Séminaire de Recherche en Linguistique

Ce séminaire reçoit des conférenciers invités spécialisés dans différents domaines de la linguistique. Les membres du Département, les étudiants et les personnes externes intéressées sont tous cordialement invités.

Description du séminaire Print

Titre Getting closer to reality: Grounding and interaction in models of human language acquisition
Conférencier Afra Alishai (Tilburg University)
Date mardi 10 décembre 2019
Heure 12h15
Salle L208 (Bâtiment Candolle)

Humans learn to understand speech from weak and noisy supervision: they manage to extract structure and meaning from speech by simply being exposed to utterances situated and grounded in their daily sensory experience. Emulating this remarkable skill has been the goal of numerous studies; however researchers have often used severely simplified settings where either the language input or the extralinguistic sensory input, or both, are small-scale and symbolically represented. I present a series of studies on modelling visually grounded language understanding. Using variations of recurrent neural networks to model the temporal nature of spoken language, we examine how form and meaning-based linguistic knowledge emerges from the input signal.

Document(s) joint(s)