Séminaire de Recherche en Linguistique

Ce séminaire reçoit des conférenciers invités spécialisés dans différents domaines de la linguistique. Les membres du Département, les étudiants et les personnes externes intéressées sont tous cordialement invités.

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Titre Unifying syntax and irregular morphology: French verbs
Conférencier Michal Starke (Masaryk University), via ZOOM
Date mardi 01 décembre 2020
Heure 12h15
Salle ZOOM (Meeting ID: 963 3076 2510, Passcode: 522522) changement de salle

Conventional wisdom has it that grammar contains a "pretty" component, syntax, where everything is regular and predictable, and an "ugly" component, morphology and/or the lexicon, where chaos and irregularity reign. For instance the fact that French finite verbs are moved above a series of adverbs is regular and predictable, but the fact that *savoir* has up to five different roots (sav-, sai-, s(u), sau-, sach-) is unpredictable chaos. Because of that, it is agreed that we need a component of grammar which has technology to deal with ad-hoc rules, lists of exceptions, rewriting or adjusting features, etc. In this presentation, I will argue that the conventional wisdom is wrong: the chaos is only superficial, and the normal, regular rules of grammar can handle all the allomorphies, suppletions, portemanteaus and other seemingly arbitrary facts of morphosyntax. To illustrate this, I will discuss the rich patterns of French finite verbs, regular and irregular, going through the morphemes one by one and giving precise lexical entries for each of them - until the French pattern entirely follows from simple, universal principles of syntax.

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