Séminaire de Recherche en Linguistique

Ce séminaire reçoit des conférenciers invités spécialisés dans différents domaines de la linguistique. Les membres du Département, les étudiants et les personnes externes intéressées sont tous cordialement invités.

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Titre “feš taqra?” What are you reading? Prepositional objects in Tunisian Arabic
Conférencier Margherita Pallottino
Date mardi 04 octobre 2016
Heure 12h15
Salle L208 (Bâtiment Candolle)

In this talk I will discuss movement patterns, distribution and some selectional properties of the two inflected paradigms of Tunisian Arabic: perfective and imperfective. Perfective predicates are finite forms, always undergo movement to negation and are able to select any type of direct object, be it a bare noun or a definite description, see (1):

1)         a.         Sɛmi klɛ (əl)-kosksi

                        Semi eat.perf the-couscous

                        Semi ate (the) couscous

            b.         Sɛmi ma-klɛ-š(əl)-kosksi

                        Semi eat.perf couscous

                        Semi ate couscous

Imperfective predicates acts less as a unified class: in some contexts they present the same movement pattern as the perfective ones (2), while in other cases they do not undergo movement to negation showing a behavior that reminds this of non-finite verb forms (3):

2)         a.         Sɛmi yəkl kosksi

                  Semi eat.imp couscous

                  Semi eats couscous

                  Intended meaning ‘Semi usually eats couscous’

            b.         Sɛmi, ma-yəkl-škosksi

                  Semi neg.eat.imp.neg couscous

                  Semi does not eats couscous

                  Intended meaning ‘Semi doesn’t usually eat couscous’

3)         a.         Sɛmi yəkl fi-l-kosksi

                  Semi eat.imp fi-the-couscous

                  Semi eats fi the couscous

                  Intended meaning ‘Semi is eating the couscous’

b.         Sɛmi ma-hu-šyəkl fi-l-kosksi

                  Semi eat.imp fi-the-couscous

                  Semi eats fi the couscous

                        Intended meaning ‘Semi is not eating the couscous’

The examples above illustrate that there are more pieces to the puzzle and that the absence/presence of verb movement to negation also correlates with both the presence/absence of an additional structural layer headed by the preposition “fi” above the direct object and the alternation between the episodic and the generic reading of the sentence.

In this presentation I will discuss the details of the paradigm illustrated above; I will explain how the verb form interacts with the selection of the direct object and put forward an account of the facts centered on the idea that this variety of Arabic allows for hidden periphrastic verbal constructions.

Document(s) joint(s)
festaqra.seminaire recherche.pdf