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Gabriela SOARE

Dr. Gabriela Soare

Collaboratrice scientifique

+41 (0)22 379 73 06

Research interests: the theory of syntax, the comparative syntax of Romance languages, the syntax-information structure interface, wh-movement and wh-scrambling, typology of wh-questions,  interference in psycholinguistics (production and comprehension)




A. Refereed journal and volume publications

1. Soare, Gabriela. Under review. "Person Imposters: The View from Two Romance Languages."Volume edited by Chris Collins and Richard Kayne, Oxford University Press.

2. Soare, Gabriela. Under review. "Particles and Parameters in Wh-Questions." Volume edited by Sylvie Hancil, John Benjamins.

3. Shlonsky, Ur, and Gabriela Soare. 2011. "Where's 'why'?" Linguistic Inquiry 42, 651-669.

4. Franck, Julie, Gabriela Soare, Ulrich-Heinrich Frauenfelder, and Luigi Rizzi. 2010. "Object interference: The role of intermediate traces of movement." Journal of Memory and Language 62, 166-182.

5. Seretan, Violeta, Eric Wehrli, Luka Nerima, and Gabriela Soare. 2010. FipsRomanian: Towards a Romanian Version of the Fips Syntactic Parser." Proceedings of the Seventh international conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), 1972-1977.

6. Laenzlinger, Christopher, and Gabriela Soare. 2005. "A cartographic approach to the Romance Mittelfeld."Rivista di Grammatica Generativa 30, 17-71. Unipress, Italy.

7. Laenzlinger, Christopher, and Gabriela Soare. 2005. "On merging positions or arguments and adverbs in the Romance Mittelfled."In Laura Brugè, Giuliana Giusti, Nicola Munaro, Walter Schweikert and Giuseppina Turano (eds.) Contributions to the thirtieth “Incontro di Grammatica Generativa.” 105-129. Università Ca’Foscari, Venezia.

B.  PhD dissertation

Soare, Gabriela. 2009. The Syntax-Information Structure Interface: A Comparative View from Romanian. PhD dissertation, University of Geneva.


C. Other publications

1. Soare, Gabriela. 2011. "Wh-Phrases in Masarak." Ms. NYU/University of Geneva.

2. Soare, Gabriela. 2007. "A Cross-linguistic Typology of Question Formation and the Antisymmetry Hypothesis." In Gregory Ellison-Campbell and Gabriela Soare (eds.) Generative Grammar in Geneva 5. 107-133.

3. Soare, Gabriela. 2007. "The Japanese Mittelfeld from a Different Perspective." In Gabriela Alboiu, Andrei, Larisa Avram, and Daniela Isac (eds.) Pitar Moş: A Building with a View. Papers in Honour of Alexandra Cornilescu, pp. 225-249. Editura Universităţii Bucureşti, Bucharest.

4. Laenzlinger, Christopher, and Gabriela Soare. 2005. "A Cartographic Approach to Wh-movement in Romanian."Working Papers in Linguistics 1, pp. 23-60. Editura Universităţii Bucureşti, Bucharest.

5. Goldman, Jean-Philippe, Christopher Laenzlinger, Gabriela Soare, and Eric Wehrli. 2005. "L'analyseur syntaxique multilingue Fips dans la campganie EASY." Actes de TALN 2005, Dourdan, France.

6. Soare, Gabriela. 2005."Romanian Syntax for FiPS." Technical report, Laboratoire d'analyse et de Traitement du Langage (LATL), University of Geneva.



A. Invited talks

2008 ‘Why’ in the Hierarchy of Wh-Phrases: The Case of Romanian.” Università Ca’Foscari, May 26, Venezia, Italy.

2007 “A Different Approach to the Japanese Mittelfeld and Wh-Scrambling.” Centro Interdipartimentale di Studi Cognitivi sul Linguaggio. Università di Siena, Mai 9, Italy.

2005 "Wh-Movement in Romanian: A Cartographic Approach." University of Nicosia, Cyprus.


B. Talks at peer-reviewed international conferences and workshops

1. Soare, Gabriela. 2011. "Types of particles in a wh-typology." TaBu Dag, 32nd Linguistics Conference, Groningen, the Netherlands, June 17-18.

2. Christopher, Laenzlinger, Luigi Rizzi, Ur Shlonsky, and Gabriela Soare. 2011. "Intervention effects under a new version of Relativized Minimality." Swiss Workshop in Generative Grammar, Neuchâtel, Switzerland, April 15-16.

3. Soare, Gabriela. 2010. "Particles and Parameters in Wh-Questions.” International Conference on Final Particles (FiPa2010), Rouen, France, May 27-28.

4. Soare, Gabriela. 2008. "’De ce’ in the Hierarchy of Wh-Phrases. Some Notes on the French ‘Pourquoi’. The 10th International Conference of the English Department, Bucharest, Romania, June 5-7.

5. Soare, Gabriela. 2008. “Japanese Wh-phrases in the Cartographic Approach’. IGG, Padova, Italy, February 21-23.

6. Soare, Gabriela. 2007. “A Cross-linguistic Typology of Question Formation and the Antisymmetry Hypothesis.” TEAL-4, Hong Kong, December 30.

7. Franck, Julie, Gabriela Soare, Ulrich-Heinrich Frauenfelder and Luigi Rizzi. 2007. “The role of movement in object interference in sentence production.” The 4th International Workshop on Language Production, Munster, Germany, September 3-5.

8. Soare, Gabriela. 2006. "Analyse syntaxique comparative des phrases interrogatives." Conference 4 Tage der Schweitzer Linguistik, Bâle, Switzerland, November 20.

9. Soare, Gabriela. 2005. "Multiple wh-fronting and intervention effects in Romanian." Workshop (Multiple-)Wh-Movement: Structures and Derivations, Geneva, December 16.

10. Laenzlinger, Christopher, and Gabriela Soare. 2005. “Cartographic Approach to Wh-movement in Romanian.” Conference ‘A matter of taste’, Bucharest, Romania, June 1-3.

11. Goldman, Jean-Philippe, Christopher Laenzlinger, Gabriela Soare, and Eric Wehrli. 2005. "FiPS, un analyseur syntaxique multipingue." Poster, TALN 2005, Dourdan, France.

12. Laenzlinger, Christopher, and Gabriela Soare. 2004. “On Merging Positions for Arguments and Adverbs in the Romance Mittelfeld.” IGG XXX, Venice, Italy.

13. Soare, Gabriela. 2000. “A Genre-Based Analysis of Some American Legal Provisions.” 2000 Annual Fulbright Conference, Bucharest, Romania.


C. Other talks

Soare, Gabriela. 2011. "The Case of a Wh-in-situ in a Multiple Wh-Fronting Language." Brown Bag Talk, New York University, May 7.


D. Talks in doctoral schools

2008 “Some Aspects of the Syntax-Information Structure Interface.” Doctoral school, Leysin, Switzerland, March 17-20.

2006 “A Comparative Analysis of the Movement of Wh-Phrases in Romanian, French and Japanese." Doctoral school Approche formelle et cognitive du langage, Leysin, Switzerland, June19-22.

2005 "A Chunk-Based Analysis of Multiple Wh-Fronting: Evidence from Romanian." Doctoral school, Sils-Maria, Switzerland.


Editorial activities

Ellison-Campbell, Gregory, and Gabriela Soare. 2007. Generative Grammar in Geneva 5.

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