

AMPhi is a research group dedicated to ancient and medieval philosophy. It owes its emergence to the encounter of four specialists working in the history of philosophy at the University of Geneva: Paolo Crivelli and Katerina Ierodiakonou for classical, Hellenistic, and Byzantine philosophy; Laurent Cesalli and Olga Lizzini for medieval Latin, Arabic, and Jewish philosophy.

The aim of AMPhi consists in the study of core issues of theoretical philosophy within the framework of these traditions. The envisaged cooperation will combine historical (translatio studiorum), philological (critical editions and translations), and philosophical approaches (analyses of doctrines).

AMPhi est un groupe de recherche en philosophie ancienne et médiévale né de la configuration unique que présente l’étude de l’histoire de la philosophie à Genève—en effet, le département de philosophie réunit quatre spécialistes de philosophie antique et médiévale, chacun d’eux s’intéressant à des traditions différentes: Paolo Crivelli et Katerina Ierodiakonou pour la philosophie classique, hellénistique et byzantine ; Laurent Cesalli et Olga Lizzini pour la philosophie médiévale, latine, arabe et hébraïque.

L’objectif d’AMPhi est l’étude des questions centrales de philosophie théorique dans ces différentes traditions. Les travaux envisagés seront d’ordre à la fois historique (translatio studiorum), philologiques (éditions et traductions), et philosophiques (analyse des doctrines).


Forthcoming activities:

- Workshop : la philosophie médiévale du langage. Organisation:Parwana Emamzadah et Claudia Appoloni, 13 décembre 2024, Genève.

Past activities:

SYMPOSIUM ARISTOTELICUM. Metaphysics Γ, July 22-28, 2024, Fondation Hardt, Vandœuvres (GE).

- Treizième journées d'études internationales des JCM, Le temps recouvré. Mémoires, réminiscences et résurgences au Moyen Âge, 7-8 mars 2024, Genève, Les Délices, coorganisé avec la CUSO. Poster JCM

- La noétique d'Aristote (De Anima III.4, III.5) et de ses commentateurs (grecs, arabes, latins), 29-30 septembre 2023, Anthropole 2102, Université de Lausanne. Co-organisé avec la CUSO. Poster.

Theophrastus, De sensibus: Loci Desperati, May 12-13, 2023, Fondation Hardt, Ch. Vert 22, Vandœuvres (GE). Poster.

Argumentation Theories: Latin Aristotelian Tradition, 13th-14th Centuries (Analytica priora, Sophistici elenchi, Sophismata), May 4-6, 2023, Les Granges (VS). Poster.

SYMPOSIUM HELLENISTICUM. The Philosophy of Chrysippus, July 11-14, 2022, Fondation Hardt, Ch. Vert 22, Vandœuvres (GE).

Der alte und der neue Überweg. Zum 150. Todestag von Friedrich Überweg, September 21-23, 2022, Der Bergischen Universität Wuppertal, Gebäude K, Senatsaal, Raum K11.07. Geneva. Co-organised with Der Bergischen Universität Wuppertal. Programme.

Relations. Medieval and Austro-German Perspectives, June 2-4, 2022, Les Philosophes (Room Phil 211), Bd des Philosophes 22, Geneva. Co-organised with GAP and Inbegriff. Poster & Programme.

Autour du De anima d'Aristote, May 12, 2022, UniBastions (B105). Poster.

Aristotle's De anima II-III, May 5-7, 2022, rue De-Candolle 2, Landolt 5e étage. Graduate workshop co-organised with CUSO.

Beyond Vision, April 29-30, 2022, Fondation Hardt, Ch. Vert 22, Vandœuvres (GE). Poster.

A Historical Turn. Sources and Their Uses in Austro-German Philosophy, December 2-4, 2021. Co-organised with Inbegriff. Poster.

Induction and Experience in the Aristotelian Tradition, November 5-6, 2021, Fondation Hardt, Ch. Vert 22, Vandœuvres (GE). Poster.

Philosophy of Mind and Semantics in Peter Abelard and His Contemporaries, June 16-17, 2021, on Zoom.

Universals. Austrian and Medieval Perspectives, May 6-8, 2021, on Zoom. Co-organised with Inbegriff. Poster & Programme.

Memory and Recollection in Ancient Theories of Cognition, November 26-28, 2020, Fondation Hardt, Ch. Vert 22, Vandœuvres (GE). Poster.

Mental Being and Intentionality. On What There Was : Conceptions of Beings 500 - 1650, March 6-7, 2020, Espace Colladon, Rue Jean-Daniel-Colladon 2, Geneva: Programme.

Being, Truth, and Contradiction. Logic and Ontology in Aristotle and His Medieval Commentators: Doctoral School in Ancient & Medieval Philosophy, November 14-16, 2019, Crêt-Bérard (Lausanne): Programme.

Kinds in Philosophy and Its History, Fourth Lake Geneva Graduate Conference, 31 October 2019, Carouge (GE). Webpage.

L'analogie chez Aristote, March 7-9, 2019, IPC Paris. Poster.

Soul and Nature in Plato's Timaeus, Third International AMPhi-GRAMATA Workshop in Ancient Philosophy, December 7-8, 2018, Geneva. Webpage.

The Philosophy of Radulphus Brito, June 4-7, 2018, Geneva.

Logical Texts from the Time of Peter Abelard. A Workshop, May 26, 2018, Fondation Hardt, Vandoeuvres (GE). Poster and programme.

Eventus in the Semantics and Metaphysics of Peter Abelard, May 24-26, 2018, Fondation Hardt, Vandœuvres (GE). Poster and programme.

Sémantique et psychologie dans la philosophie médiévale arabe et latine, November 23-25, 2017, Geneva.

Savoir et Démonstration: Atelier international sur les Seconds Analytiques d'Aristote November 23-25, 2017, Paris.

Workshop on Radulphus Brito II : L'édition des Opera Philosophica de Radulphus Brito, May 18-19, 2017, Geneva.

Ontological Commitment in Medieval Logic. Winter School & Conference
December 13-17, 2016, Geneva.

Theories of Language and Meaning in Ancient Philosophy
October 20-21, 2016, Fondation Hardt, Geneva (Vandœuvres). Poster and programme.

Grounding in Ancient and Medieval Philosophy
July 7-8, 2016, Genève. Programme.

Workshop on Radulphus Brito, I
May 27, 2016, Fondation Hardt, Geneva

– Esprit, Signification, et Métaphysique dans la Philosophie Antique et Médiévale
Colloque inaugural AMPhi, 25-26 mai 2016, Fondation Hardt, Genève. Programme.

Research projects

Realisms: Universals, Relations, and States of Affairs in the Austro-German and Medieval Traditions (FNS)

Filling the Gap: Medieval Aristotelian Logic 1240-1360 (UGOT)

Philosophy in the Islamic World During the 'Post-classical Period' (13th-18th Centuries) (FNS)

La logique des modistes (FNS)

On What There Was

Sophismata: sémantique formelle et langage naturel au XIIIe siècle (FNS)

Ce que disent les propositions: dictum et eventus chez Abélard (FNS)

– Division and Classification in Plato and Aristotle (FNS)

Theories of Cognition in the Aristotelian Commentators (FNS)

–  Grundriss der Geschichte der Philosophie. (Wikipédia)


Reading group:

De anima I, University of Geneva, 16h-18h, March 2, 3, 23, April 6-7, May 11-12, 2016.



Dafni Argyri

Laurent Cesalli

Paolo Crivelli

Enrico Donato

Parwana Emamzadah

Alexander Eniline

Leone Gazziero

Nadja Germann

Frédéric Goubier

Katerina Ierodiakonou

Rami Kais

Alvise Lagnerini

Hélène Leblanc

Olga Lizzini

Paolo Natali

François Nolle

Maria Fiorella Privitera

Eduardo Saldaña Piovanetti

Clarisse Reynard

Annamaria Schiaparelli

Caterina Tarlazzi

Máté Veres

Federico Viri