Corps enseignant

Charlotte HAUSER

Prof. Charlotte Hauser

Chargée de cours suppléante


I am an associate professor at University Paris 8 (Saint-Denis) where I teach classes about formal linguistics, psycholinguistics and methodology. My researches focus on investigating the syntactic complexity of French Sign Language (LSF) through formal and experimental studies of subordinate clauses. I am also interested in the acquisition patterns of complex sentences in this modality (Project SiLSA, ANR grant number ANR-23-CE28-0022-01).


Recent publications : 


2024| Fornasiero E, Hauser C., Branchini C. The subject advantage in LIS internally headed relative clauses: an eye-tracking study. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition. Published online 2024:1-14. doi:10.1017/S1366728924000415 


2023| Hauser, C., V. Aristodemo & C. Donati. A subject advantage in covert dependencies: the case of wh-questions comprehension in French Sign Language. Syntax. 2023;1–31


2021| Hauser, C. & Zorzi, G. & Aristodemo, V. & Giustolisi, B. & Gras, D. & Sala, R. & Amat, J. & Cecchetto, C. & Donati, C., (2021) “Asymmetries in relative clause comprehension in three European sign languages”, Glossa: a journal of general linguistics 6(1): 72. doi:


2021| Aristodemo, V., & Hauser, C. (2021). Similar but different: investigating temporal constructions in sign language. Glossa: A Journal of General Linguistics, 6 (1), 2. DOI:


2020| Hauser, C. Subordination in French Sign Language (LSF) Sentential and nominal embedding. Sign Language & Linguistics, Volume 24, Issue 1, Feb 2021, p. 107 - 117 DOI:

Corps enseignant