Maîtrise universitaire ès lettres (Master of Arts, MA)
The Master of Arts is a second-cycle program that gives students the opportunity to deepen their knowledge of one of the subjects they studied for their Bachelor’s degree. Each Master’s program has a handbook that contains a list of modules grouped by theme. Students should select their modules based on their major. Each module requires some form of evaluation. With a Master’s degree, students can gain access to even more specialized research programs.
Overview of the Master of Arts (MA90)
General Master’s programs
- Archéologie classique (Classical archaeology)
- Egyptologie et copte (Egyptological studies and coptic language)
- Etudes classiques (Classical studies)
- Etudes médiévales (Mediæval studies)
- Etudes mésopotamiennes (Languages and civilizations of Mesopotamia)
- Français langue étrangère (French as a foreign language)
- Histoire ancienne (Ancient history)
- Histoire de l'art (Art history)
- Histoire et anthropologie des religions (History and anthropology of religions)
- Histoire générale (History)
- Histoire transnationale (Transnational history)
- Informatique pour les sciences humaines (Computer science for the humanities)
- Langue et littérature anglaises (English language and literature)
- Langue et littérature arméniennes (Armenian language and literature)
- Langue et littérature françaises (French language and literature)
- Langue et littérature grecques (Greek language and literature)
- Langue et littérature italiennes (Italian language and literature)
- Langue et littérature latines (Latin language and literature)
- Langue, littérature et civilisation allemandes (German language, literature and culture)
- Langue, littérature et civilisation arabes (Arabic language, literature and culture)
- Langue, littérature et civilisation chinoises (Chinese language, literature and culture)
- Langue, littérature et culture hispaniques (Hispanic language, literature and culture)
- Langue, littérature et civilisation japonaises (Japanese language, literature and culture)
- Langue, littérature et civilisation russes (Russian language, literature and culture)
- Linguistique (Linguistics)
- Littérature comparée (Comparative literature)
- Musicologie (Musicology)
- Philosophie (Philosophy)
Master of Arts with specialization
In addition to the general 90-credit Master’s program, certain subjects also have a Master’s degree with specialization (MA 120). These programs require 4 semesters of study and 120 ECTS credits.
Students must complete three modules in their major, two and a half modules in their area of specialization and two elective modules.
Overview of the Master of Arts with specialization (MA120)
Specialized Master's programs
- Etudes est-asiatiques avec spécialisation en philologie et traduction
(East Asian studies with specialization in philology and translation) - Histoire générale avec spécialisation en production des savoirs historiques
(History with specialization in the production of historical knowledge) - Histoire de l’art avec spécialisation en histoire et théorie de l'art et de l'architecture (Art history with specialization in art and architectural history and theory)
- Langue et littérature françaises avec spécialisation en dramaturgie et histoire du théâtre
(French language and literature with specialization in dramaturgy and theatre history) - Littérature allemande avec spécialisation en littérature et savoirs ou en littérature et culture suisses
(German literature with specialization in literature and knowledge, or Swiss literature and culture) - Philosophie avec spécialisation en (Philosophy with specialization in)
- philosophie contemporaine (contemporary philosophy)
- philosophie antique et médiévale (ancient and medieval philosophy)
- philosophie des sciences (the philosophy of science)
- Sciences de l’antiquité avec spécialisation en (Ancient studies with specialization in)
- archéologie classique (classical archaeology)
- égyptologie et copte (egyptological studies and coptic language)
- langue et littérature grecques (Greek language and literature)
- histoire ancienne (ancient history)
- histoire et anthropologie des religions (history and anthropolgy of religions)
- études mésopotamiennes (languages and civilizations of Mesopotamia)
- langue et littérature latines (Latin language and literature)
Admission requirements
Bachelor of Arts degree comprising at least 60 credits, or an equivalent degree. Additional courses may be required, depending on your previous education.
Maîtrise spécialisée pluridisciplinaire en études asiatiques – MASPEA (Multidisciplinary Master in Asian Studies)
This Master’s degree is intended for students who hold a Bachelor’s degree and wish to gain an in-depth knowledge of Asia. It is organized by the Geneva School of Economics and management, the Geneva School of Social Sciences, the Faculty of Humanities and the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies.
For more information, go to the MASPEA website.
Maîtrise en ethnomusicologie
La Maîtrise ès lettres en ethnomusicologie est un programme d’étude conjoint entre l’Université de Genève (Unité de Musicologie), l’Université de Neuchâtel (Institut d’Ethnologie) et la HEM-Genève.