Deborah Madsen: Interviews about Eco-feminism
Eco-feminism is the subject on which Professor Madsen is most frequently interviewed:
- In “L'avenir de l'écoféminisme dépend de son impact” she is interviewed by a former student of our department, Mme Lisa Dubin; the resulting article was published in Le Temps (
- “L'écologie est-elle un danger pour les femmes?,” an interview with Mme Jennifer Segui for the magazine Femina appeared in 17 November 2019, and
- The interview “Convergence des luttes entre féminisme et défense de la nature” appeared in L’Événement syndical (vol. 16, no. 21) in April 2021:
- An interview with the Berlin-based journalist, Özgül Demiralp, was published in the magazine La Mèche on 23 September 2021 (
- Professor Madsen also features in the article written by Julie Rambal, “Contre l’exploitation des femmes et celle de la planète, le grand retour de l’écoféminisme,” which was published in Le Temps on 27 October 2021 ( and
- She can be heard in conversation with the RTS journalist Francine del Coso at The podcast was broadcast on 9 February 2022 and it can be streamed or downloaded from the RTS website. This interview is part of a series of interventions on the topic of women's struggles for peace and for nuclear disarmament, entitled “Histoire du courage au féminin” and was broadcast as part of the Histoire Vivante program. The discussion situates eco-feminism in terms of its emergence during the period of the Cold War between the USA and USSR, and the continuing power of the movement to inspire feminist ecological activism.