Exchange Students / Swiss Mobility Students / Students from Other UNIGE Faculties
Exchange students (Swiss-European Mobility Programme - SEMP) coming to study at the University of Geneva will have received a Learning Agreement from their home university, specifying which modules they need to complete and the form in which these modules should be validated (as a graded exam or as an attestation). Those students planning to study at the English department must get this Learning Agreement signed by Professor Swift during his reception hour before beginning their courses in English. For any questions please contact him by e-mail: .
For more information about coming to Geneva on an Exchange programme, click here.
information about the RENTREE
As soon as possible, but definitely before the start of classes in September, students from abroad, other Swiss universities or other Faculties, need to make an appointment with Professor Lukas Erne, in order to discuss with him their choice of courses and to understand how these will be validated. His office is in the Comédie building at 12, boulevard des Philosophes (office 211, on the second floor) and he can receive students during his office hour or by appointment: . Students should also attend the university's welcome session for students from abroad, Swiss mobility and other Faculties, which is normally held on the first day or two of the September Rentrée week (see the posters about this in the University Bastions building, or consult the Faculty of Humanities' homepage at the beginning of September).