LIN Yi-Tang
Mme Yi-Tang LIN
Ancienne collaboratrice
Biographie (ENGLISH BELOW)
Yi-Tang Lin est post-doctorante du projet FNS intitulé « Rockefeller fellows as heralds of globalization : the circulation of elites, knowledge, and practices of modernization (1920s-1970s) ». Elle a soutenu en 2017 une thèse intitulée « Statistics as a World Language for Public Health? International organizations, transnational actors and local agencies in China, 1917-1950s » à l’Université de Lausanne. Ses recherches actuelles portent sur les pratiques des sciences biologiques et médicales en Chine au 20ème siècle. A travers les trajectoires des boursiers chinois de la fondation Rockefeller spécialisés dans ses domaines, sa recherche a pour but d’analyser à quel niveau les changements politiques en Chine ont influencé la mise en place des sciences et technologies. Pour l'année universitaire 2021-2022, elle est nommée chercheuse invitée au Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies de l'Université de Harvard. Elle a enseigné à l’Université de Lausanne et à l’Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne sur histoire de la mondialisation (enseignement en anglais), histoire internationale contemporaine, et méthode de l’histoire (enseignement en français).
(EN) Yi-Tang Lin is a post-doctoral fellow in the SNSF project "Rockefeller fellows as heralds of globalization: the circulation of elites, knowledge, and practices of modernization (1920s-1970s)". She defended her thesis in 2017 entitled "Statistics as a World Language for Public Health? International organizations, transnational actors and local agencies in China, 1917-1950s" at the University of Lausanne. Her current research focuses on the practices of biological and medical sciences in 20th-century China. Through the trajectories of Chinese Rockefeller Foundation fellows specializing in these fields, her research aims to analyze to what extent political changes in China influenced science and technology. For the academic year 2021-2022, she is appointed as a visiting scholar in the Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies at Harvard University. She has taught at the University of Lausanne and the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne on the history of globalization (in English), contemporary international history, and history methods (in French).
ORCID record :
Monograph :
Statistics and the Language of Global Health: Institutions and Experts in China, Taiwan, and the World , 1917-60 (Cambridge University Press, forthcoming in December 2022)
Special issue:
Santé globale : des acteurs négligés , avec Anne-Emanuelle Birn, Monde(s), No. 20 (2021). (Introduction: “Santé globale : des acteurs négligés, des histoires redécouvertes”, pp.9–27.)
Peer-reviewed articles & Book chapter :
“Local Actions, National Policies and International Knowledge: Family Planning and Statistical Practices in Taiwan (1949-1980s).” Social History Of Medicine. Vol. 33, No. 3 (August 2020), pp. 819–842, Peer-reviewed. (
« D’un village à l’État. Les laboratoires de la reconstruction rurale de James Yen en Chine et ses soutiens américains (1926-1950) », Histoire@Politique, n° 41, mai-août 2020 [en ligne :]
“Making Standards to Quantify All Health Matters: The World Health Organization’s Statistical Practices (1946–1960).” Monde(S), No. 11 (May 2017): pp. 247–66. (
“外国卫生组织与民国黄金十年的公共卫生实验: 定县乡村保健系统与中央卫生设施实验处的江宁实验县 (1928–1937)”医疗社会史研究, No. 3 (2017): pp.156–75. (
Lin, Yi-Tang, Thomas David and Davide Rodogno. “Fellowship Programs for Public Health Development: The Rockefeller Foundation, UNRRA and WHO (1920–1970).” In Global Exchanges Scholarships andTransnational Circulations in the Contemporary World, ed. Ludovic Tournès and Giles Scott-Smith, Berghahn Books, pp. 140–55, 2017. (
Reviews & Roundtable
“Data and Databases: Emerging Objects of Research.” East Asian Science, Technology and Society: An International Journal, Vol. 15, No. 3 (2021), pp.395-401.
Jérôme Baudry and Yi-Tang Lin. Roundtable discussion with Matheus Alves Duarte da Silva, Lisa Hellman, Kenji Ito, Helen Tilley. “Beyond ‘Plato to NATO’. Navigating the Global Turn in the History of Science, Technology, and Medicine.” Monde(s), No. 21(2022), pp.97-116.
Review of China and the Cholera Pandemic: Restructuring Society under Mao by Xiaoping Fang (University of Pittsburgh Press, 2021, 326 pages) Medical History, Vol. 66, No. 1, pp.90-91.