Séminaire de Recherche en Linguistique

Ce séminaire reçoit des conférenciers invités spécialisés dans différents domaines de la linguistique. Les membres du Département, les étudiants et les personnes externes intéressées sont tous cordialement invités.

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Titre Propositional-semantic structures in English and Polish sentences founded upon the predicates Eng. reward and Polish nagradzać
Conférencier Katarzyna Kokot-Góra (Universytet Warminsko-Mazurski)
Date mardi 20 mars 2018
Heure 12h15
Salle L208 (Bâtiment Candolle)

Problems discussed in the presentation will concern semantic and syntactic properties of verbs (predicate-argument structure) as the basis of their intergraded lexicographic description. The analysis will concentrate on the relationships between the semantic plane and the syntactic plane of sentences with verbs of gratification: Eng. reward and Pol. nagradzać/nagrodzić. The theoretical basis of semantic syntax (Karolak 1974; 2002) and its extended version of explicative syntax (Kikleiwcz, Korytkowska 2010) applied in the project allowed not only to exemplify most combinatorial properties of the analysed verbs (in their particular meaning), but also to interpret semantic processes which generate particular types of structures. In this talk I will exhibit how the propositional content is realized in diffident forms, e.g. as a clause, a nominal phrase and other items, as parts of the basic semantic structure.

It has been assumed that valency characteristic of the predicate reward implicates four obligatory arguments – agent, beneficiary, means and cause. The forms of realization of these arguments have been divided into three types: compliance, compression and fusion. I will thus discuss various phenomena when a propositional argument is compressed into e.g. a nominal, or when two semantic arguments are fused into one syntactic form.

Linguistic data had been excerpted from Contemporary Corpus of American English (COCA) and National Corpus of Polish (NKJP).


Apresjan, J. D., 2000: Semantyka leksykalna – synonimiczne środki języka, Wrocław.

Centarowska, B. 2005: Passive Nominals in English and Polish : an Optimality-Theoretic Analysis, Katowice.

Fillmore, Ch. J., 1968: The Case for Case, [in]: Universals in Linguistic Theory, E. Brach, R. T. Harms (eds.), New York, s. 1-88.

Herbst T., Gotz-Votteler, K., 2007: Valency: Theoretical, Descriptive and Cognitive Issues, Berlin, New York.

Karolak, S., 2002: Podstawowe struktury składniowe języka polskiego, Warszawa.

Kiklewicz, A./Korytkowska, M. (eds.), 2010: Podstawowe struktury zdaniowe współczesnych języków słowiańskich: białoruski, bułgarski, polski, Olsztyn.

Kokot-Góra, K., 2015: Nagroda i nagradzanie (reward and awarding a prize) in a semantic syntax model, Prace Językoznawcze, 2015/XVII/4, 25-39.

Korytkowska, M., 1992: Gramatyka konfrontatywna bułgarsko-polska. Typy pozycji predykatowo-argumentowych, t. 5, cz. 1, Warszawa.

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