
Language Families


Aboh Enoch O., (2004) The Morphosyntax of Complement-Head Sequences: Clause Structure and Word Order Patterns in Kwa, New York, Oxford University Press.

Aboh Enoch O. (2010) The P Route in Cinque G. & Rizzi L. (ed.s) Mapping Spatial PPs, The Cartography of Syntactic Structures, Volume 6, Oxford Studies in Comparative Syntax, Oxford University Press, 225 – 260.

Aboh Enoch O. & Pfau Roland (2010) What’s a Wh -Word Got to Do with It? in Benincà P. & Munaro N. (ed.s), Mapping the Left Periphery, The Cartography of Syntactic Structures, Volume 5, Oxford Studies in Comparative Syntax, Oxford University Press, 91 – 124.

Bassong Paul Roger (2010) The Structure of the left periphery in Basaa, Ms. University of Yandoue, Cameroon.

Biloa Edmond (2012) The Cartography of the Left Periphery in Tuki, Ms., University of Yaounde I, Cameroon.

Biloa Edmond (2013) The syntax of Tuki : a cartographic approach, John Benjamins Publishing Company, Amsterdam.

Frascarelli Mara & Puglielli Annarita (2010) Focus in the Force-Fin System. Information Structure in Cushitic Languages, in Focus Strategies: Evidence from African languages, Aboh E., Hartmann K., Zimmermann M. (eds), Berlin, Mouton de Gruyter.

Hager-Mboua Clarisse (2014) Structure de la phrase en abidji, lange kwa de Côte d’Ivorie, PHD thesis, University of Geneva

Hartmann Katharina & Zimmermann Malte (2012) Focus marking in Bura: semantic uniformity matches syntactic heterogeneity, Natural Language & Linguistic Theory 30: 1061–1108.

Torrence Harold (2012) The clause Structure of Wolof: insights into the left periphery, Amsterdam: John Benjamins.



Badan Linda & Del Gobbo Francesca (2010) On the Syntax of Topic and Focus in Chinese in Benincà P. & Munaro N. (ed.s), Mapping the Left Periphery, The Cartography of Syntactic Structures, Volume 5, Oxford Studies in Comparative Syntax, Oxford University Press, 63 – 90.

Badan Linda & Del Gobbo Francesca (2015) The even-construction and the Low Periphery in Mandarin Chinese in Tsai, W.T.D. (ed.) The Cartography of Chinese Syntax, The Cartography of Syntactic Structures, Volume 11, Oxford Studies in Comparative Syntax, Oxford University Press.

Cheung, Candice Chi-Hang (2015) On the Fine Structure of the Left Periphery: The positions of Topic and Focus in Cantonese in Tsai, W.T.D. (ed.) The Cartography of Chinese Syntax, The Cartography of Syntactic Structures, Volume 11, Oxford Studies in Comparative Syntax, Oxford University Press

Liu Chen-Sheng Luther (2015) The Left Peripheral Renjia and Layers of CP in Chinese in Tsai, W.T.D. (ed.) The Cartography of Chinese Syntax, The Cartography of Syntactic Structures, Volume 11, Oxford Studies in Comparative Syntax, Oxford University Press

Paul Waltraud (2005) Low IP area and left periphery in Mandarin Chinese, Reserches linguistique de Vincennes 33.

Tang Sze-Wing (2014) Cartographic Syntax of Pragmatic Projections in Li A.,Simpson A. &  Tsai W.T.D (ed.s) Chinese Syntax in a Cross-linguistic Perspective.

Tang Sze-Wing (2015) Adjunct Wh-Words in Left Periphery in Tsai, W.T.D. (ed.) The Cartography of Chinese Syntax, The Cartography of Syntactic Structures, Volume 11, Oxford Studies in Comparative Syntax, Oxford University Press.

Tsai Wei-Tien Dylan (2015) On the Topography of Chinese Modals in Shlonsky U. (ed.) Beyond Functional Sequence, The Cartography of Syntactic Structures, Volume 10, Oxford Studies in Comparative Syntax, Oxford University Press, 275 – 294.

Tsai Wei-Tien Dylan (2015) A Tale of Two Peripheries: Evidence from Chinese Adverbials, Light Verbs, Applicatives and Object Fronting in Tsai, W.T.D. (ed.) The Cartography of Chinese Syntax, The Cartography of Syntactic Structures, Volume 11, Oxford Studies in Comparative Syntax, Oxford University Press.

Wu Hsiao-Hung Iris (2015) The Fine structure of Spatial PPs in Mandarin Chinese in Tsai, W.T.D. (ed.) The Cartography of Chinese Syntax, The Cartography of Syntactic Structures, Volume 11, Oxford Studies in Comparative Syntax, Oxford University Press.

Yang Chung-Yu Barry (2015) Locating Wh-Intervention Effects at CP in Tsai, W.T.D. (ed.) The Cartography of Chinese Syntax, The Cartography of Syntactic Structures, Volume 11, Oxford Studies in Comparative Syntax, Oxford University Press.



Jayaseelan Karattuparambil (2008) Topic, Focus and Adverb Positions in Clause Structure, Nanzan Linguistics, 4: 43 – 68.



Endo Yoshio (2007) Locality and Information Structure – A Cartographic Approach to Japanese, Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Endo Yoshio & Wiland Bartosz (2014) The Symmetric Syntax of Japanese Complex Verbs and Slavic Prefixes in Cardinaletti A., Cinque G. & Endo Y. (ed.s) On Peripheries: Exploring Clause Initial and Clause Final Positions, Hituzi Syobo Publishing, Tokyo.

Saito Mamoru (2012) Sentence type and the Japanese right periphery, in Zimmermann E. & Grewendorf G. (ed.s) Ten years after Studies in Generative Grammar 112, De Gruyter.

Saito Mamoru (2015) Cartography and Selection: Case Studies in Japanese in Shlonsky U. (ed.) Beyond Functional Sequence, The Cartography of Syntactic Structures, Volume 10, Oxford Studies in Comparative Syntax, Oxford University Press, 255 – 274.

Sato Hiromi (2014) Modals, Attitudes, and Different Positions for Complementizers in Japanese in Cardinaletti A., Cinque G. & Endo Y. (ed.s)  On Peripheries: Exploring Clause Initial and Clause Final Positions, Hituzi Syobo Publishing, Tokyo.



Cinque, Guglielmo (2002) A Note on Mood, Modality, Tense and Aspect Affixes in Turkish in Eser Erguvanli Taylan (ed.), The Verb in Turkish, Amsterdam, John Benjamins, 47 – 59.

Kornlift Jaklin (2012) Revisiting “Suspended Affixation” and Other Coordinate Mysteries in Brugé L., Cardinaletti A., Giusti G., Munaro N. & Poletto C. (ed.s), Functional heads, The Cartography of Syntactic Structures, Volume 7, Oxford Studies in Comparative Syntax, Oxford University Press, 181 – 196.



Cinque Guglielmo (2003) Greenberg's Universal 20 and the Semitic DP in Delsing Lars-Olof, Falk Cecilia, Josefsson Gunglg, Sigurdsoon Halldo A., (ed.s) Grammatik I focus / Grammar in Focus. Festschrift for Christer Platzack 18 November 2003, Vol II, LUND, Wallin & Dalholm, 243 – 251

Shlonsky Ur (2000) Remarks on the Complementizer Layer of Standard Arabic in Lecarme, Jacqueline, Jean Lowenstamm and Ur Shlonsky (eds.), Research in Afroasiatic Grammar: Papers from the Third conference on Afroasiatic Languages, Sophia Antipolis, 1996. 2000. vi, 325 – 343.

Shlonsky Ur (2004) The form of Semitic nominals, Lingua 114.12, 1465 – 1526.

Shlonsky Ur (2009) Hebrew as a partial null-subject language. Studia Linguistica 63.1, 133 – 157.

Shlonsky Ur (2012) On some properties of nominals in Hebrew and Arabic, the construct state and the mechanisms of AGREE and MOVE. Italian Journal of Linguistics. 24.2, 267 – 286.

Shlonsky Ur (2014) Referential third person null subjects in Hebrew. Brill's Annual of Afroasiatic Languages and Linguistics. 6, 27 – 44.

Shlonsky Ur (2014) Topicalization and focalization: A preliminary exploration of the Hebrew left periphery. In Cardinaletti A., Cinque G. & Endo Y. (ed.s), Peripheries: Clause-initial and clause-final positions, Tokyo: Hitsuzi Synobo, 327 – 341.

Shlonsky Ur (2015) A note on Berber states, labeling and VSO order. In Bendjabllah, S., Faust, N., Lahrouchi, M & Lampitelli, N. The Form of Structure, the Structure of Form, Amsterdam, John Benjamins, 349 – 360.




Giusti Giuliana (2012), Enclitic and proclitic articles in Albanian , Theoretical and Empirical Studies in Albanian Syntax - Studime teorike dhe empirike nè fushèn e sintaksès sè shqipes, Monaco di Baviera, LINCOM EUROPA, vol. LSIEL 39, pp. 55-7vegno: XXVIIe Congrès international de linguistique et de philologie romanes, 15-20 juillet 2013.


Roussou Anna (2000) On the Left Periphery: Modal Particles and Complementisers, Journal of Greek Linguistics 1: 65 – 94.

Stavrou Melita (2012) Postnominal Adjectives in Greek Indefi nite Noun Phrases in Brugé L., Cardinaletti A., Giusti G., Munaro N. & Poletto C. (ed.s), Functional heads, The Cartography of Syntactic Structures, Volume 7, Oxford Studies in Comparative Syntax, Oxford University Press, 379 – 394.

Terzi Arhonto (2010) Locative Prepositions and Place in Cinque G. & Rizzi L. (ed.s) Mapping Spatial PPs, The Cartography of Syntactic Structures, Volume 6, Oxford Studies in Comparative Syntax, Oxford University Press, 196 – 224.


Caha Pavel (2015) Czech Numerals and No Bundling in Shlonsky U. (ed.) Beyond Functional Sequence, The Cartography of Syntactic Structures, Volume 10, Oxford Studies in Comparative Syntax, Oxford University Press, 173 – 198.

Cinque, Guglielmo (2008) On the Order of wh-Phrases in Bulgarian Multiple wh-Fronting in, Zybatov G., Szucsich L., Junghanns U. & Meyer R. (ed.s.) Formal Description of Slavic Languages: The Fifth Conference, Frankfurt am Main, Peter Lang, 318 – 336.

Cinque Guglielmo & Krapova Iliana  (2005) Two Asymmetries between Clitic Left and Clitic Right Dislocation in Bulgarian in Broekhuis H, Corver N., Huybregts R., Kleinhenz U,& Koster J. (ed.s) Organizing Grammar. Linguistic Studies in Honor of Henk van Riemsdijk, Berlin, Mouton De Gruyter, 359 – 364.

Cinque Guglielmo & Krapova  Iliana (2007) A Note on Bulgarian Numeral Classifiers in Alboiu G., Avram A.A., Avram L. & Isac D., Pitar Moş – A Building with a View. Papers in Honour of Alexandra Cornilescu., Bucarest, Editura Universităţii din Bucureşti, 45 – 52.

Cinque Guglielmo & Krapova Iliana (2009) The Two "Possessor Raising" Constructions of Bulgarian in Franks S., Chidambaram V. & Joseph B.,  A Linguist's Linguist. Studies in South Slavic Linguistics in Honor of E. Wayles Browne, Bloomington, Indiana, Slavica Publishers, 123 – 148.

Garzonio Jacopo (2005) Struttura informazionale e soggetti nulli in russo – Un approccio cartografico. Ph.D Dissertation, University of Padua.

Krapova Iliana & Cinque Guglielmo (2008) Clitic reduplication constructions in Bulgarian in  Kallulli D. & Tasmowki (ed.s) Clitic Doubling in the Balkan Languages, AMSTERDAM, John Benjamins Publishing Company, 257 – 287.

Krapova Iliana & Cinque Guglielmo (2008) On the Order of wh-Phrases in Bulgarian Multiple wh-Fronting in Zybatow G., Szucsich L., Junghanns U. & Meyer R. (ed.s) Formal Description of Slavic Languages: The Fifth Conference, Leipzig 2003, Frankfurt am Mein, Peter Lang, 318 – 336.

Krapova Iliana & Cinque Guglielmo (2013) The Case for Genitive Case in Bulgarian, The Nominal Structure in Slavic and Beyond, Berlin, Mouton de Gruyter, 237 – 274.

Sturgeon Anne (2008) The Left Periphery: The interaction of syntax, pragmatics and prosody in Czech, John Benjamins Publishing Company.


Holmberg Anders (2014) The Syntax of the Finnish Question Particle  in Svenonius P. (ed.) Functional Structure from Top to Toe, The Cartography of Syntactic Structures, Volume 9, Oxford Studies in Comparative Syntax, Oxford University Press.

Lipták Anikó (2010) The Structure of the Topic Field in Hungarian in Benincà P. & Munaro N. (ed.s), Mapping the Left Periphery, The Cartography of Syntactic Structures, Volume 5, Oxford Studies in Comparative Syntax, Oxford University Press, 163 – 200.

Puskás Genoveva, (2000) Wordorder in Hungarian: The syntax of A’-positions, Amsterdam, John Benjamins



Belletti A. (2006) Extending Doubling to Non-local Domains: Complete vs. Partial Copying + Deletion and Related Reconstructions Issues, in Brandt P., Fuss E., (eds), Form, Structure and Grammar: A festschrift Presentend to Günther Grewendorf on Occasion for his 60th Birthday, Akademie Verlag.

Belletti Adriana (2015) The Focus Map of Clefts: Extraposition and Predication in Shlonsky U. (ed.) Beyond Functional Sequence, The Cartography of Syntactic Structures, Volume 10, Oxford Studies in Comparative Syntax, Oxford University Press, 42 – 59.

Benincà Paola & Poletto Cecilia (2004) Topic, Focus, and V2: Defining the CP Sublayers in Rizzi L. (ed.) The Structure of CP and IP, The Cartography of Syntactic Structures, Volume 2, Oxford Studies in Comparative Syntax, Oxford University Press, 52 – 75.

Benincà Paola & Poletto Cecilia (2005) On some descriptive generalizations in Romance in Cinque G. & Kayne (ed.s.) The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Grammar, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 221 – 258.

Bianchi Valentina, Bocci Giuliano & Cruschina Silvio (to appear) ‘Focus fronting, unexpectedness, and the evaluative dimension’. Semantics and Pragmatics.

Bianchi Valentina, Bocci Giuliano & Cruschina Silvio (to appear) Focus and its implicatures. in Aboh E., Hulk A., Schaeffer J. & Sleeman P. (ed.s) Romance Languages and Linguistic Theory: selected papers from Going Romance 2013, Amsterdam, John Benjamins.

Cardinaletti Anna (2007), Subjects and wh-questions: Some new generalizations, Romance Linguistics 2006: Selected papers from the 36th Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages (LSRL), New Brunswick, March-April 2006 Edited by José Camacho, Nydia Flores-Ferrán, Liliana Sánchez, Viviane Déprez and María José Cabrera, 57 – 79.

Cinque, Guglielmo (2003) The Interaction of Passive, Causative, and "Restructuring" in Romance in Tortora, Christina (ed.) The Syntax of Italian Dialects, New York, Oxford University Press

Cruschina Silvio (2015). The expression of evidentiality and epistemicity: Cases of grammaticalization in Italian and Sicilian, Probus 27, 1 – 31.

Garzonio Jacopo & Poletto Cecilia (2015) On polarity particles in Italian varieties , Discourse-oriented Syntax in LINGUISTIK AKTUELL, Amsterdam, John Benjamins, vol. 226, 211 – 228.

Manzini M.Rita (2014) The Romance k- Complementizers in Svenonius P. (ed.) Functional Structure from Top to Toe, The Cartography of Syntactic Structures, Volume 9, Oxford Studies in Comparative Syntax, Oxford University Press.

Poletto Cecilia & Pollock Jean-Yves (2009), Another look at wh-questions in Romance: the case of medrisiotto and its consequences for the analysis of French wh-in-situ and embedded interrogatives in Wentzel L. (ed.) Romance Languages and Linguistic Theory 2006: Selected papers from ‘Going Romance’, Amsterdam, 7–9 December 2006, Amsterdam, John Benjamins, vol. 1.



Authier Jean-Marc & Haegeman Liliane (2015) French adverbial clauses: rescue by ellipsis and the truncation vs. intervention debate, Probus 27(1), 33 – 71.

Berthelot Frédérique (to appear) Plaidoyer pour les complémenteurs, Nouveaux cahiers de linguistique française 32.

Cinque Guglielmo (2002) A Note on "”Restructuring"” and Quantifier Climbing in French in Linguistic Inquiry, vol. 33, pp. 617 – 636.

Kayne Richard S. & Pollock Jean-Yves (2012) Toward an Analysis of French Hyper-Complex Inversion in Brugé L., Cardinaletti A., Giusti G., Munaro N. & Poletto C. (ed.s), Functional heads, The Cartography of Syntactic Structures, Volume 7, Oxford Studies in Comparative Syntax, Oxford University Press, 150 – 167.

Koopman Hilda & Sportiche Dominique (2014) The que/qui Alternation in Svenonius P. (ed.) Functional Structure from Top to Toe, The Cartography of Syntactic Structures, Volume 9, Oxford Studies in Comparative Syntax, Oxford University Press.

Lahousse Karen (2015) A case of focal adverb preposing in French in Di Domenica Elisa, Cornelia Hamann & Simona Matteini (eds.) Structures, Strategies and Beyond: Studies in honour of Adriana Belletti, John Benjamins.

Poletto Cecilia & Bocci Giuliano (2015) Syntactic and prosodic effects of Information Structure in Romance in Féry C. & Ishihara S. (eds.s) Handbook of Information Structure, New York, Oxford University Press.

Radford Andrew & Vincent Michèle (2012) On the Feature Composition of Participial Light Verbs in French in Brugé L., Cardinaletti A., Giusti G., Munaro N. & Poletto C. (ed.s), Functional heads, The Cartography of Syntactic Structures, Volume 7, Oxford Studies in Comparative Syntax, Oxford University Press, 208 – 219.

Shlonsky Ur (2012) Notes on wh in situ in French. in Brugé L., Cardinaletti A., Giusti G., Munaro N. & Poletto C. (ed.s), Functional heads, The Cartography of Syntactic Structures, Volume 7, Oxford Studies in Comparative Syntax, Oxford University Press, 242 – 252.

Sportiche Dominique(2012) Re Re Again: What French re Shows about VP Structures, have and be Raising,and the Syntax/Phonology Interface in Brugé L., Cardinaletti A., Giusti G., Munaro N. & Poletto C. (ed.s), Functional heads, The Cartography of Syntactic Structures, Volume 7, Oxford Studies in Comparative Syntax, Oxford University Press, 253 – 262.




Belletti Adriana (2004) Aspects of the Low IP Area in Rizzi L. (ed.) The Structure of CP and IP, The Cartography of Syntactic Structures, Volume 2, Oxford Studies in Comparative Syntax, Oxford University Press, 16 – 51.

Belletti Adriana & Rizzi Luigi (2012) Moving Verbal Chunks in the Low Functional Field in Brugé L., Cardinaletti A., Giusti G., Munaro N. & Poletto C. (ed.s), Functional heads, The Cartography of Syntactic Structures, Volume 7, Oxford Studies in Comparative Syntax, Oxford University Press, 129 – 137.

Benincà Paola (2001) Syntactic Focus and Intonational Focus in the Left Periphery, in Cinque G., Salvi G. (ed.s), Current Studies in Italian Linguistics Offered to Lorenzo Renzi, Dordrecht, Foris.

Bianchi Valentina (2013) On focus movement in Italian. In Camacho-Taboada M.V., Jiménez Fernández A., Martín-Gonzáles J., Reyes-Tejedor M.(ed.s.), Information Structure and Agreement. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins.

Bianchi Valentina & Bocci Giuliano (2011) Should I stay or should I go? Optional focus movement in Italian, in Piñón C. (ed.), Empirical Issues in Syntax and Semantics 9, 1–18.

Bocci Giuliano (2013) The syntax-prosody interface from a cartographic perspective: evidence from Italian, John Benjamins, Amsterdam / Philadelphia.

Bocci Giuliano & Avesani Cinzia (2015) Can the Metrical Structure of Italian Motivate Focus Fronting? in Shlonsky U. (ed.) Beyond Functional Sequence, The Cartography of Syntactic Structures, Volume 10, Oxford Studies in Comparative Syntax, Oxford University Press, 23 – 41.

Bocci Giuliano & Pozzan Lucia (2014) Questions (and experimental answers) about Italian subjects. Subject positions in main and indirect question in L1 and attrition, in Contemori C. & Dal Pozzo L. (ed.s) Inquiries into Linguistic Theory and Language Acquisition. Papers offered to Adriana Belletti, Siena, CISCL Press.

Cardinaletti Anna (2001), A second thought on Emarginazione: Destressing vs. “Right Dislocation” in Cinque G. & Salvi G., Current Studies in Italian Syntax. Essays Offered to Lorenzo Renzi, Amsterdam, Elsevier, 117 – 135.

Cardinaletti Anna & Shlonsky Ur (2004) Clitic positions and restructuring in Italian in Linguistic Inquiry, vol. 35.4, 519 – 557.

Cecchetto Carlo, Donati Caterina (2012) Perché Rizzi is Right, in Enjoy linguistics! Papers offered to Luigi Rizzi in the occasion of his 60th birthday, Siena, CISCL Publications

Cinque, Guglielmo (2014) Extraction from DP in Italian revisited, Locality, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 86 – 103.

Cruschina Silvio (2010) Syntactic Extraposition and Clitic Resumption in Italian. Lingua 120 (1), 50 – 73.  

Frascarelli Mara (2000) The Syntax-Phonology Interface in Focus and Topic Constructions in Italian, Dordrecht, Kluwer.

Garzonio Jacopo & Poletto Cecilia (2014) The negative marker that escaped the cycle. Some notes on 'manco', Inquiries into Linguistic Theory and Language Acquisition. Papers offered to Adriana Belletti, Siena, CISCL Publications, 182 – 197.

Giorgi Alessandra (2009), Toward a syntax of the subjunctive mood in LINGUA, vol. 119, pp. 1837 – 1858.

Giorgi Alessandra (2012) The Theory of Syntax and the Representation of Indexicality in Brugé L., Cardinaletti A., Giusti G., Munaro N. & Poletto C. (ed.s), Functional heads, The Cartography of Syntactic Structures, Volume 7, Oxford Studies in Comparative Syntax, Oxford University Press, 42 – 54.

Giorgi Alessandra & Pianesi Fabio (2004) Complementizer Deletion in Italian in Rizzi L. (ed.) The Structure of CP and IP, The Cartography of Syntactic Structures, Volume 2, Oxford Studies in Comparative Syntax, Oxford University Press, 190 – 210.

Haegeman Liliane (2010) Evidential Mood, Restructuring, and the Distribution of Functional Sembrare in Benincà P. & Munaro N. (ed.s), Mapping the Left Periphery, The Cartography of Syntactic Structures, Volume 5, Oxford Studies in Comparative Syntax, Oxford University Press, 297 – 326.

Munaro Nicola (2010) Toward a Hierarchy of Clause Types in Benincà P. & Munaro N. (ed.s), Mapping the Left Periphery, The Cartography of Syntactic Structures, Volume 5, Oxford Studies in Comparative Syntax, Oxford University Press, 125 – 162.

Munaro Nicola, Poletto Cecilia & Pollock Jean-Yves (2003), Eppur si muove: On comparing French, Portuguese and Bellunese wh-movement in J. Rooryck, P. Pica, Linguistic Variation Yearbook, Amsterdam, John Banjamins, vol. 1, 147 – 180.

Rizzi Luigi (1997) The Fine Structure of the Left Periphery, in Haegeman L. (ed.), Elements of Grammar, Dordecht, Kluwer, 281 – 337.

Rizzi Luigi (2001) On the Position 'Int(errogative)' in the Left Periphery of the Clause, in Cinque G., Salvi G.P. (eds) Current Studies in Italian Syntax: Essays offered to Lorenzo Renzi, Amsterdam, North Holland, 287 – 296.

Rizzi Luigi (2004) Locality and Left Periphery in Belletti A. (ed.), Structures and Beyond, The Cartography of Syntactic Structures, Volume 3, Oxford Studies in Comparative Syntax, Oxford University Press, 3 – 15.

Rizzi Luigi (2004) On the Cartography of Syntactic Structures, in Rizzi L. (ed.) The Structure of CP and IP, The Cartography of Syntactic Structures, Volume 2, Oxford Studies in Comparative Syntax, Oxford University Press, 223 – 251.

Rizzi Luigi (2006) Selective Residual V-2 in Italian Brandt Patrick & Eric Fuß, Form Structure and Meaning: A Festschrift presented to Günther Grewendorf on Occasion of His 60th Birthday Studia Grammatica 63, De Gruyter.

Rizzi Luigi & Bocci Giuliano.(to appear) The left periphery of the clause, in Everaert M. et van Riemsdijk H. (ed.s), The Companion to Syntax, 2nd edition. Oxford: Blackwell.

Servidio Emilio (2012) Polarity particles in Italian fragment answers in Enjoy linguistics! Papers offered to Luigi Rizzi in the occasion of his 60th birthday, Siena, CISCL Publications.



Campos Polli, Tércio (2008) A periferia à Esquerda da Sentença no Português Brasileiro : Funções Discursivas de seus Constituintes e sua Derivação, PhD thesis, University of São Paolo.

Figueiredo Silva Maria Cristina (2012) A note on the prosody of focalized structures in Brazilian Portuguese in Enjoy linguistics! Papers offered to Luigi Rizzi in the occasion of his 60th birthday, Siena, CISCL Publications.

Mioto Carlos (1999) A periferia esquerda no português brasileiro. Ms., Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, University of Siena.

Rouveret Alain (2012) Hallmarks of Portuguese Syntaxin Brugé L., Cardinaletti A., Giusti G., Munaro N. & Poletto C. (ed.s), Functional heads, The Cartography of Syntactic Structures, Volume 7, Oxford Studies in Comparative Syntax, Oxford University Press, 232 – 241.



Cinque, Guglielmo (2004) A Phrasal Movement Analysis of the Romanian DP in Minut Ana-Maria & Munteanu Eugen (ed.s) Studia Linguistica et Philologica in honorem D.Irimia, IAŞI, Editura Universităţii “A.I.Cuza”, 129 – 142.

Cornilescu Alexandra, (2004) Direct Object movement and the Structure of the Romanian Left Periphery, in Coene M., de Cuyper G. & D’Hulst Y. (ed.s) Antwerp Papers in Linguistics (APiL) 7: Current Studies in Comparative Romance Linguistics.

Giusti Giuliana (2005) At the left periphery of the Romanian Noun Phrase , On Space and Time in Language, CLUJ, Clujum, September 2004

Haegeman Liliane & Hill Virginia  (2013) Syntax and its limits, In Oxford Studies in Theoretical Linguistics 370 – 390.

Soare Gabriela (2009) The syntax-information structure interface: A comparative view from Romanian. Ph.D. dissertation, Université de Genève.



Brugè Laura (2002) The Positions of Demonstratives in the Extended Nominal Projection in Cinque G. (ed,), Functional Structure in DP and IP: The Cartography of Syntactic Structures, Volume 1, Oxford Studies in Comparative Syntax, Oxford University Press, 15 – 53.

Demonte Violeta & Olga Fernández-Soriano (2009) Force and finiteness in the Spanish complementizer system, Probus 21, de Gruyter, 23 – 49.

Hernanz M. Luïsa  (2010) Assertive Bien in Spanish and the Left Periphery in Benincà P. & Munaro N. (ed.s), Mapping the Left Periphery, The Cartography of Syntactic Structures, Volume 5, Oxford Studies in Comparative Syntax, Oxford University Press, 19 – 62.

Villa-García, Julio (2012) Recomplementation and locality of movement in Spanish, Probus 24(2), de Gruyter, 257 – 314.

Zubizzaretta Maria Luisa (2012) A Note on the Spanish Left Periphery in Brugé L., Cardinaletti A., Giusti G., Munaro N. & Poletto C. (ed.s), Functional heads, The Cartography of Syntactic Structures, Volume 7, Oxford Studies in Comparative Syntax, Oxford University Press, 112 – 125.


Romance Dialectology

Benincà Paola & Poletto Cecilia (2006), Phrasal Verbs in Venetan and Regional Italian, Language Variation – European Perspectives, Amsterdam, John Benjamins Publishing Co., 9 – 23.

Cardinaletti Anna & Giusti Giuliana (2015) Cartography and Optional Feature Realization in the Nominal Expression in Shlonsky U. (ed.) Beyond Functional Sequence, The Cartography of Syntactic Structures, Volume 10, Oxford Studies in Comparative Syntax, Oxford University Press, 151 – 172.

Cardinaletti Anna & Reletti Lori (2012) Proclitic vs enclitic pronouns in northern Italian dialects and the null-subject parameter in D’Alessandro R., Ledgeway A. & Roberts I (ed.s) The dialects of Italy, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.

Cocchi Gloria & Poletto C. (2003) Complementizer deletion in Florentine: the interaction between merge and move in C. Beyssade et al, Romance languages and Linguistic Theory 2000, Amsterdam, John Benjamins, vol. 232, 57 – 76.

Cruschina Silvio (2006). Informational focus in Sicilian and the left periphery, In Frascarelli M. (ed.) Phases of Interpretation, Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 363 – 385.

Cruschina Silvio (2010). Fronting as focalization in Sicilian, in D’Alessandro, Ledgeway A. & Roberts I. (ed.s) Syntactic Variation: The Dialects of Italy, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 247 – 260.

D’Alessandro Roberta & Ledgeway Adam (2012) The Abruzzese T-v system: feature spreading and the double auxiliary construction in D’Alessandro R., Ledgeway A. & Roberts I (ed.s) The dialects of Italy, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.

Damonte Federico (2010) Matching Moods: Mood Concord between CP and IP in Salentino and Southern Calabrian Subjunctive Complements in Benincà P. & Munaro N. (ed.s), Mapping the Left Periphery, The Cartography of Syntactic Structures, Volume 5, Oxford Studies in Comparative Syntax, Oxford University Press.

Di Domenico Elisa (2012) Focus and focus positions: The case of Perugino in Enjoy linguistics! Papers offered to Luigi Rizzi in the occasion of his 60th birthday, Siena, CISCL Publications.

Garzonio Jacopo & Poletto Cecilia (2013) Sulla posizione degli avverbi nella struttura frasale in alcune varietà delle Marche in Quaderni di lavoro ASIT, vol. 15, 23 – 43.

Garzonio Jacopo & Poletto Cecilia (2015) When low adverbs are high: On adverb movement in Abruzzese , Charting the landscape of linguistics. On the scope of Josef Bayer’s work, Costanza, Universität Konstanz, 47 – 59.

Ledgeway Adam (2009) Grammatica diacronica del napoletano, Max Niedermayer Verlag, Tübingen.

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Germanic dialectology

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