Current Students

Study Abroad and Scholarships

Study Abroad

There are two possibilities for studying abroad. A linguistic stay, for which students cannot earn credits for their studies but can improve their mastery of the English language, or a period of study at another university which can result in credits to be validated at the University of Geneva. Please click on one of the following links to find out more about these respective possibilities:

Study Abroad for University Credit 
English Language Study Abroad (not for University Credit) 

Presentation by Prof. Erne at the information session about study abroad on Tuesday 8 October 2024.

TOEFL Examination

People enquiring about the TOEFL examination should be referred directly to the TOEFL website or given the central phone number based in the Netherlands: 0031 26 352 15 77. Callers will be informed where and when the next TOEFL examinations are taking place in Switzerland.
TOEFL courses can be taken through IFAGE: 022 / 807 30 00 or langues(at)

Scholarships for Students & Language Assistant Programme (LAP)

Bourses de mobilité de la Fondation Ernest Boninchi

This support programme addresses students of Swiss nationality who cannot finance their research project on their own, and who either have successfully finished at least two years' study or are doctoral students at the University of Geneva. Students who receive this mobility grant need to stay enroled at the University of Geneva and return to finish their studies. Students from all faculties are eligible. Follow this link for more details.

Bourse Thomas Harvey

The Thomas Harvey scholarship provides Sfr. 2,000 every year for a student to travel to an English-speaking country for purposes of study and research. Applicants must be of Swiss nationality, must have completed the two final years of a Swiss high-school in Geneva and must have completed at least two semesters of study at the University of Geneva. Doctoral students are also eligible. Applications (in the form of a letter describing the project and estimating anticipated expenses) should be submitted to the director of the English Department by 30 December each year at the latest.

Prix Robert Harvey

Amount: Sfr. 2,000
Periodicity: Awarded every four years
Aim: To reward a piece of original research work on an optional topic covering relations between Geneva or Switzerland and the Anglo-Saxon world, notably Great Britain and the United States.
Age-limit: Unrestricted
Nationality: Swiss
Application Conditions: Hand in a mémoire in three copies.
Application Deadline: 30 December of the year preceding the period of the award.

Language Assistant Programme (LAP) in the United Kingdom

Students of French mother-tongue from the French-speaking part of Switzerland, aged between 21 and 30, who are already graduate students or have studied at the University of Geneva for at least four semesters (two academic years) by the time they go abroad, can benefit from a sponsored programme to teach French in the United Kingdom. Requirements are a good general education, a certain amount of proficiency in French and English and the ability to work with young people. 

Further information.

There are also available assistantship postst for German mother-tongue students.  The conditions are the same as indicated above. 

For more information, please contact the person responsible for the LAP programme in the English department, Professor Simon Swift, or contact him during his office hours.

Amity Intern Program

The Amity Intern Program, "Live, Learn and Teach in the USA", encourages its participants to acquire a unique teaching experience by sharing their language and culture with American students. For more information about the programme see the two links below:


Scholarships for Post-Graduate Students

The Berrow Fellowship for Lincoln College

Consult the Berrow Scholarship Website.