Unité d'Egyptologie et Copte



Visiting scholar


Educational Background:

2010-2014: PhD in Egyptian Archaeology, Institute of Archaeology, University College London.

2003-2007: MA in Egyptian Archaeology, Faculty of Archaeology, Cairo University.

2002: Pre-master degree in Egyptian Archaeology, Faculty of Archaeology, Cairo University.

1998-2001: BA in Egyptian Archaeology, Faculty of Archaeology, Cairo University.


2014-present: Lecturer, Faculty of Archaeology, Cairo University.

2011: Teaching Assistant, Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology, University College London.

2007-2014: Assistant-Lecturer, Faculty of Archaeology, Cairo University.

2002-2007: A full-time Teaching Assistant, Faculty of Archaeology, Cairo University.

Research Interests:

- Egyptian Archaeology

- Art & and iconographical research

- Religion and gender

- Material Culture

- Ancient History

- History of Egyptology



Ouda, A. M .M., Hassan, Kh., 2018. Ramesside hieratic stela of the sandal maker Penōne in the Egyptian Museum Cairo (TR., Journal of the American Research Center in Egypt 54, 93-106.


Ouda, A. M .M., 2018. Remarks on the epithets of Werethekau on the votive stela of Pennefru (BM EA812), Göttinger Miszellen 241. 


Ouda, A. M. M., 2017. The Shabtis of the "God’s Father" Panebmontu, Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts Abteilung Kairo 73.


Ouda, A. M. M., Shaheen, A., and Eid, S. M., 2016. The False Door in the Tomb of Paser (TT.367), Captain of Archers, MEMNONIA 27, 117-129.


Ouda, A. M. M., 2016.  The votive stela of the "overseer of the singers of the king" Nfr-rnpt (Egyptian Museum Cairo TR, Bulletin de l'Institut français d'archéologie orientale 116, 177-189.


Ouda, A. M. M., 2016. Three Shabtis of the Vizier Paser (UC39724-39726), Journal of the American Research Center in Egypt 52, 303-318.


 Ouda, A. M. M., 2016. The Golden Pendant of Tutankhamun (JE 61952): A new interpretation for the epithet of WerethekauÉgypte nilotique et méditerranéenne 9, 1-4.


Ouda, A. M. M., 2015. New Light on S3-Rnnwtt, ṯ3wy, "the Royal Cup Bearer" (UC 69964), Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 101, 189-195.


Ouda,A. M. M., 2015. The statue of "the Doorkeeper of the palace" Pi3y (Louvre E 124), Studien zur Altägyptischen Kultur 44, 283-295.


Ouda, A., M. M., 2015. Werethekau and the votive stela of P3-n-Imn (Bristol Museum H 514), British Museum Studies in Ancient Egypt and Sudan 22, 61-86. 


Ouda, A. M. M., 2014. Did Werethekau "Great of Magic" have a Cult? A Disjunction between the Scholarly Opinion and Sources, Current Research in Egyptology 13: Proceedings of the Fourteenth Annual Symposium University of Cambridge 2013. Oxford: Oxbow Books, 105-121.


Ouda, A. M. M., 2013. Who or what is Werethekau "Great of Magic"? A problematic inscription (UC 16639), Papers from the Institute of Archaeology 23 (1): 8, 1-7.


Ouda, A. M. M., 2012. The Canopic Box of Ns-ʿ3-rwd (BM EA 8539), Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 98, 127-138. 



- PhD scholarship from the Ministry of Higher Education 2010-2014

- International publication award Cairo University 2015

- International publication award Cairo University 2016

- International publication award Cairo University 2017

- Erasmus Mundus Eu-Metalic II Exchange Mobility, Free University Berlin March-May 2017

- Swiss Government Excellence Scholarship, Geneva University, Department of Science of Antiquity, Sep 2017-Sep 2018