Séminaire de Recherche en Linguistique

Ce séminaire reçoit des conférenciers invités spécialisés dans différents domaines de la linguistique. Les membres du Département, les étudiants et les personnes externes intéressées sont tous cordialement invités.

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Titre Machine learning and (sub)classification of PPA using fine-grained linguistic features
Conférencier Cristiano Chesi (Università di Pavia)
Date lundi 09 octobre 2017  changement de jour
Heure 14h15  changement d'horaire
Salle L511 changement de salle
Machine Learning approaches to text classification can also perform a successful classification on speech production of patients with Primary Progressive Aphasia (PPA) (Garrard et al. 2014). The accuracy of these methods for PPA sub-classifications in three main pathological variants is promising, also in very sparse contexts of connected speech productions (picture description elicitation task, generating speech samples smaller than 100 tokens). In this talk I will show that a baseline (Bag of Words approach) classification can be greatly improved by including highly informative phonetic, morpho-syntactic and semantic feature information, mainly consisting of phoneme frequency, (bi)-syllabic repetition patterns, out-of-vocabulary term frequency, cues for syntactic truncated structures and characterizing low-frequency content word distribution.
Boschi, V., Catricalà, E., Consonni, M., Chesi, C., Moro, A., & Cappa, S. F. (2017) Connected speech in neurodegenerative language disorders: a review. Frontiers in Psychology, 8.
Chesi C., E. Catricalà, A. Miozzo, A. Marcone, S. Cappa (2014) Improving machine learning approaches to (sub)classification of Primary Progressive Aphasia using fine-grained linguistic features. Proceedings of XLVIII Congresso Internazionale SLI 2014, Udine; 09/2014
Garrard P. V.Rentoumi, B. Gesierich, B. Miller,  M. L. Gorno-Tempini. (2014) Machine learning approaches to diagnosis and laterality effects in semantic dementia discourse. Cortex. 55 122-129.
Gorno-Tempini, M.L.,  A.E. Hillis, S. Weintraub, A. Kertesz, M. Mendez, S.F. Cappa, J.M. Ogar, J.D. Rohrer, S. Black, B.F. Boeve, F. Manes, N.F. Dronkers, R. Vandenberghe, K. Rascovsky, K. Patterson, B.L. Miller, D.S. Knopman, J.R. Hodges, M.M. Mesulam, M. Grossman. (2011) Classification of primary progressive aphasia and its variants. Neurology 76: 1006-1014.
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