doctoral programme in English language and literature, Neuchâtel University, November 2015.
‘Economies of English’, SAUTE conference, University of Geneva, April 2015.
“The changing value of English studies,” CUSO Doctoral programme in English language and literature, University of Geneva, April 2015. Co-organiser with Dr. Martin Leer and Prof. Genoveva Puskas
Discussion group / seminar on topic of vulnerability, University of Geneva, spring 2014.
‘The Media of Literature in the Digital Age’, CUSO Doctoral Programme in English Language and Literature, University of Geneva, Autumn 2013. Co-convenor with Dr. Lucy Perry.
Discussion group / seminar on topic of urgency and catastrophe, University of Geneva, spring 2014. Co-convenor with Drs. Valeria Wagner and Stéphanie Girardclos.
Steering committee for interfactulty workshop on ‘Les temps de l’urgence’, University of Geneva, November 2012.
‘Gendering the Nation in English and American Novels of the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Century’, 11th ESSE Conference, Bogazici University, Istanbul. September 2012. Co-convenor of panel with Dr. Gabriella Vöö, Pécs Tudomànyiegyetem, Hungary.
‘Literature and the Material Text’, CUSO Doctoral Programme in English Language and Literature, University of Geneva, October 2010.
‘Masculinity in Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century Novels’, 10th ESSE Conference, Università degli Studii, Torino. August 2010. Co-convenor of panel with Dr. Gabriella Vöö, Pécs Tudomànyiegyetem, Hungary.
‘Women and the Theatre’, CUSO Doctoral Programme in English Language and Literature, University of Geneva, October 2008. Co-organiser with Dr. Valerie Fehlbaum, University of Geneva.