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ZEMAN Andreas

M. Andreas ZEMAN


Histoire contemporaine

SO0112 ou Aile Jura


Andreas Zeman est post-doctorant dans le cadre du projet FNS Builders of the Nation: a social history of rural workers and employees in late/post-colonial state companies in sub-Saharan Africa (1957-1983), dirigé par Prof. Alexander Keese. Dans le cadre de ce projet, il mène l‘étude de cas sur la Zambie. Entre 2019 et 2022, il a été post-doctorant à la chaire d‘Histoire Contemporaine dans une Perspective Globale à l‘Université de Berne. Il a obtenu son PhD à l‘Université de Bern en 2019 avec un micro-étude sur l‘histoire d‘un village au nord du Mozambique. Sa recherche doctorale a été financé par une bourse Doc.CH du FNS.



The wind.jpg 

The Winds of History: Life in a Corner of Rural Africa since the 19th Century.
Berlin: De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2023. https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110765007.

Based on extensive archival research in six countries and intensive fieldwork, the book analyzes the history of the village of Nkholongue on the eastern (Mozambican) shores of Lake Malawi from the time of its formation in the 19th century to the present day. The study uses Nkholongue as a microhistorical lens to examine such diverse topics as the slave trade, the spread of Islam, colonization, subsistence production, counter-insurgency, decolonization, civil war, ecotourism, and matriliny. Thereby, the book attempts to reflect as much as possible on the generalizability and (global) comparability of local findings by framing analyses in historiographical discussions that aim to go beyond the regional or national level. Although the chapters of the book deal with very different topics, they are united by a common interest in the social history of rural Africa in the longue durée. Contrary to persistent clichés of rural inertia in Africa, the book as a whole underscores the profound changeability of social conditions and relations in Nkholongue over the years and highlights how people’s room for maneuver kept changing as a result of the Winds of History, the frequent and often violent ruptures brought to the village from outside.


Articles scientifiques

  • “Flag Independence without Flags? Mozambican Decolonization on the Periphery of the New Nation.” E-Journal of Portuguese History 21, no. 2 (2023): 246–67. https://brill.com/view/journals/ejph/21/2/article-p246_3.xml.
  • “Wiriyamu and the Colonial Archive: Reading It Against the Grain? Along the Grain? Read It at All!” History in Africa 50 (2023): 206–36. https://doi.org/10.1017/hia.2023.2.
  • “Caught Between the Guerrilla and the Colonial State: Refugee Life in Northern Mozambique During the Independence War (1964-1974).” In On the Social History of Persecution, edited by Christian Gerlach, 115–38. De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2023. https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110789690-007.


Enseignant.e.s chercheur.se.s